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Posts posted by Yohbilleh

  1. Alright.. i see some guy going hello youtube!! so he is making a youtube video. I run up behind him and say




    I have you now!


    Fear my leet skills!


    Fear my leet skills!






    Yeah im muted.. So he starts walking.. then stops, possibly to report me..




    I mean, that isn't spamming.. is it? I am so close to getting a ban (~13 black marks) and if he did report me, it may get through and i may get banned.. but is that spamming?

  2. Alright, so im getting void range. and I did some calculations. With Full void range and all my other ranging stuff, my range bonus is +115. With VK ranges bonus it makes it +127, but with Black dhide and barrow gloves i can get to +181 which is wayy more accuracy. Is Vk really that much better?

  3. I was permanently muted for 2 years because my friend went on my account and said some stuff.. after the summoning release, I got a chance to appeal and I got unmuted, yay. Since then and a few weeks ago, when i got permanently muted AGAIN, I got temp muted about 3 or so times, so basically, I am doomed to be a mute and use quick chat.




    Being in world 160 is amazing for me, it's like a mute being home, and being able to talk without the hassle of right clicking etc. Basically this is a world FOR mutes, which is like <33333333333333333333333333. Sure, my friends get angry when they feel like they're being a mute trying to talk to me..






    Come and meet me on my world.


    Come and meet me on my world.


    Come and meet me on my world.


    Come and meet me on my world.










    *Turns private chat off*




    but that doesn't really matter to me, I only have a few friends that I would actually want to talk to me. There is jdm365, which is probably the only one that I would hop worlds so he could talk to me. There is kandyman45, my irl friend.. So runescape isnt the only option to talk to him, and there is my clan mates, which I can easily talk to on irc.




    Using quick chat for a long time, you start to learn about new techniques to reply to people, which makes it easier for them to actually understand when the thing you want to say isnt in the Quick Chat database.




    There are only a few bad things with quick chat and the world.


    - You cant send a non qc private message to someone in world 160


    - You cant say numbers.




    Before the world came out, you could say numbers with the slayer task option, here is an example.




    Friend: hey, whats your slayer exp to level?


    Me: I have to slay: 167000 ankou




    Meaning, 167k exp to level. They usually got this, but if they didn't, oh well, they have to look me up. ;) After the world got released, they took away that option, now if my friends are like, how much does 60-70 herb cost? I have to reply ''I don't know." Even though I do.




    The reason i think you can't use numbers with quick chat is purely to spite muted players. If you aren't muted, you can easily say numbers without using quick chat, so JaGeX thought, this would only give an advantage to muted players, and we've given them enough, so they don't deserve to use numbers. I don't mind though, we have gotten enough.




    One of the best things about being muted is there is a heap of a less chance of getting black marks, I've played for 3 years being muted, 4 months being not. In those 4 months I got 13 black marks, and I didn't even say anything bad on purpose, most of the things just slipped out. The 3 years i didn't even get close to getting a black mark, and now, we can speak, and the only way of getting black marks now when you are muted is spamming the quick chat, and that's pretty easy to not do.




    - Tomg12345, destined mute.

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