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Posts posted by The_Maddest

  1. They're annoying for 2 reasons:


    - They're accuracy and power -- their melee, ranged and magic attacks are EXTREMELY accurate, even through full rune. Bear in mind you can only protect against one form of combat


    - They appear a lot. Mauranius said that when he switches worlds, there are other revenants there as well.




    As a side note, you can't see them coming as they're a yellow dot among many yellow dots of the spiders

  2. What ticks me off the most is when people say "barrow" instead of borrow. :wall: It's these blatant errors where you're not even close to the actual word that are the problem.


    To be fair 'barrow' and 'borrow' are pretty close. It's just that in RS they have completely different meanings.

  3. I got to lv 60 mining just so that I could enter all the F2P guilds. This guide may make me raise it a little more! Nah, I never liked mining anyway.




    It's a good guide -- I'd like to see more pictures inside the guide rather than just links. Hide tags would be good too. Oh and if I ever mined, it would be for the money, so money/hour calculations would be great. Xp/hour would be good too, including magic xp/hour when superheating.




    Err Translation please? :evil:



    Because that's not how the cool, leet kids do it. We're cool and leet... and I sorta lost the rest of it










    Don't type in all caps and please do make an effort to allow people to read what you write.

  5. One final word of advice: If you value the authority's above your friends, you will only have the authority as a friend in the end.


    Ooh, that sounds cool :P




    And you really shouldn't have reported your friend. Sorry for the melodramatic-ness, but you just stabbed him in the back.

  6. Well, how about the threshold only take effect if your attack is above a certain level, say 90. If it's level 90 and above, and you use slower weapons, when you hit (I don't mean that you'll just never miss, of course!), you won't hit below a 2. Every 2 levels it goes up by one.




    Ranged needs to be reworked in such a fashion that it causes more collateral damage than hitpoints damage. Say, for instance, it forces a Magician to drop their runes, or shoots off a Warrior's helmet. With a javelin, it could be possible to decrease the speed at which a person can block attacks.


    The minimum threshold of 2 would be too low to be of any use, especially if you need an attack level of 90 for it. On the other hand, as I said before, you couldn't put he minimum damage much higher. Tricky thing balancing is, eh? On the topic of balancing, again with respect to clans mages are already quite powerful and end up with most of the kills in situations. This would say that maybe wave spells aren't needed, yet solo mage PKing dictates otherwise.




    These combat 'effects' would require a complete rework of RS combat, not just the speed of the weapons. You could also have effects for melee like if you hit your max hit, you hit a devastating blow and the opponents defence level is temporarily lowered.


    [Range and Melee] Cap the amount of damage that a faster weapon can do. For instance, the faster it is, the weaker it can hit; the slower it is, the higher it can hit. Ensure that the slower weapons can not hit below a certain, reasonable threshold, and ensure that all weapons cannot hit above the same threshold. Some exceptions will apply (Barrows).





    All except the bolded area are already declared with the larger strength bonuses warharmmers, twohanded swords, and battleaxes claim. The bolded area, on the other hand, is a great idea in which I support, assuming that the minimum cap is reasonable. Being able to constantly hit above a ten would be incredibly overpowered.


    Even a minimum hit of 5 could be overpowered with a rune 2h in clan PKing. At the moment, a maxed out player could tank a clan 20 of level 100s for, say, 3-4 minutes. With these minimum hits, all 20 players could hit the level 126 for a minimum of 5. This would take him down in one hit. It is extremely overpowered. Another scary thing would be this would work with anyone who can wield a rune 2h. So you could be jumped by a team of lv 50s and die in one hit.




    Another issue is ranged. Ranged is very effective, but that effectiveness lies solely in its speed. If slow weapons got nerfed, F2P ranged would get nerfed.

  8. Explain^?




    Most pkers these days are such sooks they'd run away from someone whose constantly healing


    Especially with pray.


    First and formost, the healing effect in guthans is anything but 'constant'. On the contrary, many complain it's too random. If it's too random to be used in safe PvM situations, it sure isn't reliable enough to be used in dangerous PvP situations.




    Even if the healing special works often, the complete abysmal stats of the guthans spear would stop you getting kills anyway. It also has a low strength bonus and no special attacks, resulting in low hits. These don't win fights and don't get kills.




    Remember, the objective in PvP is not so much to stay alive as to kill your opponent. This may sound a little silly but if everyone protect prayed all through the fight to 'stay alive', then no one would get kills and we'd all lose money.

  9. I'm not 100% convinced that you guys are getting the jist - I'm trying to debate the effect and one-sidedness that weapon speeds have [re]created for Combat. Can we get back to that?




    You sort of summed up the answer to that question when you said:


    However, shortly after the launch of RS2, players realized how unforgivably slow Battleaxes and 2-Handers had become, so they switched to Longswords, Shortswords (where available), Daggers, and the Scimitar. Does anyone notice a small trend with that? Instead of of the eleven different types of weapons available to one at the time, only four were being actively used, and that was effectively reduced down to two. Before a whole year had passed, the Scimitar had become the de facto weapon of choice for many players, and the major problem of weapon bias and imbalance had once again became prevalent.






    [Melee] Introduce weapon skill levels. Allow a person to become exceedingly skilled in a particular class (or classes) of weapons, to improve weapon speed (certain weapons would be excluded).
    This could work, but it would just make another weapon, say the battleaxe, reign supreme. This would be like the change to RS2 and would solve nothing.


    [Melee] Include the ability to knock-down or stun an opponent with a rather hard hit.
    As good as this sounds, it wouldn't make me use a 2H sword as a training weapon/battle starter because of the slow speed


    [Melee] Allow armor to reduce damage done.
    I don't see how this would make a difference


    [Range and Melee] Cap the amount of damage that a faster weapon can do. For instance, the faster it is, the weaker it can hit; the slower it is, the higher it can hit. Ensure that the slower weapons can not hit below a certain, reasonable threshold, and ensure that all weapons cannot hit above the same threshold. Some exceptions will apply (Barrows).
    The minimum hit is a new concept. Bear in mind a 5 with a slow weapon is, in many cases of PvP just as useful as a 0 (i.e. it doesn't get you kills)




    [Melee] Introduce the Dragon set effect, whatever that might be.


    [Range] Allow up to Red Dragonhide armor on Freeplay.


    [Range] Allow up to Adamant bolts (absolutely no tips) on freeplay.


    [Magic] Allow magic level to improve damage on the following ratio: D = (floor(S) + (L*.15)). This means, if I have 99 Magic, I can hit up to 47 with a spell that does an initial 32 damage.


    [Magic] Give Snare and Entangle to Freeplay. Five seconds does not last long.


    [Magic] Allow casting speed to be determined by level.

    I don't see how any of these would help




    [Range] Improve the benefits for using a slower Ranged weapon (probably more damage or higher Magic defense)
    The raise in damage would have to be by about 5+ for it to be anything near popular. The majority of rangers would still use the shortbow though because it's insane firing speed can even top the much more powerful scimitar.




    Take note that in my comments I'm talking about F2P combat, and F2P only.

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