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Everything posted by HyperViper

  1. Yep, the majority of votes are A, A, C. That's a good sign. It means people will most likely play both mechscape and still play runescape. Only one person voted that they would quit runescape to play mechscape, and a few people voted that they weren't sure if they'd play mechscape. So far, I'd say that MechScape will grab a good amount of runescape players, but most of them will still play runescape and most likely stay on mechscape too.
  2. I posted this on the RuneScape forums and I thought I might as well post it here. I need some information about what your opinions are about MechScape for my topic, so please answer these questions carefully. 1. What are your feelings about MechScape being released to the public? a. I'm excited about the release of MechScape. b. I don't care for the release of MechScape. c. I'm against the release of MechScape. 2. What do you think MechScape will do to RuneScape? a. I don't think it will affect RuneScape very much/at all. b. I think that it will attract many RuneScape players, causing them to leave RuneScape and play MechScape instead. c. I feel that JaGex will remove RuneScape to replace it with MechScape. 3. What do you plan to do when MechScape is released? a. Quit RuneScape permanently to play MechScape. b. Try MechScape, and if I like it I'll play it. There is a chance I'll quit RuneScape to play MechScape. c. Try MechScape, and if I like it I'll play it. There is no chance that I will quit RuneScape. d. I am unsure if I will try MechScape. e. I will not try MechScape. Thank you very much. :D
  3. I can agree with you on #2-4, but #1 bugs me. It's true that JaGex hasn't come out with any high level things, and I think they should make more, but they're also trying to make things for low levels to do, because when you think about it, here's what a low level can do: 1. Kill a cow with a crappy looking dagger. 2. Kill chickens over and over again for feathers. 3. Do some boring quests. 4. Start mining ess. Think about what you, as a high level, have to do. You can play a number of quests, even though you might not enjoy them, some people do. You got a number of dragon weapons, and yes, you've most likely gotten them all, but it's alot more interesting compaired to what a low level has. You have a lot of land to travel over, minigames you can play without being yelled out of, and a variety of different things to do with your skills. Now I know, you earned those things and you were once a low level. But then again, you were one of the lucky ones that decided to stick around. Many people today join RuneScape, kill a cow, jump to the conclusion that there's nothing to do on this game (one of my friends thought that all you did was walk around picking up food :x ), and they quit. Jagex is just trying to keep some members! In my opinion, JaGex should just make something for everybody, then they wouldn't have this problem.
  4. Just explaining myself here, when I say that they can fix RuneScape's problems, I didn't mean they would actually FIX RuneScape, I ment they would start over and make a new game that didn't have the problems RuneScape had. And JaGex has a good reason to do this, because many of RuneScape's faults are what keep many people out of RuneScape, and sometimes these faults cause players to leave (yes I understand that the #1 reason for people leaving RS is because they run out of things to do and are bored... but still, we lose a few because they are angry and some fault or problem). If they make a new game without these faults, they can bring in ALOT more people. I'm not trying to say they can fix RuneScape itself... I can't really agree with you on the fact that all problems on RuneScape can be resolved, because to me it seems like it's really too late on most of them, especially the combat system. Even if JaGex could just fix all of RuneScape's problems, they can also improve apon it...
  5. Well, JaGex Is mostly concered for scam and real world trading sites. They did add RuneHQ (or MechHQ, I should say), and I have no idea why they didn't make a tip.it/mechscape... Maybe they like us?
  6. ***NOTE*** This thread is a rough draft! It may still have grammar errors and some unclear parts. I will revise it tomorrow. Updates: 11/13- I have decided, based on how many disagreements there are with this topic, I will let this topic stay and gather some opinions before I come to a conclusion of my own, and remake this topic. The new one will still be open for debate. Also, I've made a questionnaire under the "Questionnaire" section of the tip.it forums. If you would please take it, that would help me out a ton. Thanks! As most of us have heard, JaGex is most likely comming out with a new MMORPG, called MechScape. If you haven't heard about it, there's a thread with all the details on the official RuneScape forums under the Off Topic Forum. Search for MechScape using the search feature and you should get it. Please learn about it there before continuing on this thread. Notice, this is a VERY, VERY long topic, and if you don't have the time to read all of it, I have summarized everything to one simple paragraph. If you want more information, you'll have to read everything I've written. Now, I'm interested myself in this idea, but, like many other RuneScape players, I'm scared at the same time. Releasing this new MMORPG will be a massive change, and there will be many effects on the RuneScape community due to it, positive or negative. First off, lets talk about the positive. There are many things in RuneScape that cannot be changed or are difficult to change. A good example of this is the combat system. The combat system is widely ranted for being "unbalanced," and it's difficult to change it because many members have different opinions on how it should be balanced. By JaGex starting over again and making a new MMORPG, they now have the option to fix all the problems that they couldn't before on RuneScape. They can balance out the combat system. They can change the way skills work, ect., and mold a completely new RuneScape to the perfect state that the original should be in. By this, every problem that we have as of now can be fixed. And not only that, but JaGex can also introduce new features that would've originally been ranted