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Posts posted by Seer

  1. the "I forgive you" is a reference to the Diary about the new dwarf quest. "We have a title




    Back in one of my early blogs for this project I told you how the quest didnt have a title yet, because Im rubbish at coming up with titles. Well, at this stage of a project we really need the final title to be defined, so Ive racked my brains and come up with the following: Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf.




    A nice, intriguing title, I think. It tells you that at least one chaos dwarf is involved, but who is it forgiving and why? You will just have to wait and see." So you are correct with the GE order form that it is for the new dwarf quest.

  2. worst in my opinion, MEP2 and Summers End. i had to do MEP TWICE. yea twice, i had to do it on a 2nd acc when my first got perm muted. Summers End was easy, till the 2nd room, after the cutsceen, the beast launched its attack and instant killed me as i couldn't run. every other quest was easy

  3. Try going into "mod mmg" clan chat, there's a guy there "omega lvl 3" or something like that, last time I saw he was one of the best lvl 3 players that is currently active, he may be one or know other people that done such quests, and it wouldn't be too hard to contact him.




    There's some other guy zzzamorak that had nice stats for a lvl 3, lvl 56 slayer with lamps/rings of recoil so I guess since he probably wanted the challange to raise combat related things while still being lvl 3, he might had done quests like that too




    the rune wiki might have simmilar people on some page like that, I haven't personaly seen it, but the site keeps track of things like that




    actually the best skiller active atm, would be Pure Kq Pax. the first skiller to ever max, and is the best skiller in the game atm *if i remember correctly. i do know for a fact he is the first to max, but not sure if he's the highest, as there's another one that has a higher slayer lvl than Pure.* i'm not sure though if Pure Kq Pax has done this quest, i'll have to ask him when i see him.




    On topic: grats on getting that quest done :thumbsup:

  4. i do dag kings alot, and recently have found that the Spinolyps drain your prayer. i found this out, when i was soloing, and not praying, and found that my prayer went down a point about every 15 seconds.




    this should be worth putting into the guide, for those that don't pray when doing the kings, to know that the prayer drain is there.




    credit: darth seers

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