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Posts posted by RU_Insane

  1. The explorer's ring is more effective than a glory teleport when traveling to Port Sarim.




    http://img392.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... rimpc8.jpg




    I spent a few minutes making a picture for you guys. Hope the link works!




    However, the explorer ring has only three charges, and cannot be recharged more than once per day.








    ps. Please move to a correct forum, if this is not the right one!


    Lmfao. Get your facts straight, dude. -.-




    But the Cabbage Patch Teleport has definitely answered my prayers. I've always wanted a teleport that goes to Draynor.




    Getting there either from the Barbarian Village or Lumbridge was such a pain. >.<




    LMFAO. Why don't you. The explorer ring does have only 3 charges, he was referring to the run charges that the ring will replenish for you. Of course, you're too daft to see that.

  2. LMAO, just like when Jagex tried to make the mining animation more realistic? I suppose Jagex will get rid of Lobsters and all those healing foods because those aren't realistic either, hell, let's even get rid of the fairy rings and spirit trees! That way it'll be realistic but we'll also have nothing to do! HOORAY!




    The thing about running is that it exists in real life and is seen everyday. That can be made to be realistic and rightly should look realistic. Fairy Rings and Spirit trees are known to be fictional. If a Runescape character ate a lobster by doing the Hokey Pokey and dancing around then i know people would want it to be more realistic. Thats just an example of course.




    edit:edited in a response to Geekguy.




    True, I suppose I was over-analyzing that one. :wall: #-o

  3. About the running part:


    Have you ever run or seen someone running? If you had then you would know that runners use their arms and do not shuffle with their arms to their side like there is a rod up their butt like the old animation was like. The new animation is much more realistic and dynamic. I didn't like the new movements much at first either, but the more I saw them, the more I realized just how better they are.




    Anyway....This thread is turning into a flame-fest and needs to be locked.




    LMAO, just like when Jagex tried to make the mining animation more realistic? I suppose Jagex will get rid of Lobsters and all those healing foods because those aren't realistic either, hell, let's even get rid of the fairy rings and spirit trees! That way it'll be realistic but we'll also have nothing to do! HOORAY!

  4. @Robin




    Actually I'd say the amount of people that dislike the changing of the graphics are comparable with the people that do like them. What is so attractive about your character walking like a wet noodle/constipated idiot? I can see my character run with his hands flailing behind him....like some specially challenged person.




    But I fully agree with your other points.




    To add to them:




    @ Chaos:




    Browse the news archived dated to December 10, 2007 and you'll see more in depth why they made those changes to the game.




    Btw, the 3000 gold cap fluctuates, over a 15 minute period depending if you traded any items resulting in a wealth gain/loss. You can increase the cap up yo 30,000gp by doing more quests if you are P2P but for F2P it is always 3,000. I take it since you don't know much about the cap it seems you are F2p.




    You say RWT is a "dreaded evil" but then you say we can live with it. Erm, no that is a contradiction, we wouldn't be able to live with it because if RWT was prolonged beyond Dec. 10 2007 Jagex would be bankrupt, which is worse than the game changes that they implemented to stop RWT.




    Quick-chat: As Robin says if you are under 13 you won't be able to speak freely for online safety reasons. This is also if you are in a QC world.




    And for the record, PK'ing still does exist. Just not the way you knew it. It has been altered for reasons against RWT. The ranters from RSOF and the like complain that the Wildy was removed when in fact to this day the Wilderness ditch is still clearly visible on the RuneScape World Map.






    All evils must be lived with to some extent, I would hardly call it a contradiction. The majority of players do not buy their gold, and so while a threat to the game, I would hardly see it policed to this extent since its major fallout is player QQ. My account is currently f2p until I re-activate my membership, but 30k is still a trade cap, and is innappropriate to force on members.




    The quickchat issue is that my account was used without my knowledge, and whoever was using it had racked up many Rule 1 offenses, my account is currently locked while i appeal.




    PvP is constricted, it doesnt have the same feel it used too, just feels.....wrong.




    1) I'll give you that one for the most part, but the fact is Jagex wouldn't be able to financially live with RWT-it sapped hundreds of thousands of dollars from them because Jagex had to pay for stolen credit cards. Which is the majority that people use to pay for membership (their main income). Therefore the 3-30K trade cap is not inappropriate to place on members because the cap is used to prevent goldfarmers from giving all their farmed gold to their customers in large amounts at a time, members have nothing to do with at all besides the fact they both use credit cards with some method.




    Second, it doesn't matter if RWT has a small consumer base from RuneScape when farming their gold. The $5 that some players use to buy a million gold can cost a lot more for Jagex to replace in stolen credit cards. You admit RWT is a threat, so it doesn't rely on a number from a consumer base to be one. The fact is that RWT had to be policed to that extent or else Jagex would be bankrupt, it says that in their Articles archived from Dec. 10




    And if PvP doesn't feel the same to you,you're just going to have to adjust to it. :-/




    I'll leave the quick chat part alone, you are the only one that can justify your situation there since no one knows about what goes on in your account except you and Jagex.

