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Blog Entries posted by Hobgoblinpie

  1. Hobgoblinpie
    'a/an: They are used before a singular noun that has a plural form. 'A' is used before a consonant sound and 'an' is used before a vowel sound.'
    Despite the supposedly simple rule, determining the proper usage of 'a' and 'an', a lot of people, and more importantly many journalists, still fail to uphold the correct usage.
    Examples that I have encountered recently are 'an spent smoke grenade' and 'an media', with many before then. The reason these two stick in my mind like flies to manure, is simply because 'spent' and 'media' do not have anything even resembling a 'vowel sound'.
    The rule itself is of little difficulty to comprehend, unlike the offside rule in Football (or Soccer, to Americans), which makes it harder for me to accept the complete meltdown of the rule itself.
    Words beginning in 'H' that originated in French are correctly paired with the indefinite article 'an' (e.g. an [h]otel). Yet words that have no such link are still incorrectly paired.
    It is not a problem for me with casual chat, such as forum postings - rather when someone is getting paid to write, they should be able to write proficiently, and at least getting one of the simplest rules in the language correct.
  2. Hobgoblinpie
    I know this is my first post regarding this subject, but I thought it would be better late than never.
    For those who are unsure what Grippers are: You will most likely have seen them in a sports shop, with plastic or foam handles that provide a way to train your hand strength.
    The strongest Grippers in sports shops reach around 50lbs of pressure to close, and for most males, endless reps are possible.
    The Grippers that 'Grip professionals' (i.e. Bodybuilders with extensive grip training) are: Beef builders, Captains of Crush, Barabans and Mash monster. Captains of crush provide a certification system for anyone who can close a COC #3 and above.
    About 4 weeks ago I started with a COC #1, which requires around 140lbs (I say around because grippers can be slightly stronger or slightly weaker than their pundage rating) of pressure to crush together. I was able to crush them from parallel (I estimate that my crush strength was around 60kg).
    Since then, I progressed to the COC #1.5 (and recently purchased a COC #2), which requires 167.5lbs of pressure to fully shut (from a credit card set), and I am able to close it without setting it.
    Obviously my next goal is the COC #2, which requires 195lbs of pressure to close fully. I'm not expecting to be able to close it for another 4 weeks, and I don't expect to close a COC #3 until I'm in my 20s (which would be a shame, as I'm aiming to be able to close it while I'm still a teenager).
    Anyway, If you want proof, I'll happily give it, but it's nothing to boast about, and, let's face it, most of the people who click on this entry wont even read it :D
  3. Hobgoblinpie
    (Polite Notice: If you do not care about my opinion, then press the back button in your browser).
    To me, Dubstep represents a critical loss of creativity to the music industry. I find it to be a disaster upon my ears. The general monotony leaves me with a horrible impression, and the aggressiveness is displeasing.
    My actual hate for Dubstep, as a genre, is its fast rise to (somewhat) 'mainstream' play. I do generally dislike the sound, but this is a rather minute observation.
    I recently turned 18, which allowed me entry to Clubs. I prefer House & Trance, but I'm usually open to everything. I was aware of dubstep picking up in clubs, as it has been for the last few years, but this was, what I had assumed, different. It was an electro-house night (10pm to 3am). With Hervé as the main DJ. I know that he is a dubstep producer, along with drum&bass, grime and rave, but when I go to a genre specific night, I don't want to hear other genres which are not strictly related to it.
    By the time the last hour had arrived, only Dubstep was being played. Usually I would just stay along until the end, but this annoyed me slightly.
    To me, dubstep all sounds the same, and in this climate, it is hard to avoid.
    If Dubstep could become calmer, I might have a greater appreciation of it. For instance:
  4. Hobgoblinpie
    So i went onto iTunes earlier looking for some trance tracks (namely Sasha - Xpander) and stumbled upon a compilation that is just amazing. Many recognizable tracks and many many amazing tracks. most of the songs were £0.99 each, so getting 59 songs + 3 mixes for £8 wasn't a bad choice in my opinion. Since I'm heading to London, this'll probably be my new favourite album. If any of you want to check it out, it's called Creamfields 10 Years.
    Before anyone says outdated/crap/poor taste in music, I know, but it's my blog and therefore I can post what I like :)
    EDIT: Yes, I do know that it costs £7.99 for the album pretty much everywhere, but what I'm talking about is more the discovery side of it, rather than the price of it.
  5. Hobgoblinpie
    Such a sad state of affairs these days for photographers, or, as I should say, anyone with a digital SLR.
    On 24th November, I went to London on a college trip, with about 50 other students, and obviously, my DSLR. At about 12:30 we were given 45 minutes to wander around (and near, but not too far away) Trafalgar square. During these 45 minutes, I stayed with 3 other friends, and proceeded to do some street photography. A large part of Street photography is remaining unseen and inconspicuous, and being part of a group at a famous landmark seemed to work, or so I thought. About 20 minutes in, I took a photograph of a Policeman (he wasn't facing me when I took it, so I don't know why I got singled out). Moments later, he approached me and said that he wanted to go through the files on my camera under section 44 (Basically, an officer is allowed to search through your items without any reasonable level of suspicision). I was promptly told that (as he saw the picture of himself) I had to delete the file, which, under photographer's rights, is not legal. A police officer cannot make you delete any image which you have taken, so I proclaimed this fact to him and was told that I may receive a caution for having 'an attitude'. At this point, I gave up. Fighting an over-powered, mis-guided and idiotic system just isn't what I wanted to concern myself with. He let me go (he didn't get me to delete the file). I think that his view on the situation was wrong (not just because I'm the victim). If he had told me to stop photographing because I was on private property (Trafalgar square is privately owned), then I would have immediately stopped, as I know that if I am approached and told to stop photographing on private property, I am required to stop.
    This seems to be happening every day in the UK. I've seen about 4 different stories just in December about Police officers stopping photographers under section 44, even after all Police have received a letter telling them to ease up on the policing. I stick to Landscape, Macro and photography like that, so it is not a huge concern for me, but I do think that section 44 is becoming a joke. It's also very annoying when doing things that are perfectly innocent.
    And, just to get some e-revenge, here is the photo that almost got me a caution.

