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  1. bump...(my question needs to be answered plz...last post on page 4 btw...)
  2. This might sound like im a dork, but i need serious help. Ive read this whole thread and all the posts, but I dont get all of this. So do i just buy items when they just drop and wait for the price to go up? Thanks for the help. Sam
  3. Your graphics card is an integrated chip with no dedicated memory. Your processor cannot be upgraded unless you buy a new one. However, you can't just install a new processor in an old computer, you will have to buy a new computer. Basically, you are screwed. \ Actually, I'm only screwed with this computer... Not with the new one we're buying ain a few weeks! :thumbsup: :pray: (We decided we would buy a new one BEFORE this new update) - Sammy
  4. I mhave enough ram. As for the graphics card... Intel® 82815 Graphics controller (Microsoft Corporation) Is that good? How much does a new processor cost? - Sammy
  5. Uh oh...I only have 1.39GH How do I make it bigger? - Sammy
  6. I totally agree with Zoov. If you have a great idea, then tell a few friends and make them keep it a secret. It ruins it for you. - Sammy
  7. C'mon! It's been over 2 hours! Does ANYBODY know? - Sammy
  8. Can anybody please answer my question? - Sammy
  9. I'm doing the quest, The Feud on the Tip.it website walkthroughs. I accidently bought 1 camel for 1000 coins and only had 1023. I came back with 3k and the camel seller doesn't wanna sell me another camel. What do I do? Thanks. - Sammy
  10. Is drop trading against the Jagex rules? I =f it isn't then does it work? - Sammy
  11. Hey Tip.it! I was wanting to get my friend in real life a rune axe for getting to lvl 50 woodcutting and with the new 3,000 gp thingy rule I can't do it. Is there any possible way I could like give him the money and he buy it through Lootshare? Thanks. - Sammy
  12. Well...I did the new summoning quest that just came out, but I don't know how to get dogs. Could somebody please give me like a dog guide or something? Thanks. - Sammy
  13. Thanks! That helps me ALOT! I will take a look at those quests.
  14. Whats the best way to get attack xp with quests? NOTE: I have already done the Waterfall Quest. My attack lvl is 56, my strength is 46, my defense is 42, and my combat is 49.
  15. Yes! First post! Other people and I have both said Lobs instead of lobbys. I just wanted to say that. - Sammy
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