  5. @Robin




    Actually I'd say the amount of people that dislike the changing of the graphics are comparable with the people that do like them. What is so attractive about your character walking like a wet noodle/constipated idiot? I can see my character run with his hands flailing behind him....like some specially challenged person.




    Well i can somewhat agree. I guess it depends on where you look for those opinions. I personally see that more people like than hate the updates. But nevertheless, it is useless to rant about them. Jagex spent a long time on this update and they won't change it back even if half the people in rs don't like it. One thing that they should do is bring back the old graphics in the form of a new detail level. Although i'm sure there are complications that could arise from doing that.




    I agree with you bringing back the old graphics, I am somewhat of a veteran (Almost 3 years of playing) and I have gotten just so used to the old graphics. But like you say, it is useless to rant now. The best sort of "ranting" people can do is to give suggestions on how Jagex can improve the new HD update in the RSOF. :-/

  6. @Robin




    Actually I'd say the amount of people that dislike the changing of the graphics are comparable with the people that do like them. What is so attractive about your character walking like a wet noodle/constipated idiot? I can see my character run with his hands flailing behind him....like some specially challenged person.




    But I fully agree with your other points.




    To add to them:




    @ Chaos:




    Browse the news archived dated to December 10, 2007 and you'll see more in depth why they made those changes to the game.




    Btw, the 3000 gold cap fluctuates, over a 15 minute period depending if you traded any items resulting in a wealth gain/loss. You can increase the cap up yo 30,000gp by doing more quests if you are P2P but for F2P it is always 3,000. I take it since you don't know much about the cap it seems you are F2p.




    You say RWT is a "dreaded evil" but then you say we can live with it. Erm, no that is a contradiction, we wouldn't be able to live with it because if RWT was prolonged beyond Dec. 10 2007 Jagex would be bankrupt, which is worse than the game changes that they implemented to stop RWT.




    Quick-chat: As Robin says if you are under 13 you won't be able to speak freely for online safety reasons. This is also if you are in a QC world.




    And for the record, PK'ing still does exist. Just not the way you knew it. It has been altered for reasons against RWT. The ranters from RSOF and the like complain that the Wildy was removed when in fact to this day the Wilderness ditch is still clearly visible on the RuneScape World Map.

  7. i love seeing every 1 saying "fake!! its a fake" etc. i will love it if one day jagex releases it =D>


    And if he doesn't, think of what an [wagon] you're making of yourself. =D>




    If they were to make sailing a skill, I will quit.




    If they were to make sailing a skill I would say "Don't bump your head on the way out." =D>




    Guitar God's post made sense, yours doesn't.

  8. Fine, i give you that, but the second part of my argument still stands. The majority of people in Runescape appreciate the graphics. Getting mad about this is like getting mad about ANY graphics update in the history of runescape. What, did you like the incredibly low detailed dragons at the start of RS2? They got updated, things get updated. And for the majority of players it's a great thing. Some won't like it for one bitter reason or another, but the majority will. And the majority is what matters.




    Quitting people have no affect on RS at all. Honestly, one account that quit because of the new graphics. There are 20 more new people looking at the graphics and subscribing. This update helps more than it hurts.




    One other thing, the people that are quiting over these graphics were the same people saying "Runescape isn't about graphics" before the update.




    You really don't get it, do you?


    They could of had their cake and ate it too.




    If they had of left the old graphics as an option, and also included the new graphics too. This way, new people would still come, and older players wouldn't leave.






    But you see thats the thing. MOST of the older players aren't leaving either!More people are happy with these updates than mad at them. People like me were losing interest in Runescape and this update gave me and older players that sense of exploration again. The majority of people aren't leaving. Hell, some renewed their membership another few months because of this, and some even came back after quitting! They still had their cake and ate it. Just a few seniors got mad that the cake wasn't their favorite flavor.




    Through all the glitches and whatnot we have with this new graphic introduction you actually think that?




    The way your character walks like a constipated penguin.




    The way you can't tell your character's gender because the male chest are forward.




    Our over-sized heads, the wrong colors on some pieces of armor, and other over-sized/undersized objects, and numerous glitches.




    Takes some getting used too if Jagex fixes this, but you think the bad side of this update is going to attract and yet keep players at the same time? Ha.




    @ Highlanders- Thank you, you represent the minority (or at least Robin claims) of people who don't appreciate the generic aspects of this update. And btw I'm siding with you Highlanders, I feel the same way as you do.