  6. Hobgoblinpie
    I've taken a long absence away from Tip.It, so thought I'd update a bit on my progress.
    Firstly, as surprising as it seems, especially to myself, I have reached 'Max Total' (or rather, what Jagex define as Max). The last levels to get are the 7 longest levels I've had to undertake - including zmi Runecrafting.
    In the time I've been absent, that means I have reached 99 Summoning, Farming and Dungeoneering - some of my least favourite skills. Dungeoneering grew on me for a bit, and I have now lost motivation to train it again - whereas my interest in RuneScape has been renewed with Player Owned Ports.
    The goal from here on is simply to finish up some quests that I really should have finished a long time ago. Desert Treasure and Temple at Sennisten to name a couple, as well as to increase my bank value, after having paid through the nose for several things (99 farming twice included).
    Strangely, my interest in playing the game really stems from Player Owned Ports, and I thusly only login to do voyages - that is, I play a game within a game.
    Anyway, that's it for now.
  7. Hobgoblinpie
    I can now close a CoC #2 (rated at 195lbs of lateral pressure) with a braced close.
    (for those who don't know, a braced close is where you place your other thumb between the handle resting in your palm and your 'thumb pad'. This reduces the movement that the handle can make, thus preventing it from moving too far and ruining the close).
    For now I'm going to accept that that is the best I can do (as in, I can't close it without my other thumb positioned). Therefore I'm going to move up to the #2.5 and hopefully close that in a braced position in around a month or two.
    I expect that I will be able to close the #2 without being braced within a month. Since braced closes don't count when going for certification, this is going to be the hardest part.
  8. Hobgoblinpie
    I've decided to use my blog as my Runescape blog as well.
    My new goal is to get 2100 total. I don't know when I will achieve this, but hopefully soon. I need 36 levels from time of writing. I intend to get 82 smithing straight away, leaving me 35 levels. These will be from 99 cooking, firemaking and woodcutting. I will probably get cooking first, then firemaking, then woodcutting.

  9. Hobgoblinpie
    Since I was bored, i decided to create a blog, to entertain myself, and to make you, the reader think 'Why on earth would I want to read this crap?'. Simple answer: you wouldn't/don't.
    If you managed to get past that, then Hello! No doubt you have absolutely no idea who i am, and for those that do, you still don't. Fear not, I have improvised an introduction. I am Me. I do the things I do, and don't do the things I don't. Simple enough?
    I am a simple enough person, I enjoy the normal comforts, such as music, and for music fans, i am currently listening to The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony. I am also reading what I am writing, for book lovers and prose writers.
    My half term will be a super fun rollercoaster of entertainment and enjoyment. I will have gone stir crazy by the end, no doubt. Lots of coursework to do, and losing the files for 16 pages of it hasn't helped! I am now forced to enter it in by hand, since I do not have a scanner, or access to a scanner. Obviously, I will not be having fun, but then, It entertains me more than Runescape does, or any other game for that matter.
    If you wish to inquire about any aspect of my life, then please feel free to ask, since I most likely will not answer, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
    If this has entertained you enough to read until here (which it hasn't) then good, because I just wasted a few minutes of your time, which you will never have back. Insult me if you wish, those minutes are now mine.
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