off by RuneScape players because they changed the way the game works too much. For example, JaGex could totally change each skill into a minigame. To mine, you have to click on certain spots on a rock to mine the ore, to woodcut, to fish, you have to cast out your line and click again to reel back in when you get a bite, ect. (NOTE: this is merely an example I thought up) If JaGex were to do this on RuneScape, it would probably be forced off because it would change RuneScape so quickly that the players would be unable to adjust. By starting of a new MMORPG a certain way, the players don't have to adjust, they just have to learn a new game. JaGex can also introduce new controls. Maybe MechScape won't be point and click anymore. Maybe you can use the arrow or the WASD keys to move, open up different menus with shortcuts like F for friends, or I for inventory. JaGex can also offer new ways to get around. The next con of making MechScape is that it will bring in new players. We all know what the majority of people say about RuneScape. Yes maybe part of it is true, but if they were to play RuneScape for longer, maybe they would notice that, when you get passed the graphics and the animation, RuneScape is actually a good game. Maybe MechScape will attract new players to the community. Sure, they didn't like RuneScape, but MechScape is a new game... Summary Let me use a story I've heard to summarize this. A potter makes a clay pot and finds it to be perfect. He then puts it in the oven to harden, but when he pulls it out he finds that the pot is cracked in many different places. He tries to fix the pot by filling the cracks with clay and reheating the pot, but it just forms new cracks. Noticing that he cannot fix the pot, he makes a new pot, this time more carefully. The potter is JaGex, the cracked pot is RuneScape, the cracks are faults, and the new pot is MechScape. If you don't want to figure this out yourself, look at it this way. JaGex made their first MMORPG but made some mistakes. So they're making MechScape to make a new MMORPG without these faults. Now, we'll talk about the negative. The basic idea behind the cons of introducing MechScape is that it could damage or kill RuneScape. Even though this sounds like one simple problem, it is very, very serious. Many RuneScape players are afraid of MechScape being released because it could steal players from RuneScape, causing RuneScape to fail and die off, basically. This is very possible, and it's a scary thought. But what if JaGex doesn't do a great job on MechScape? What will happen? Chances are, MechScape will die and RuneScape will survive. But what if the worst happens? When I say worst, I mean this scenario: JaGex introduces MechScape to the public. Of course, under excitement, many members playing RuneScape transfer over to MechScape to play it, maybe temporally, maybe permanently. RuneScape loses many players, but there are still some players on keeping it up. But, soon, players will quit RuneScape. They'll say "Now that MechScape is here, there's nobody here to play RuneScape, and it's not the same." RuneScape will lose player after player, until only a very few remain. Over on the MechScape side, players notice that MechScape isn't as good as they thought it was going to be. They don't like it, it's not as good as RuneScape. So they quit, going back to RuneScape, only to find it abandoned. They say to themselves, "RuneScape is gone; MechScape is worthless. I don't care anymore. I'm moving on." Soon after, JaGex is unable to keep up with RuneScape and MechScape financially, and they go out of business. This is a worst case scenario, of course, but this is where Murphy's Law comes in: If it can go wrong, it will. It could be possible that if this were to happen, maybe the players of MechScape would react quick enough and return back to RuneScape, before it dies. It is possible that MechScape will actually be connected to RuneScape (there would be a time portal or something, and you could transfer from one game to the next). But then again, this would be strange if MechScape is supposed to be different than RuneScape. But if this were true, RuneScape and MechScape would be basically the same game, and this wouldn't be a problem. Summary Basically, MechScape will steal players from RuneScape. So what will happen next. Here's the most likely possible endings: 1. MechScape is not introduced, and nothing new happens. 2. (Best Possibility) RuneScape loses some players, MechScape is successful. Both MMORPG's stay and are unharmed. 3. MechScape is introduced. Many players switch to MechScape and RuneScape loses a good amount of players, but MechScape becomes successful. 4. RuneScape is removed, MechScape replaces it. 5. MechScape is introduced, players switch from RS, remaining RS players remain, MechScape is successful. 6. (Worst Case Scenario) MechScape is introduced. Majority of RS players switch to MS, remaining RS players quit due to lack of players, and MS quit MS when they decide that it wasn't as good as RS. Both games die. So let's conclude... We don't know what will happen, but it is possible that things could go anywhere from wonderful to terrible. That's why I've opened up this debate. Is a new MMORPG a good idea for JaGex? In my opinion, it depends. If I were to give JaGex some advice, I would tell them this: "Make DAMN sure this game is good, because if it's not, you will fail."
  7. You are right, the majority of players on RuneScape are those begging kids that have no life. I know this because I once went to this RS event at my library and every single person there, besides my friend, this one guy, and me, was some kid age 12 or under that acts like that on RS. I've seen these noobs in real life.. Ugh. And miniclip does open up that, however, if it wasn't for miniclip, I probably wouldn't be here right now. Miniclip was how I found RS, I was a noob myself. But awkwardly I wasn't a terrible noob, I was really stupid, (I was confused) I thought that 1k was a ton of cash, I tried a few scams, which didn't work and I stopped, but I never once begged, ever. I also invited many friends, so just because JaGex put RS on miniclip, I joined, invited a few friends, who invited some, and so now there's probably 15 or more people who have joined because of me.
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