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Posts posted by Rien

  1. I'm not sure what went wrong in your case, but I personally accompanied a Crewbie as she completed the quest and updated the guide a several months ago. The guide was correct in that regard at the time, so unless Jagex arbitrarily changed the quest since then, I believe players are still able to bet with the guards.


    Are you entirely sure that you were unable to? We have an ordered list in the guide which should outline how to arrange the fight and betting:


    1. Watch the Mercenary Captain (he is easy to spot as he is the only one wearing a grey cape) and get the message that he likes to have his men do his dirty work for him.

    2. Talk to the captain, say "hello" then insult him, THEN threaten to punch him.

    3. The guards will whisper a message to you and pretend to fight you. If you continue talking to the captain, they will haul you away into the desert and take away your waterskins!

    4. Talk to a guard and ask him about the captain. Keep asking about the captain and he'll mention that if anyone challenges the captain to a one-on-one duel all the guards have agreed not to interfere. Make a bet with the guards that you'll win.

    5. Talk to the captain again, but this time, offer to do something for him. He will send you to bring the head of a bandit lord. Don't go to the bandit camp in the desert, instead go to the nomad camp due west (and a bit north of the bandit camp). Talk to the the leader of the bandits (inside the big tent holding a staff) and tell him your job of killing the bandit chief. He will tell you the bandit does not exist and send you back to the captain with some choice words.

    6. Talk to the captain again and this time the option to insult him for not knowing the bandit was a fraud comes up. He will challenge you to a duel in response.

    7. Fight the captain.

    8. A metal key should appear in your pack when you kill him (it will be on the ground if you have no pack space.)

    8. Collect your bet (if any) from the guards. (They will demand payment to clean up the mess you made, however, so this might not be worth it.)


    Please let me know if you learn anything more.

  2. Thank you very much. :)


    I went to talk to the customs officer, and you are correct. It turns out that the answers can vary, but they're posted on a noticeboard outside, anyway. Because of this, I've amended the second step of the quest guide:


    2. Wearing full pirate clothing (bandana, stripy shirt, leggings, and boots), head to Rimmington and speak to the Customs Sergeant in the office, telling him that you are a mighty pirate. He'll ask you questions about three ships - The Gnome's Promise, The Reaver, and The Saucy Wench. The answers vary between players, but can easily be found on the notice pinned on the outside wall of the office.


    Thanks again, and I've credited you for the help.

  3. We've now added step-by-step instructions to the guide, but I'm afraid I used another poster's submission, since he had sent it in earlier than you. If you can spot anything wrong with what we have, however, I'll be happy to work with you in correcting the guide.


    'Sorry about that, and thank you for your understanding. :)

  4. Thanks for your contribution! Unfortunately, as Dark_Aura said, we;ve already received submissions similar to this before, so we're obligated to use those instead. By the way, step-by-step solutions have been added to the guide and are hidden in spoiler tags at the end of each section. If you see anything that needs correcting, please don't hesitate to point it out to us. :)


    Thanks again, and sorry that we couldn't use your solution.

  5. I finally got around to doing this; 'apologies for the wait. I've personally verified that your method works, and so have added the solutions at the end of each section as "spoilers".


    You've been added to the the "Special Thanks" list, by the way. Thanks for your help. :)

  6. It's alright, I'm partially to blame as well.


    Anyway, to learn which Summoning pouches you can make a profit off of by purchasing them at the GE and exchanging them for Spirit shards at a Summoning shop, you need to find how many shards are required to craft each particular pouch. The Summoning shops will return 70% of the initial Spirit shards used to create the pouch if you exchange the pouch for shards. So, if the number of shards used to create a pouch multiplied by .7 (shard return) and then again by 25 (GP price per shard) is higher than the medium price of the pouch on the GE, then you'll be able to make a profit by making the exchange. Heh, that sounds like an overly-complicated explanation on my part. :mellow:


    Anyway, to start you off, I'll give you some examples of pouches which currently turn a profit if you buy them at the medium GE price and exchange them for Spirit shards. Iron titan, Wolpertinger, and Swamp titan pouches will all be profitable at the moment, although this is subject to change should the GE price fluctuate.

  7. The GE/Shop price can't be altered; it's fixed at 25 GP each (meaning that it will remain at that price no matter what you do). As I said, buying the shards from other players is your only option in this case, but as you pointed out, I doubt very many would be willing to sell their Spirit shards for less than that amount. You'll simply have to accept the current price, I'm afraid; there's nothing to be done about it.

  8. I greatly appreciate your willingness to help; thank you. :)


    Unfortunately, this information is already included in our EWIII Quest Guide. If you see anything there that might need to be changed, please post back in this subforums, and I'll be happy to work on it.


