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Posts posted by ghjkl

  1. I would make it so you take an advanced placement test that is actually HARD at the beginning of each grade, even elementary school and secondary school. This test is designed for kindergarten to end of college level in language arts, history, science, and math. You will be placed in the course that best fits you. I'm so bored at taking Algebra 1 in 8th grade, while learning calculus at home. It would be much easier to be able to take calculus at school, and not waste time in math class.


    Also, make note taking OPTIONAL. If you don't need the notes, you shouldn't be required to take it. My math teacher makes me take notes, or basically, rewrite the entire test I just took like 5 minutes ago, and GRADES us on it. Much less copy off the book stuff, and more creative thinking with multiple points, would be nice also.


    I hate how in the US, they make the SAT/ACT so easy. In 7th grade last year, I scored a 1800 total, with a 710 in math, better than 95% of exiting level high schoolers. They really need to challenge students more, and make them use their brains. Anyone could copy off a book doing busywork, but it takes skill to actually interpret and comprehend what is actually going on.

  2. Yes, but its technically illegal to own an hackint0sh.




    I do not like it, looks like they just copied kde or something.




    Until they allow multiple desktop, a built in dock with 3d effects, and something like compiz fusion, I will run any windows applications in WINE. Sadly, Microsoft always copies stuff from either Linux or Macs, and claim it as their "innovation." I really hope they stuff bundling IE with windows though, because that gives it an undeserving large market share, but that will never happen. WINE is awesome \' .




    IMO, if Snow Leopard doesn't add anything significant, Windows 7 will be considered better by most unbiased and intelligent people, that are just comparing the operating system, and not the hardware.




    I really hope that Microsoft gives credit to the open source community for all the help it gives them. Sadly, since it is open-source, Microsoft can rip it off and sell it, without mentioning any thanks.




    WIndows 7 will have to be revolutionary for me to switch from Ubuntu, which runs with compiz fusion perfectly fine with a measly 512mb RAM.

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