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Posts posted by i_love_burritos

  1. last week fagel no prac, i just have to get a 2 papesr which I can probably get tomorrow anyway.


    i dont want to stand around for 3 hours. it's shitty weather outside anyway. + marks are online. physical copy not of a big concern (if I get em before friday which is when uni ends for me).



  2. cbf'd making a new thread so I'll just ask here since you lovely people will know.


    anyway, some good electro-instrumental hiphop with rapping. as much as a i enjoy dj shadow, j dilla, nujabes, madlib etc


    more on the sides of deltron3030. something with electrifyingly good beats, and talented spitting over it. IDK odd choice, there's probably a plethora of albums etc that fit this description. suggestions?

  3. hates having to go into uni just to collect a few things. paper at 11 and another paper at 2.


    meaning I have to stick around for 3 hours. bulllllshit


    not even sure if i can get it some other time. :|

  4. [hide]

    By the way, NTC lied about Gaddafi's death. He was NOT killed in a crossfire. He was dragged out of a drainage pipe, beaten and held onto the back of a vehicle by several rebel fighters while people filmed him, and then he was shot in the gut.


    It's a shame that the NTC said such a blatant lie about this considering that there were videos everywhere showing Gaddafi being held down while begging for his life while rebel fighters were laughing at him right before he was shot. There was no crossfire. This lie makes me doubt the NTC's capacity to create a truly democratic government in Libya.



    And you have a credible source for your sequence of events? A video of the final shot maybe?


    No, because thats not how it went down. A doctor on the ambulance that carried him back said he died of wounds on the way. Wounds that he clearly had as he was being dragged out of the hole as seen in the videos.


    Also, I'm sure we all are saddened by your doubts of the NTC.



    -Gadaffi about to crush rebel opposition at the gates of benghazi (these rebel "fighters" pretty much run around firing their AKs in the air and running in the opposite direction)


    Crush the revolutionaries? Misrata held out a number of months( and won) in a siege and it's a smaller city than Benghazi. Zawia is a much smaller city than both and managed to hold out for a month. He would have killed a lot but not been able to take the city.


    Also, at that point in time a number of areas in the Nafoosa Mountains were free, Tripoli had just had it's protests crushed and was gathering weaponry for a second attempt, though with weapons this time. Every single city in Libya had protests on Feb 20. Zawia had just fallen to Bu Shafshoufas forces and Misrata was under siege.


    NATO ran the numbers and saw that it wouldn't end soon. Or do you think they intervened to "get the oil"? Because they already had a loyal dog in Bu Shafshoufa and his sons.


    -NATO steps in with the bombing, changes entire scope of the conflict


    The revolutionaries are the ones who actively fought and won territory before and after NATO, planes can't hold territory, especially not in urban warfare.



    -power vacuum, now it'll likely go the way egypt went (is going).


    You are obviously such an expert on these matters comparing Egypt and Libya. You'll want to review the revolutions in both countries again.


    -NATO [bleep]s off now, multiple rebel factions in libya, no means of


    Will take much time for libya to "normalize"


    Ah yes another Libya expert, just like those in the media who have been harping on about "tribal war" for so long now. Didn't they expect the blood to run in the streets of Tripoli because "this is a major bastion of support for Bu Shafshoufa" ? How did that end up? Oh yeah the city was pretty much liberated internally hours before outside forces reached Janzour and a day before they reached Tajoura.



    yep, you seem to be much more knowledgeable. I was just commenting based on what I had been reading in the newspaper and various editorials. settle down

  5. Yep Gaddfi is dead, should have been tried at the ICC or something. Unfortuante. In any case this is not going to turn out well for Libya.


    -Gadaffi about to crush rebel opposition at the gates of benghazi (these rebel "fighters" pretty much run around firing their AKs in the air and running in the opposite direction)

    -NATO steps in with the bombing, changes entire scope of the conflict

    -NATO [bleep]s off now, multiple rebel factions in libya, no means of

    -power vacuum, now it'll likely go the way egypt went (is going).


    Will take much time for libya to "normalize"

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