    Thanks for the thought, as I really do appreciate it, even if I'm unable to use your submission. :)

  9. Per this post, the information on how to obtain the extra turns has been made more prominent. Unfortunately, I neglected to take the "before and after" pictures of these moves while I was completing the quest, so I'm afraid the guide is lacking them. If anyone happens to have clean pictures of the "extra-turn" puzzle solutions, I will gladly credit you should you send them to me for use in the guide.




    Also, guys, you'd honestly be surprised at how many Quest Authors/Editors we have on Crew. At the moment, our main man for the job is away due to real-life problems, and so that makes me the only active Crewbie available who regularly writes/edits quest guides. We simply don't have the manpower to keep this subforum clean, and even if we did, it would still be no simple task due to the often obscure or difficult-to-prove submissions we receive. As SportsGuy said, most of the Crew have already completed all or most of the quests, so, for the most part, we can't go back and check the validity of the submission for ourselves. This quickly creates a back-log of work, as you can see, and I honestly don't like the situation any more than you do.


    As for the "posting" problem, I can't speak for the other Crewbies, but I can give you my perspective on the matter. Simply put, I (personally) do not like to make hollow promises. Sure, I could post on every quest submission thread and say that I'll be looking into it, but that wouldn't be the truth in several of the cases (since I can't go through the quests again personally, as I mentioned earlier). That's my reason for not responding to every thread, and I apologise if it appeared that I was being rude or uncaring by not doing so.

  10. The information was always in the guide, although it appears that many users skipped over it without realising they had. Specifically, the "extra-turn" information could be found in the hidden "Features of Interest", and Step 12 of the guide asked readers to refer to this section to learn how to obtain these turns. Because it was apparently so easily missed, I've bolded the instruction in Step 12 and have also copied over the same information from the "Features of Interest" to the "Tips & Tricks" section at the end of the guide. I hope that solves the problem for you, and you have my apologies if the relevant information was in any way difficult to find.

  11. If I remember correctly, I tried that back when I did the quest (didn't have full Prayer at the end, I believe), but it wouldn't let me pray at any of the altars until after I managed to repair them all. At any rate, I'm positive that the quest guide author would have tried this himself first before relying on using a Prayer potion, so I won't be making any changes here. If you can somehow provide a screenshot proving otherwise, however, I'd be more than willing to apologise and make the necessary changes.


    As for the item requirements, you are correct, and so I've added a Hammer and Saw to the list (you've been credited for it, by the way). I also have "hidden" the restoration mini-quest following the quest, as it should have been done when the guide was first written.


    Anyway, thanks for your help on this. I appreciate it. :)

  12. Yes, the old reward was a mere 60 GP; Jagex increased the amount when they went about updating several of the F2P quests awhile ago. Anyway, I've added a note at the end of the quest quide stating this, and credited Kaida23 for his help.


    Thanks! :)

  13. Do you have a screenshot or anything to show this? I helped a friend with this quest somewhat recently, and I thought the point of getting the guard drunk while wearing the Khazard armour was to make him think that you were a fellow guard. I was pretty sure the key didn't have to be stolen or anything, although if you have proof indicating otherwise, I'd be happy to make the change. :)

  14. What they should do, as someone suggested on another thread, plan their updates so the whole thing is complete, with mainly only minor bug fixes before the month starts. That is most likely easier said than done, but... Might as well give it a try?


    I'm hoping this is why they've brought back the BTS, actually. It's been said before, but I know myself and many others would be perfectly happy to endure a "no-update month" in order for Jagex to work ahead and release completed updates each week (regularly). Perhaps they've done so here, and are willing to announce each month's updates in a BTS because of it?

  15. The "Realm vs Realm" Triumvirate event was concluded on Monday, and the results are finally in!


    It was certainly a grueling series of wars (9 held over a period of 3 days), but I believe everyone who attended had a great time with it. I'm afraid that crashing did become more prevalent as the wars progressed (particularly by members of RoT, apparently), but that wasn't near enough to ruin the fun, thankfully. :P


    'My thanks to those of you here who participated in one or more of the wars, by the way. :)


    The Official Announcement:



    Congratulations to the Judges for their hard-fought victory, as well as to the Lords and Reavers for their incredible efforts!




    For those of you interested in these Triumvirate challenges, we'll be hosting a Castle Wars Tournament this weekend. I won't spam this board each time we have an event, so you won't need to worry about that, in case you were wondering. :P


    Thanks again, everyone.

  16. 'Moving this to the Website Discussion board, since this is more of a technical issue and can be better dealt with there.


    Anyway, yeah, I've seen this myself for at least a year now (at irregular intervals). I can only assume it's some form of glitch. (For a laugh, by the way, click the link to the "Moderator Trainee Program"; it links to a H&A thread with thousands of views.) :P

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