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Posts posted by Jernlov

  1. I have struggled with sleeping for years and years. I've found the easiest thing for me to do now is try to sleep when I feel I'll be able to, since I sleep so little that it's hardly disruptive to my current schedule.

  2. Stepping in something wet while wearing your socks. I hate wasting socks.


    Makes me shudder just thinking about it.


    People who get super upset and make a big fuss out of kids committing suicide. That sounds horrible, but they're always like "ohhh she was a hero" and trying to make laws and affect the school etc. when it's just some immature (in a normal way), depressed kid who made a dumb decision.


    yo i sort of think it's in a school's duty to look out for the best interests of their students.


    and no decision is dumb when you're depressed. everything is valid somehow.

  3. If you like Blackmetal, maybe you'll like Ondskapt

    Walpurgisnacht, is a Dutch DSBM band, in case anyone's interested in that.

    I could also throw in some Finnish stuff, like Horna or Behexen.

    At the Gates might be too obvious for the melodic death people amongst us, but i'll mention em anyways:)


    Walpurgisnacht is cool. Didn't think I'd find someone into them here.


    also, black metal is my life etc

  4. Anyone who can recommend some good power electronics? I'm looking for stuff like Sutcliffe Jugend's When Pornography Is No Longer Enough, so some of the most harsh and depraved music please. I am NOT looking for normal 'electronic' music. Digital noise (like later Merzbow) is good also.


    I'm not too well-versed on power electronics but I really like Brighter Death Now and Navicon Torture Technologies.


    f*** Whitehouse, though.

  5. Tool are not a metal band. Ignore anyone who suggests Opeth, they suck. ;)


    No mention of Control Denied yet? Schuldiner's other band, they played quality progressive power metal. Other progressive metal bands with cleans:



    Fates Warning



    Queensryche (no mention yet? For shame! Operation: Mindcrime is a classic of the genre)



    And harsh vocals:


    Shining (NOR)

    The Ocean (GER)

    Dan Swano


    Altar Of Plagues




    The Meads Of Asphodel



    Ved Buens Ende

    Atheist (fantastic band)

    The Chasm

    Cosmic Atrophy

    Edge Of Sanity


    Pestilence (on Spheres)

    Portal (very weird)


    Also, the guy who mentioned Arsonists Get All The Girls is not your friend. Terrible, terrible, even for deathcore.


    Best post in this thread. Enslaved f***ing beasts.

  6. I don't understand why the Army hasn't been called in. The protests are not political, they're not even about the shooting that happened last week. There's some rioters claiming it's because they're unemployed, so you solve that by burning several workplaces to the ground? This is plain civil anarchism and it should be treat as such. Not live ammo, but enough force to get the message across. Whatever the case, the Police are not coping.


    That's a pretty horse[cabbage] reason; I've been unemployed myself for a while and although I hate being made out to be a bad guy scrounger too I really wouldn't want to go out and risk my future even more than I've already managed to do. And considering the current social climate and lack of training/opportunities where I'm situated, it's already looking pretty tentative.


    Though I guess not everyone can act rationally if they reach a certain point. Still doesn't make it justifiable.

  7. that's pretty cool, though i'm of the opinion that it's highly subjective and you can't really look at it like "my teacher says this has meaning; it must have" or "my teacher says this has no meaning; it must not". there were many poems i studied that i found to mean something to me that the rest of the class/teacher thought were bad or boring or whatever.


    out of the stuff i studied i really used to dig simon armitage when i was a disaffected 15 year old. not so much now (i'd rather enjoy some yeats or blake) but yeah. never did feel much in carol ann duffy's writing, found it pretty trite and even seeing her live just made me think it's all the more trite and boring.

  8. London Riots.


    [bleep]ing idiots just burning and looting buildings for fun. Well done, cost the taxpayer millions and create a [cabbage] image for your generation.


    university students pissed off at a party that caters to the excessively privileged. the irony.


    These riots are not politically motivated, these riots are a bunch of [cabbage]-for-brains criminals making use of what they see as a chance to steal and break stuff without fearing repercussions

    eh. thanks. i've not really been keeping up with stuff but yeah, i just went and checked it out. derr.


    but yeah i agree, it's like what are you even doing

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