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About seventhsage

  • Birthday 12/14/1987

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  1. The best advice I can give you is to check the section here, as it shows a very clear map with all enemies labeled as well as their levels. Kill low leveled minotaurs with melee (unless you need the ranging experience) to save up some arrows for later in the dungeon. The flesh crawlers will auto-attack you if you have a low enough level (can't remember exactly, but they stop somewhere in the mid 40's to low 50's im pretty sure) The Catablepons are best dealt with through range, but beware that they can throw magic. A good set of ranger armor (green d-hide) is reccomended to deal with them. As for the ankou, I never really had a problem with them. I strongly suggest a high combat level (i did it when i was 55) and a well balanced melee and range skill set. Preferably at least 40 in all with around maybe a bit more strength. I also suggest that you bring D'hide armor and/or full rune and a near full inventory of food (I used lobbies, trout, and apple pies, take your pick. Just don't expect to do it in one sitting and keep a close eye on that hp. I have currently saved up enough pieces to make 5 full staffs, but i wasn't using them much with the release of the explorers ring and it's teleport ability, and they were taking up bank space, so i dropped them. I kick myself for that sometimes, but what's done is done. -jason
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