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Posts posted by Rien

  1. I'm seriously considering attending this time around. I'll be in Germany (rather than in the States), so the flight over to the UK won't be quite as bad. I hope everything works out, although there's no way of telling at this point. :pray:


    If I'm able to go, I'd be interested in meeting some TIFers. :thumbup:

  2. What's with all the negative responses on this thread? When did [bleep]ing with the government become something to be shunned? [bleep] the pigs :thumbsup:

    Because it ultimately threatens net neutrality. Hacking into government-affiliated sites for [cabbage]s and giggles gives politicians more of a reason to consider cracking down and implementing stricter Internet regulations.



    EDIT: Beat to it by Mask, heh.

  3. Sorry Rien, that wasn't aimed at you. I was applying that statement to what 3Hitu was saying, not you. It's always a case from said person that "Jagex said this", when there's never any proof to back it up and it generally never happens. My apologies, ily Rien.

    Ah, my mistake as well. It can be hard to tell who's responding to whom when there are multiple quotes. #-o ily2, Carl <3:



    I don't see where everyone was/is getting that loyalty was meaning you'd pay more money for content/etc. Loyalty is "the state or quality of being loyal; faithfulness to commitments or obligations". The only commitment people have with RuneScape is paying for your membership if you have one. You're not being loyal to a company if you spend money to buy things from them (for this instance the new items that are to be released). This update (when it happens) is for loyal members, so you would be being loyal the longer you've had a membership. It's kind of funny how one person will read a (soon to be)update, think it means something TOTALLY different than what they wrote and people take what they're saying at the truth and fly off the deep end with "Omg I'm going to so quit if/when that happens!!" when it says NOTHING about what the original person posted.

    I'm sure we all know what loyalty means; there's really no need to quote a definition. And no, for many companies, the only "loyal" consumers of their products are paying customers. The reason why so many people (myself included) initially thought this update could lead to micropayments was because of the ambiguity in the BTS. Thankfully, Jagex responded quickly and resolved the matter.

  4. From RuneScape's Facebook:


    Mitchel : i hope this doesn't do a: Modern Warfare 3 where you have to pay "more" money to get more content that will be [cabbage]


    RuneScape: ‎@Mitchell don't worry we won't make you pay anything extra. The loyalty program just takes into consideration how long you have been a member. It's nothing to do with micro-transactions, it's just some veteran benefits. ~Keildest


    Well I guess that's something. :roll:

    Thanks for letting us know. :thumbup:

  5. I don't have a source, but I believe Jagex once considered implementing micropayments under Iddison's lead.

    Iddison era sources don't count though because he did a crap load of game ruining money maker schemes they they complete back pedalled and tore out after getting rid of him rather quickly. I mean he was only there for like a year! And of that year the most notable thing would of been the gnomecoptor advertising and the other become a member! things from clicking members stuff in f2p.

    That's certainly true. While I believe MMG has better intentions and cares more for the game itself than Iddison ever did, however, I don't think he'll pass on the opportunity to generate more revenue through micropayments if he believes he can implement them without too much backlash from the community. So long as they only offer cosmetic items (at least in the beginning), I believe there's a possibility that Jagex will be able to get away with it. This is all assuming that they intend to introduce micropayments, of course, and I sincerely hope I'm mistaken.


    He can never provide sources to what Jagex supposidly say, funny. What you believe and what's actually going on, are more often than not completely different.

    I don't have a source because Iddison was replaced years ago.

    'Not the easiest thing finding an old source when you're not quite sure where to even start looking. :mellow:

  6. If they introduce microtransactions, which I'm more against than for anyway.

    That underlined/bold is exactly what they want to do, they've mentioned it loads of times before.


    Really? I've never heard them mention it before, care to link me a source?

    I don't have a source, but I believe Jagex once considered implementing micropayments under Iddison's lead.

  7. Buying items for irl cash ?



    HELL MOTHER[bleep]ING [cabbage] NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Jagex screwd up big time. Wow usually i try to stay positive and don't go around screaming RUINEDSCAPE, but this time, ruinedscape might exactly be the case...

    They haven't said anything about IRL money being involved (yet), although this "loyalty program" sounds similar to the micropayment systems present in other MMOs. Hopefully we'll all be wrong about this, and Jagex will just require certain ingame achievements or something. /optimistic

  8. I'm no techie, but we've recently moved over to a new server, and there are still some residual problems with certain things not copying over correctly (from what I understand). It's being worked on, don't worry. :)



    EDIT: Ninja'd by Howlin :lol:

  9. IIRC, I completed the Witch's House quest as soon as I could. The members' gate between Falador and Taverley had always fascinated me, and the quest icon I could see just beyond it eventually drove me to becoming a member. This was before I started using fansites or had any experienced friends to tell me much about RS, so I knew very little about the P2P world. I should also mention that I was ~12 years old at the time, and was completely taken with this game. Hahah. :P

  10. Earlier this morning, I witnessed invisible players. The only things I could see were the damage splotches, their weapons moving in air and their shadows. This was in Kuradels dungeon.


    If I were of the PvP mindset, Id be extra careful about my settings and my back.

    Something similar happened to me yesterday while I was Dungeoneering. My team was fighting the Gravecreeper when he suddenly disappeared; we couldn't see or attack him, but we were still getting hit ourselves. We ended up having to leave the boss room, and the Gravecreeper reappeared after we all logged out and back in again. It happened a second time before we could kill him, though, so that boss fight was quite a pain. Heh.


    I certainly hope this can be resolved soon.

  11. Apparently it is now possibly to blow up lit barricades with explosive potions. :P

    Said so in the update, but it didnt mention the lit part.

    glad they fixed that, it was rather annoying =\

    I'm actually surprised they "fixed" that. Intentionally lighting your own barricades to stall your opponents (usually when they're trying to rush through your base's defence) is a well-established strategy. Meh.


    Anyway, this update sounds great! I can't wait for the new and improved animations that are bound to come out now. :thumbup:


    I do find it a bit annoying that they decided to mess with item inventory images again, though. This has happened a few times in the last year, and the quality of the images always seem to decrease; it's never an "improvement", from what I can tell.

  12. If you're talking about the RSOF, then no, I'd rather not. Nearly every time I've joined a team formed there, someone left early or the team was disbanded after only a few floors. This is why I'm looking for a dedicated CC to use. ;)


    I'm still open to suggestions if anyone knows of any more.

  13. Heya. :)


    I was wondering... does anyone know of any decent Dungeoneering rushing clan chats? I can vaguely recall there being one called "Kannni" (or something like that) which I used at one point, but I can no longer remember the name, nor am I even sure if it's still active.


    For reference, I would prefer not to depend on world 117 or RSOF-based teams, since I find them to be generally unreliable. Thanks for your time; any suggestions you can give me are most appreciated.

  14. Considering the two-week limit between each case, the Crew needs some help updating the D&D guide.


    If any of you would like to help, please post here or on the Website Updates & Corrections board (or simply PM a Crewbie). We need the name of the case (verbatim), a chat head picture of the accused, a brief description of the case, and any rewards granted at the end of each case. If we can use any of your information, you will be duly credited at the end of the guide, of course. Cheers, and thanks in advance. :)

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