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Posts posted by IeatWindex

  1. Now the following works if Summoning is worth the wait: Now think of it this way. If Summoning is F2p then some members will unsubscribe. Summoning would bring More players. They maybe do either one of these: 1. See how cool Summoning is and want the whole thing so they subscribe 2. The new people wanna just plain be p2p. Thus more $ for Jagex.

  2. So ppl out there whats Your new years Resolution? Mine might sound silly but im serious. I want to become equal to Zezima and then kill him. I bet i will never see him but when im ready id challenge him. I started RS becuz I had heard of Zezima and I wanted to kill him. It is an insane goal but im going to stick to it. Im the kind of person who works as hard as i can to achieve my goals. I wonder if anyone has the same goal as mine.

  3. It just struck me whats the point of gaving a RS BF or GF? Half the time ppl ask out someone they dont know. I mean even if you met someone and hanged wit them and get to know them and ask em out they may not be who they say they. If a girl noob asks you shes prob a gold digger. My point is wats the use for a RS BF or GF?

  4. For the last year what ever big news in Runescape would strike me and I would make it a big deal. So with the recent updates ppl have been getting ticked off. Well let me get to the point. Now I just want to remind you guys. For the RS addicts out there dont lose sight that RS is only a game. For others im not saying you cant get mad about some stuff. But you cant make a mountain out of a mole hill. Some people understand this. Now dont be getting mad at me for my thoughts. Im just saying thts all.

  5. Just wondering do you think that with the release of summoning will open taverly to F2p? and if this quest is needed to unlock summoning then to solve some of P2p's anger of F2p getting some of taverly then cant they just relocate the begginning of the quest? My point is couldnt jagex just do something that makes sense. I mean why not relocate the quest? Why make the quest so vital? So technically this leans me toward the thought that Summoning is P2p or jagex is pretty stupid.

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