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Posts posted by Howlin0001

  1. Behind the scenes July

    Carnillean Rising (members only)


    In Carnillean Rising, the very idea of a quest is turned upside down and shaken about like a badly mixed potion. You see, Sir Ceril Carnillean is very disappointed in his young son, and he wants you to turn him into a brave, handsome and daring adventurer, just like you. Ceril’s really proud of a quest that he has written for Philipe, and he needs you to make it happen. After all, who knows more about clambering over obstacles, disarming traps, rescuing prisoners and saving the day than you, the greatest hero that RuneScape will ever see?


    Of course, it can't be anything as simple as chasing sheep around a field, or rounding up a few imps to kill for beads. In this - our latest fully voiced piece of content - you’ll need to find actors to play the characters according to Ceril’s quest specification, tie up the damsel in distress and set up the whole experience in the sewers beneath the Carnillean family mansion. In this quest, the adventurer’s destiny is in your hands. Can you deal with Philipe’s arrogance and lack of discipline, or will you feed him to the wolves like the nubcake he is? Can you coax him into facing down a dragon? Can you make him wear a dress?


    This is a rib-tickling, Intermediate-level quest with skill requirements of 33 Thieving and 31 Construction, and a quest point requirement of 50. As well as a healthy, summery dollop of XP sauce, you’ll get your own, personal treasure chest that you can use to set up and run treasure hunts for your friends. You'll also get access to a bunch of other rewards if you're an experienced player.


    Social Slayer (members only)


    It’s fair to say that some of the best friends I have made in RuneScape were found deep underground or high up in desolate towers while I was training my Slayer skill. Friends who slay together, stay together, but it’s also annoying when people appear and camp out at the very spot you had earmarked for your next few hundred Slayer kills. What if you could be social and also complete your Slayer task, buddying up with another player to make kills together? Well, in this upcoming update, you can.


    Players can now pair up into Slayer duos, and can join up if they're on the same task already, or start new tasks together. Any kills you make when you’re together count towards each other’s kill counts (XP isn't shared, though), making it quicker to get through those assignments you hate, and more fun going through the ones you like. Players who complete tasks together will earn points to spend in their local Slayer master’s shop, with awesome rewards to buy, such as shared potion effects and awesome new pets.


    10-Year Veteran's Cape (members only)


    While we celebrated our 10-year anniversary last year (mmm, that cake was good!) we’ve only just been able to award our players with this brand new, fantastic cape. Now, you can celebrate your own anniversary too! Much like the 5 year veteran cape, you’ll be able to buy it from Hans (outside Lumbridge Castle), but - obviously - only if your character was created 10 years ago.


    After listening to the feedback on the forums, red is out and deep red is in and boy, does it look good! The themes from the veteran cape continue on with all things “X”... but you’ll just have to wait and see what the 10-year celebratory emote is.


    Gielinor Games Pre-release Event (free and members)

    This summer, the denizens of RuneScape will come together to witness and compete in RuneScape's premier sporting event: The Gielinor Games. Humans, gnomes, werewolves, goblins, elves and monkeys will be showing off their athletic skills in a variety of suitably RuneScapey sports.


    Before the games can begin, though, they need your help to build the stadiums, make the medals, and cook up a tasty storm to sell to the visiting dignitaries using a host of multi-cultural ingredients. With a large workshop set up in the centre of Varrock (run by a friendly gnome called Oomad Arrow), helping out will be easy and rewarding, with some generous XP for each of the areas you assist with. Even better, you’ll be able to earn points to spend when the Gielinor Games themselves begin!


    This pre-release event will only last for a few weeks, to be replaced with the Gielinor Games themselves. If you want to earn all you can from the games, make sure you get involved!


