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  1. It is mostly a combination of both. I often do a lot of things that are not exactly the fastest ways( train attack in bandos instead of pest controll) but I often stop my self from doing things that would be extremely un cost/time efficient.
  2. Got the annyoing 70 smithing for the varrock. = ) Now i have all the diaries complete.
  3. Im sorry, i still see it as a sad attempt to merch off ppl. The ge will get to the price it is ment to be at. Price of an item keeps dropping some1 said i bought it at xx price but it was yy price now. He adds zz to it so it sells at xx is stil a scam.
  4. I would say fix the old then focus on the new. Graphics will be fine after this comming update, and as for rulebreakers, there isnt much else they can do.
  5. It dependes on the seriousness of the situation. If you are the leader of a clan, you should have people ,co-leaders, who can take over for you if you need to. You have to remember RS is a game, real life isn't. A job is more important then a game.
  6. This is a great read and I agree with you but this the way I belive jagex sees it. Remember Jagex is a buisness and runescape is their product. When you are going to a store and you are looking to buy something for the first time and you see several of what appears to be the same product from several diffrent companys. What is the first thing you see, since you cant tell the quality before you buy it. The marketing appeal, you remember adds about it and the looks of the product. This can often be deciving but it is what human instinct tells you to do. When you look at mmo's the main marketing appeals are the graphics. Jagex belives that runescape is good enough quality of a game that it can stand quality wise agaist other mmos and they now need to work on the marketing appeal of it since the game quality is good enough atm.
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