  9. Fine, i give you that, but the second part of my argument still stands. The majority of people in Runescape appreciate the graphics. Getting mad about this is like getting mad about ANY graphics update in the history of runescape. What, did you like the incredibly low detailed dragons at the start of RS2? They got updated, things get updated. And for the majority of players it's a great thing. Some won't like it for one bitter reason or another, but the majority will. And the majority is what matters.




    Quitting people have no affect on RS at all. Honestly, one account that quit because of the new graphics. There are 20 more new people looking at the graphics and subscribing. This update helps more than it hurts.




    One other thing, the people that are quiting over these graphics were the same people saying "Runescape isn't about graphics" before the update.




    Robin, are you talking about the new High Detail Graphics or the generic one? Because if you're talking about HD read my above post. If you're talking about overall you have a point and it stands-


    but that does not change where I stand.




    As I said in my above post I don't mind the introduction of a new high detail, I just don't want the old detail to be altered. You talk about early RS@ graphics. Well, when RS2 was released RS1 became RuneScape "Classic" and it is preserved, unchanged, left alone with. But in this case, you have the new HD graphics, but lo and behold, the original detail settings are changed as well.




    It's like this "out with the old in with the new" mentality, you know?






    And Robin, you raise another good point with your "RS isn't about graphics". That's true. That's one of the things that made RS stand out, it was different from its competitors. But now, I don't want to get used to the altering of the old details. I don't care about the HD because like I said before, it's a good update for most but please Jagex, leave the old details alone. >.>






    @ Craven_Range-Thank you for backing up myself and other players who feel the same. Jagex could attract more players with the HD update and prevent older players from leaving by leaving the old settings alone. I bet if a thread with these points was made in the RSOF Jagex could reverse their decision, but then again with Jagex you never know. It happened with luring, but what about old LD and HD?

  10. I agree with geekguy, they did say that the lower detail levels will remain the same. When I heard that HD was members only for now, I figured I could just go play normally until they decided to give to free players. Now however...I don't think I will until I can play in HD.




    Yeah, and it's not only that. It's almost like they're pressuring us to become member, they raise the prices and you don't want the "improved" bloated graphics and the new HD looks so much better than the old low and high detail modes that they altered...the only other thing to do is to either wait 'till the HD graphics are mainstream, or quit.




    And, I don't have anything against HD, I think by itself it's a great update, I just hate it when they say it's optional and they won't change any old detail modes. Great, I can play as it is before. Oh, nope. They had to go change those settings too!

  11. @Robin




    They said it would be exactly the same actually.








    Second Paragraph, last sentence




    "This will be in addition to the existing detail modes, as they will remain unchanged."








    And where does it say that it wouldn't be the same? They did not give us any warnings.




    It's assumed the Low and High Detail modes would be left alone because they said High Detail was OPTIONAL, they never said anything about changing the old Low and High detail too, as in the above quote from the article, from the RuneScape Site ITSELF.




    When you have their word, or what you think it is, and then poof, Low and High Detail modes ARE changed, it means they mislead you. Enough of that "I assumed" crap, they gave us their word that the existing modes wouldn't be changed, and the opposite happens.

  12. I knew they were going to screw it up and they did.


    Low detail isn't the good old version its a messed up low res version of the HD.


    I can't tell the gender of my character anymore.


    And the face is all shriveled up to a point to look like a rat with those stupid oversized dumbo ears.


    Yea nice update...




    Thank god I have a dragon full helm which still looks the same.


    If I keep playing, I'll never take it off...


    Oh and thanks for the 20% price increase jagex, I was wondering how you would stay afloat with a year full of garbage updates... but hey its just another buck.








    This is exactly the reason why I'm quitting. On male characters our chests are so forward it looks like we have melons upstairs if you know what I mean.




    And Jagex misleaded us-By Low Detail I thought they meant the good old one like you said?- and what do we get? A diluted version of the new HD? WTF is that?




    And to tie in with your last point-Our heads are disproportioned to the rest of our bodies-it's just ridiculous. It is a beta update, but I don't think the complete version will do any better than this. I want the old detail, but Jagex misleaded us and now we're stuck with this. That's why I'm quitting.






    Read the bolded parts. Jagex didn't mislead you, you decided to go with your own assumption and just think that the old graphics would stay. The never said it would all be exactly the same. And even if they did (which they didn't), these graphics update(note the "up" part) are more loved than hated.For every one of you bitter people willing to quit because of graphics, there are 20 more people that love the update. And even MORE people that came back to the game because of new graphics.




    It's misleading when Jagex says something and then later it's not true. I understand about HD being optional- so we can play back on our old detail. But where is it? Why are we stuck with this generic version of HD for low detail?

  13. I knew they were going to screw it up and they did.


    Low detail isn't the good old version its a messed up low res version of the HD.


