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itam69 last won the day on May 11 2016

itam69 had the most liked content!


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  1. The thread is almost 10 years old, man time flies.
  2. your outfit is 2 cute 900m. idk no real goals atm, in the skilling mood though, have been doin as much tra/hefin agil vos as possible, along with evil tree + buff at teaks and farming herbs as much as possible. between all this pretty much takes up an entire day and then some Thanks. :> I might change it up, Jagex gave me some keepsake keys. Why not go for level 100 base? (and then 101 base, 102, etc.) 200m att/str before i touch def. RIP guthix tears
  3. your outfit is 2 cute 900m. idk no real goals atm, in the skilling mood though, have been doin as much tra/hefin agil vos as possible, along with evil tree + buff at teaks and farming herbs as much as possible. between all this pretty much takes up an entire day and then some
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