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Posts posted by Xx_Flare_xX

  1. I used the site cos it was easier to use and the guides weren't as confusing as RHQ (I get confused easilly)


    A friend of mine Introduced me to the Forums but I never got into it until after I was Banned from the RSOF...


    Since then I've been happy in this forum :thumbsup:

  2. Ibelieve any cape is worth praise, whether it's an easy to obtain Fletching/Cooking to a really difficult cape to obtain(Slayer/ Agility)




    whether it's buyable or not, if your willing to work hard to get a 99 in a skill you deserve a bit of praise for it.

  3. Hmm lets see...


    bringing cannons to KQ for no reason


    wasting all my charms on spirit wolf pouches on Summonings release


    Wasting 300k on items i never used


    adding f2p players that ended up being beggers


    getting banned from RSOF twice due to my old immaturity






    Yeah I have a few Regrets :D

  4. I voted 'it's okey'


    but it looks like a good skill but exp for it is insanely low (and other thing like charms and prices)




    apart from that i like the skill lots ::'




    Oh. A tip it poll. I was expecting another jagex poll they'd hide if they didn't get good results.
    Really? When did they last hide a poll? And which one?


    Do you like Farming :XD: most of the answers were No

  5. Finally, to make sure that reducing the cost of shards isn't unfair on early levelling, we will make sure that people who have already purchased shards will automatically either get some gold back, or receive extra shards so they have effectively paid the new price.




    does that include those we've payed and used up? cos i brought 100k's worth and used 50ks worth already :P

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