    I can't tell the gender of my character anymore.


    And the face is all shriveled up to a point to look like a rat with those stupid oversized dumbo ears.


    Yea nice update...




    Thank god I have a dragon full helm which still looks the same.


    If I keep playing, I'll never take it off...


    Oh and thanks for the 20% price increase jagex, I was wondering how you would stay afloat with a year full of garbage updates... but hey its just another buck.








    This is exactly the reason why I'm quitting. On male characters our chests are so forward it looks like we have melons upstairs if you know what I mean.




    And Jagex misleaded us-By Low Detail I thought they meant the good old one like you said?- and what do we get? A diluted version of the new HD? WTF is that?




    And to tie in with your last point-Our heads are disproportioned to the rest of our bodies-it's just ridiculous. It is a beta update, but I don't think the complete version will do any better than this. I want the old detail, but Jagex misleaded us and now we're stuck with this. That's why I'm quitting.

  14. hey all, i got a question to put out there.


    if revs are the new "pkrs" and by the looks of it summoning can be used to attk other players, will revs be able to use it?




    feel free to chat about it here






    soz if there was allready a post and soz for spelling/grammer




    Considering when you use Protect from Mage they hit a 0 on you like any other NPC but then switch to other prayers, it seems like they won't be able to summon familiars/pets (possibly).

  15. hmmm... im quite angry rite now... I bout my santa hat over a year ago for 19m and now they are 17.5m. :cry: plus i lost another 1.5m off of a few prayer pots that i had, and a ton of other stuff... grrrr.




    I bought my santa in early December 06 for 23.6m, and just a month ago they got up to that price again, I should have sold..




    Lost 6.1M and counting.




    You won't lose anything till you sell it.




    If long term investing isn't your bag, sell now.




    If you can hang, keep it, the past several years are good indicators that the prices WILL go back up.




    No, you lose money if you buy something and the price goes down. Rares are bobbing up and down in the water because with the irrational trade limits on the GE and face-to-face trading, as well as speculation over Summoning.




    Suppose you buy 1k coal for the market price of 165k on the GE, and the next day the market price is 160k, you lose 5k because of the item's potential value, as well because the most you'd be able to sell the 1k coal for is 163k when you're face-to-face trading, (50-QP wise) so you lose 2k at the most, this is the time where you apply the fact that you lose money based on sale.

  16. Someone who safes please try to argue against my point here:




    I've spent a lot of my rs time in the wild, and after a while i've realised that if you over eat (safe) you won't get pks. Whats the point in going in the wild and eating at half health and often because you won't get sufficient rounds in to kill someone. The only time that safing is beneficial is if you're in multi combat or tagging on someone. Otherwise your overeating means that you won't get a pk as well as the other person, you won't win many fights if you overeat which defeats the point in going to the wild. - to pk people.




    I have no problem with when people eat but when they try to justify it by foolishly thinking they'll get a load of pks even if they safe well they're deluded or not experienced in single combat pking. I've seen a lot of "i eat so i dont die", yeah you don't die but you certainly don't get many pks.




    Flawed. You can "safe" and still get player kills.

  17. it clearley says that you need to be at least 13 years old if you want me to spell it for you here it is thirteen ok this guy that wrote that is a idiet




    The word is "idiot". :roll:




    And if it's for those over thirteen, why is it being marketed towards pre-teens?








    Your assumption that the game is being marketed towards kids is fallible. You based your assumption on the fact that Jagex marketed the book towards preteens before the 13+ age rule was released, so what you are saying here is flawed.




    Jagex realizes that there are, in actuality, people under 13 playing the game, but they said cannot enforce the 13+ rule.




    This is a loophole that Jagex has managed to slip by with ever since the underage rule was introduced by Jagex, so when Jagex says it's a game for all ages, in actuality, it's true, because a good amount of players in RuneScape under 13 played before the rule was enacted.




    Notice that Jagex cannot physically do anything about this, so why are you going around saying Jagex is aiming the game to preteens, when in-fact, they're not? Jagex will keep updating the content for its 13+ players, not little kids.

  18. it was obvious the price of nats go down and p ess go up to even out with some of the other skills




    I have 94 runecrafting


    profits were amazing since i could double nats since june


    it was around 1M an hour on average


    but compare it to the rest of the skills


    look at hunting, at 99 hunting i was catching about up to 500 red chinchompas an hour which equates to 350k




    woodcutting magics maybe 150k profit with magics




    fishing monks about 100k an hour


    profits with rc'ing was already ridiculously higher than the rest


    91+ rc'ing is still the best money making skill in the game




    I find it ironic, however, how some magers would actually buy runes crafted by your truly for their 94 mage and whatnot, and try to cast Ice Barrage and only hit a max 30, while melee and range can hit above 50, and do it at much earlier levels. :-k

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