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Posts posted by Xx_Flare_xX

  1. It's not really, and it would give them noted so it woulden't be so much of a bank.


    If it's like a regular collection, you can withdraw items un noted as well. If it's not like a regular GE, it would be completely worthless for the situation he described.


    Yeah its funny how so many people dont know you can withdraw from the ge unnoted :roll:


    And even then you could use the notes on Butler for him to unnote them :shame:

  2. The methods most serious people use for getting charms is barraging various monsters such as rock lobsters. Seriously, that requires Desert Quest, a very hard quest (not compared to While Guthix Sleeps or anything, but you get the point). The longest and most time consuming part of summoning is obviously getting charms. To reach high goals such as 40's-50's, you could spend WEEKS killing monsters unless you have ice barrage.




    You can always Fire Bolt them all :thumbsup: and Summoning is SUPPOSED to be hard to do, it's a hard, challenging skill.




    1,401,552 Dreadfowl pouches to get 1-99. At 8 shards each, that's 11,212,416 shards. Shards at 25 gp each - 280,310,400 gp for 1 to 99 on dreadfowl pouches. Yes, for those of you mathematically challenged, that's 280.3 BILLION gp.




    Yes but not everyone sticks to a level 10- Familiar most players my level are making terrorbirds.




    lus, the things you can summon aren't THAT helpful. Yes, Bunyips are great, Terrorbirds, Titans, etc. But everything else? Crap.




    PackYak, Stallion, Fruit Bat,Tortoise,Hydra ect: all are useful. All familiars can be usefull depending on how you use them.




    Would it be better if you could just buy the charms? But the prices would obviously have to be quite high to keep everything in check, maybe having gold charms be 1-2k each. This still is horribly expensive, but at least you can make the money some other way and then buy charms instead of spending money for equipment to kill for them.




    Buying everything just turns it into an expensive Fletching/Cooking/Construction skill (well, constructions always expensive) It's much more rewarding to use your own skills to get them.

  3. Nice one. Good story and prank. If you can get someone to believe this you might try convincing someone your main is zezima. :lol:




    Or even better, get Zezima himself to pull it off :thumbsup:


    Great story! ever thought of writing stories for Tip.It?

  4. this is with mith arrows and i have 70 range.




    Pretty much explains it,




    If you get your ranged level alot higher and use better arrows you should get alot better results,




    And do you have a good Ranged bonus? the higher your Ranged bonus the better the results ::'

  5. I hate people who complain in PVP.


    I hate half the people in RSOF (And for good reason)


    You hate half of them? I hate nearly all of them :lol:




    I hate the way the only way you can do well in RS is to have millions in your bank. It's not easy living on 2M and trying to get a 99 that will cost me 200M (Summoning :| )

  6. They should say something like 100M will be awarded to the first person to level up in Sailing, then sit back and watch as everyone wonders why there's no sailing skill in the tab. Then continue the joke. For years more, periodically mention additions and updates to the sailing skill, while everyone scratches their heads and wonders where the hell the skill is.




    I would love to see that :lol:


    pmg yea...or a sailing "fail" cape, emote would be you build a boat and attempt to sail it on a pool of water and watch a hole form in it and sink.




    Fantastic :lol: I'd love to see that :thumbsup:

  7. mage is underpowered wow even tho we cna freeze you you can just tele tab away.......and if we tele block you o what that were on the normal spell book which means no good hitting spells and tbh melee in ftp hit's higher then mage.range is way more accurate then mage.have you ever seen a magic in ftp hit 19-19-20-19? iv seen that in ftp range and melee but mage just stop's and it just gets worse in member's the combat triangle is just thrown right out of preportion with the max hit's of melee being 75's and wiht d claw's it get's worse.and range also hit's high at mage it hit's 63's wiht d bolt's and an anciant would stand no chance against this.








    That combo has a max of 80.




    But that guy aint wearing anything :P


    in PVP you'll be against black dhide \'

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