    The Gielinor Games (free and members)


    Once everything's prepared, you'll be encouraged to affiliate yourselves with one of the competing groups, and then to take part in the events themselves. You'll demonstrate your sporting prowess in games such as Cheese Wheel Rolling, where you'll chase wheel-shaped lumps of dairy down a hill at high speed; and Athletics, where you'll need to plan carefully, taking advantage of how the other competitors are doing. Skill-orientated players among you will be able to show off your most efficient resource-collecting methods and take part in the Resource Race. Perhaps you'll want to show off your Strength, Magic or Ranged, in the Accurate Attack game. Finally, there will be regular Marathons of varying levels of difficulty, where players will race each other around the open world. One of these races will even be held in the Wilderness, making this an extreme sport indeed.


    Free players will have to the Cheese Wheel Rolling, Beginner's Marathon and the Resource Race events (with access only to free skills in the latter), whereas members will have access to everything that the Gielinor Games have to offer.


    Not only will you be rewarded with XP, but you'll also be able to access a store which sports a number of Gielinor Games-themed prizes, such as an ancient athletics outfit, flaming torches, and special rings that will boost your rewards in the Gielinor Games.


    Parties, and Celebrations (free and members)


    As you have no doubt noticed on the front page, our countdown to 200 million accounts will soon reach its target, and we have a celebration planned for everyone who is around when the moment happens. I won’t spoil the surprise, but we have all sorts of fun things planned for the big day, and the days following. You’ll have heard the phrase ’party animal‘, but how about a party demon? What wonders lay in wait for you? Suffice to say that there will be rewards.


    Combat Beta Events


    The calendar of events for the beta worlds is rapidly filling up and we have some great things planned to help us test out this latest and greatest addition to the game. We might even have some unique rewards for the live accounts of those who get involved! Keep a watch on the combat beta pages for more information.


    And So Much More!


    For those of you interested in swaggering about in the latest and greatest fashions - whatever the slimy, critter-ridden dungeon or sun-swept fishing spot you find yourself in - we have a really special update planned for July. Sometimes it’s not all about the XP, it’s about looking good while earning it. More to follow in the next few weeks!


    Talking of cosmetic makeovers, Yelps and his Squeal of Fortune are also getting updates in July, including a brand new wheel, aimed just at the free game.


    Have fun!


    Mod Mark

    Lead Designer – RuneScape


    What is a 'Behind the Scenes' article?


    Behind the Scenes is a sneak peek at the planned game updates that we hope to launch in the coming month.


    This, however, is only a plan, not a promise that a particular update will be released in a particular way or at a particular time. To get you the highest quality updates as quickly as possible, we usually keep on tweaking and testing right up until the moment before release, so, sometimes things change or take a bit longer than expected. We aren’t afraid to change our plan if necessary, as we will never launch an update before it is ready.

  2. FAQ Emilee posted last night.


    Are updates to the beta going to be done in batches once every week, or are they going to be done in more regular intervals?


    Once a week is the general aim, but it could be more or less frequent depending on how many fixes we have completed each day.


    Is there an entire team dedicated to bug fixing, as well as one dedicated to balancing?


    The combat developers are dedicated to fixing bugs and tweaking balancing. We also have the QA team and Design team going through all your feedback to highlight the areas of combat we should look at next.


    I dont have a numpad, how do I sheath and unsheathe my weapons?


    Right click on the minimise/maximise hotbar button and select the Sheathe/Unsheathe option.


    It's annoying how I need to click on the chat box every time I want to say something. Can this be improved at all?


    You can press enter to chat instead of clicking the box. Alternatively, if you minimise the action-bar, then you no longer need to press enter or click to type.


    How does Hit bonus effect you?


    In simple terms, the higher your hit bonus, the more likely you are to hit something. However, when fighting something (or someone), their armour value is compared to your hit bonus. The higher your hit bonus is to their armour, the more likely you are to hit them. The closer your hit bonus is to their armour value, the less likely you are to hit.


    The armour value of a player is made up from the equipment they are wearing, NPCs have a natural armour value. The higher their combat level, the higher their armour.


    Is damage the max damage you can do with a weapon? If not, what does it mean?


    Damage is the maximum damage you can do with an auto attack. Weapons with a higher damage will also do more ability damage.


    For melee weapons, how do the style (stab, slash, etc.) effect you? Are enemies weak to different types of melee attacks?


