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Posts posted by MiyuLynx

  1. well... God gives people free will. he didn't create a murderer, that person chose to become a murderer. he knew what would happen, but he loved the person enough to make him anyway. life is full of hardships, which makes the after life seem that much better. everyone has a path in life that we're most likely destined to follow anyway. maybe the murder of someone is a test for others, the one who killed and the family and friends of both parties. some things we mortals can never be sure of. it's just part of that great mystery.




    maybe my answer was a little off or vague... so i can try and sum it up here. it's kind of like an old saying.




    "it is better to have lived, suffered, and died, than to have never of lived at all."

  2. nothing, because my character has haxed defence and your lvl 99 skill means nothing to me. i use my pointless 1 attack and strength to kill you several hours later and steal the gp that you never said you ever had in the first place... :-k

  3. you did not kill "that fish". instead you killed "other fish".




    as it turns out "that fish" is really a robot fish sent from the far off planet aquaworld 789 to kill you and "other fish" was sent from the same aquaworld 789 to destroy "that fish" and save your life.




    wow i went really random there... :-w






    i wish that THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! :XD:

  4. ooh i've had one of those. and flying is crazy lol. at least it was in the dream. but... whatever you do, DON'T STOP FLYING mid-air. at least i always wake up before i hit the ground. :P

  5. i got pantsed on the monkey bars by someone in my school class.




    it was also my first time, so i've been permanently scarred for life and despise the monkey bars.




    and i believe that's a hernia check? that wasn't too bad. a doctor is a doctor, but a bunch of girls staring at my undies is... a bunch of girls staring at my undies...

  6. strange how suicide is illegal, not saying it's ok. wasting life is never ok. what do they do, bury you in hand-cuffs? i can undertsand attempted suicide, but actual suicide is like on of those dumb blue laws.




    more on-topic. it's ok to feel like giving up. it's a rational human emotion. the thing that keeps me going is the prospect of a better tomarrow.




    "keep on truckin."

  7. with the way governments act these days, it looks like terrorism is winning anyways.




    the world is psychotic, it can't be stopped. just pray you aren't one of the people who get senselessly hurt.

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