    If you look on the target side panel, it shows you what a creature is weak to. A creature could be weak to crush, or water magic, or arrows etc. If you use the exact type the creature is weak to, you will have an increased chance to hit, in the region of an additional 15%.


    Can you explain the target info? What does VS Offense mean? What does the melee:xx%, ranged:xx%, and magic:xx% mean?


    The percentages shown here is the chance you have to defend against something attacking you using the offensive rating shown. This offensive rating is based on your current combat level so it should give you a rough idea of your defence chances in each combat style against monsters around your current level.


    So, if I am combat level 50, we assume on average that you will have 25 defence and 25 in a combat skill. Therefore, the defence chances shown here will be against an opponent attacking with 25 in their combat skill.


    What exactly does the "class" modifier do?


    This shows what combat style the equipment is suited to. For weapons, this indicates which combat skill will be used when fighting. For armour, this indicates the effectiveness it has against different combat styles based on the combat triangle.


    Melee armour will defend best against ranged attack, worst against magic attacks and average against melee attacks.


    Ranged armour will defend best against magic attacks, worst against melee attacks and average against ranged attacks.


    Magic will defend best against melee attacks, worst against ranged attacks and average against magic attacks.


    Armour will also affect your accuracy when using different combat styles. For example, wearing melee armour will not affect your chance to hit with melee weapons but will lower your chance to hit with ranged weapons and even further lower your chance to hit with magic.


    What do the asterisks next to a monsters name mean?


    If an asterisk is on a monsters name, it means that monster is tagged by a player, and won't award you any loot or XP if you attack it. Only the player who tags a creature (by getting the first hit on it) will get the XP and loot for the kill. Bosses can't be tagged like this.


    Do certain abilities miss more than others? If so, can you tell us which ones are more accurate?


    All abilities have the same hit chance as the weapon youre using.


    Why doesn't prayer affect abilities? E.g. Turmoil didn't affect the max hit of frenzy.


    Frenzy does percentage damage, anything that does a percentage of an opponents lifepoints will not be affected by damage modifiers.


    Is there a way to break stun?


    The freedom defensive ability, which doesnt require a shield, clears both stuns and damage over time effects. Its tooltip will be updated to let you know it breaks stuns in the next update.


    Will you be adding more abilities? Melee has twice as many as range/mage and hp only has two.


    Adding more abilities over time is something we are keen to do, however, new abilities will need to serve a purpose. We don't want to just add boring abilities to bump up the numbers some skills have access to.


    On the topic of melee having twice the amount as other skills, this is somewhat true, however they do have twice the amount of skills to train. What we tried to do with the Attack and Strength abilities, was to have Attack focus on Single weapon or dual-wielding and have Strength focus on Two-handed weapon abilities, in addition there is some overlap between the two skills, for example Kick and Back-hand are effectively the same ability.


    This all being said, we do feel that we could do with adding some more Mage and Range abilities, so watch this space!


    Will imbued rings be getting a buff? For at least 30 hours work they offer very little bonus over the normal version at the moment (not to mention some having no stats at all!).


    You should see this implemented in the next update.


    Are you going to give stats to items like berserker helms etc.?


    Anything that hasnt been given stats will be in due time.


    Why are the Elysian and Divine classed into tiers now when they are shields that all types of people could use within combat?


    The elysian/divine and arcane all have the special ability of the divine in the main game. These abilities are currently not activating as they should, but this should be fixed in the next update.


    They are classed because each class now has a shield that carries the divine ability. The spectral does not carry an ability but has the same defensive stats and is placed in the same tier as the bandos and armadyl shield.


    Why were blood/death runes removed from higher leveled spells, is this so more players can afford to cast the spells, making Magic a more open option to people?


    Magic was too expensive to cast. All offensive spells had their rune costs reduced to make magic less expensive to train. Additionally the basic Air spells now only cost Air runes to cast, so are free to use when wielding an Air Staff.


    Will protection prayers go back to protecting 100% from those attacks in PvE/PvM?


    No, the concept of having a prayer that makes you totally immune is very bad from a design perspective. It results in there being no challenge for the player and undermines the difficulty of any encounters.


    By using your new defence abilities tactically, you can mitigate a great deal of the damage creatures can deal out to you.


    A lot of hotkey mashing seems to be needed is it possible to be able to queue basic abilities or replace basic abilities with auto-attacks?


    While technically possible, queuing up a series of actions is straying dangerously close to macro territory, so is not something we are keen to do.


    Will you slow down the recovery of all action bar abilities since now it is simply who can mash the buttons in the correct order the fastest. This removes any skill.


    We are finding there is a great deal of tactical choice involved in deciding which ability is best to use a which point. Button mashing doesn't seem to win many duels when the opponent knows what they are doing. Once people become more familiar with how the different abilities interact, the effectiveness of mashing will tail off, we feel.


    Why is everything multi-combat and how do you plan to balance this in PvP?


    Single-way combat is a concept we wanted to move away from. Being magically unable to attack something simply "because" wasnt a design principal we wanted to continue to adopt. In addition, it undermines the use of several aspects of the game, for example Summoning. Players seeking a one-on-one PvP fights can use the Duel Arena or visit the new Crucible (Bounty Hunter) mini-game. However, as with all things in the beta, we will continue to monitor this situation.


    Will you nerf adrenalin pots, since you can simply use one then one hit a person. The "new rushing".


    Yes, we are looking at them as we speak.


    Will anguish and torment ever be given unique activation animations?


    It is certainly something we will be looking into and we will definitely be doing another pass over these. We are still working on some elements of the combat system and due to the nature of a beta, nothing is set in stone at this stage.


    As F2P players arent allowed in the beta, how are you going to test how these combat changes affect f2p combat?


    This is an active topic of discussion for the development team. We have the ability to boot our internal test servers into F2P and so we are actively testing and playing the free game internally.


    If you guys make an official poll about the evolution of combat? If a high number of players do not want the combat rework, will it be cancelled?


    We feel the combat rework is the right thing for the game, however the reason we are running the beta is so that we can get the players feedback and make changes. In the first few days of the beta we have already changed several things, such as removing the cooldown on switching gear in combat. We will continue to work with the players to improve the update until we can't make it any better before it is released into the live game. If this means the beta period needs to be extended, then we will extend the beta as long as is needed.

  3. Anyone else find that no single-way wilderness is a huge step back?


    It also means that anywhere that requires combat is easily overpowered by a cannon and ability spamming. Add onto this the strange new exp-gain formula, and it seems like it will almost be impossible to train slayer or even normal combat.


    True enough. I find combat extremely hard to level for a number of different factors. Why would they limit your training options like this? You either face something much more powerful than you, and you never hit and get crap exp, or you're restricted to the few monsters that actually fit the <30 criteria.

    A lot/most of the monsters have had their combat level changed, so there could be more thatfir the criteria.


    Also do peopls lnow how to reset their account to level 4? Or could you only do it at the very start before you logged into the beta?

  4. Yeah I was just wondering that because at the start she described herself as a quest cape owner, so I was like o and checked this:




    So she's a player but she also does stuff for Jagex? And we actually know her account name whereas normal Jagex staff aren't supposed to reveal that information or something.

    It's possible that that account belongs to a normal player?

  5. The next thing I was going to suggest was to disable any add ons you have and see if firefox freezes still, if it doesn't then enable each add on one at time until you find out which one is causing it. If firefox freezes when you have no add ons enabled, I would then suggest a reinstall of firefox.

  6. Sorry for the delay in replying Rozzyllah. I have changed the wording in the lunar magic guide a bit to clarify the type of seaweed you can use and I made a note in the edible seaweed item entry as well. I have credited you in the lunar magic guide and the item entry. Thanks :)

  7. Lolwat. That's like saying Tip.It staff can start abusing the rest of the people around here, because according to that logic we're above the rules and everyone else isn't. It is utterly and completely disrespectful and hypocritical to uphold double standards.

    But you do. :twss:

    Two words. Prove it!

    (Don't worry I got your back mistress Jaffy ma'am. ;))

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