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Posts posted by Animorph2

  1. Note to self:


    New additions (Last updated April 25, 12:28PM EST):

    Larding888 (1414)

    Spaex (1409)

    Eminem777 (1380)

    Worm Brain (1357)


    Just keeping track of requests. I might update it later today, but there must be a whole bunch of new additions out there that haven't come to us yet. Would someone mind checking for potentials for me?


    Wow, while scrolling through this thread I suddenly recognized his name, I did a med dung with him a couple of days ago. He was one of the few people I've met during dunning that managed to maintain some speed, most people I've teamed up with had to make a whole bunch of armour and food etc. I ever remember saying that he had great stats :P, and that pure f2p was ftw. I am interested in how the new skill will influence the top of f2p.


    I've also checked the dung level of the top 20 of the list and I noticed that only 3 were 80+, and all the other were lower then 63. Interesting when you see that skiller703 is already 96 :s


    It will greatly impact the list in the first few months, after that it should settle out again. However, those who have quit till be pushed back greatly :(

    Skiller703 apparently sleeps less than 5 hours every 3 days. That definitely isn't healthy and I wouldn't be surprised if he has to be hospitalized due to it.

  2. I guess nobody remembers Galaxyg. :)

    I remember galaxyg :) And was gutted when he dropped off the top 250!


    I never saw him, but he had a repuation for never saying anything, ever.


    Yeah, and that story about someone wanting to give him a rune 2h back in Classic (which was as valuable as a partyhat today) and he refused to take it as a gift, so the guy dropped it. He didn't want the guy to lose it, so he eventually picked it up and agreed to keep it. One of the few times he accepted a gift from someone, since he tried as hard as he could to stick to his personal code of total independence. I hear he made all of his training armor himself and trained with a rune longsword (self-made) until like level 119. That of course means that his mining and smithing were incredibly high even in Classic. This is aside from the fact that, for ages, Galaxyg was the highest-leveled pure F2P. Check this list:




    According to Meili, who's been playing since 2001, that list was actually compiled here on TipIt in 2003. That means Galaxyg was lvl 117 (and even had 92 magic) back then. The only other pure F2Pers on that list that I recognize are Advanced Bot (109), Alchemon (106), and the immortal Mendark 9 (101).


    The man's a legend.


    He'll always be a part of my memory, that's for sure.

    I just wonder if I've made an impact on anyone, because I'd love it if I have.

  3. Here is my opinion of the items.




    4k - Coal bag

    40k - Gravite Longsword

    40k - Gravite 2h Sword






    15k - Arcane blast necklace

    43k - Tome of frost




    Not useful


    2k - Gem bag

    10k - Nature staff

    12k - Law staff

    40k - Gravite Rapier

    40k - Gravite Staff

    10k - Longbow sight

    40k - Gravite Shortbow



  4. Galaxyg, Mendark 9, Syzygy and Water is Nat were all people I looked up to when I entered the list.

    I was at about 1350 total and Water is Nat was at 1420 total, and I always thought he was amazing ^_^ and now look at me, I'm where he used to be, and you know what, it feels great :D


    I saw Galaxyg once maging at Port Sarim prison, he would never talk though.

    Mendark 9 I saw multiple times runecrafting and also, I saw him running through the wilderness once saying he needed items because he got scammed. Not sure if any of you knew this, could be why he stopped playing?

  5. Not sure if I'm correct but...


    Jagex put the 50% nerf on 90+ combat F2Pers if and only if you are doing solo dungeons. If you are duo-ing or teaming, you get regular exp.


    I'm guessing it's because members only used solo to abuse quick experience, and not group.


    This could be correct, you should make a thread and try and get a response from JaGex.

  6. Dear Maintainers of the Holy List


    On the day of the Skill-Release (obviously also probably top 250 list update) i reached my 1352 Total skill pure f2p. God i was so pissed, worked for years to reach my goal and get onto the list and just on that f** day they release a new skill that makes all highscores lists obsolete for some time.


    Therefore, i am really glaad to hear that there will be a new list generated and you will continue the work, and I would like to thank you for that.


    So i dont need to quit, and can continue playing ;)


    And hopefully some day i will get onto it aswell lol


    Best regards,



    You will in a couple months, don't you worry ;)


    47 dungeoneering today :D

  7. The new memberlist has been created, but I haven't added any names in yet. I made a seperate (hopefully temporary) rank entitled "Glitched" for those with extra agility levels. I'll add the name this afternoon, but only the ones on the previous list. It's up to you guys to inform me of new additions. Unless I have little to do I will update about once a month until around June or July when the hype settles down.


    EDIT: New list updated. (See link at bottom of my post). The ones with unranked dungeroneering xp and gained levels before the new skill made me really angry :mellow: , since I had to check if they had 2 agility.


    One of two oddities I found was Runman60, who has 3539 unranked xp. That would be level 18 dungeoneering, but in order to get 1371 total he would have to have 19 dungeoneering. Hence, I have listed him as "Glitched" for the time being. Hopefully he or someone else posts her e to clear things up.


    The other is that Negative12 had 1464 total before the new skill, and right now still has 1464 total. Weird. Didn't list him as glitched, though.


    Inform me regarding any more P2P xp glitches, list additions, and people who have become P2P.





    Unfortunately Runehead does not have the Dungeoneering skill implemented yet. HOWEVER, as of April 19 at 20:54 EST it seems that your dungeoneering level is shown in the "Duel tournament" dropdown for some reason. The Fist of Guthix statistics have also shifted to the Mobilizing Armies field. The error occurs where the list imports a certain cell on the runescape hiscores table (Suppose row 25 has your summoning level and xp, 26 is duel tournament, etc). Now dungeoneering has been inserted into the cell that was once Duel Tournament (in this case, dungeoneering is now row 26 and duel tournament is 27), and everything below it has shifted down by one cell. Don't know if that made sense, but basically I know why the list appears this way.



    LOL I jumped 30 ranks :D

    With my goals that would bring me to rank 11, currently rank 61. Of course, there will be lots of fluctuation in the coming months so I obviously can't guarantee that.

    However, I'm probably into the high 70's, low 90's due to people quitting/inactive.



    Also a big thank you Isthatok <3

  8. I know this isn't in response to the list, but it's in response to the new skill that I'm sure you guys don't agree with.


    I made a thread regarding the exp reduction placed on higher levels. Feel free to check it out and comment/support.


    Quick find code: 15-16-888-60790808

  9. Regarding the capping of EXP on F2P for high level players, how does the capping work? You don't get more EXP with increasing floor and prestige number? Or the fact that it increases, but you get less than what a member would get for the same floor and prestige level? I'm not sure what's with the rants over this cap.

    It's a straight up 50% reduced exp for people over 90 combat on non-members worlds.

    In other worlds, take the normal floor exp and prestige exp, half them, then continue with exp calculations.


    So, if you're below combat 89 and F2P, you get the full floor and prestige EXP, but the moment you get to 90, you get 50% reduction, possibly slower than a fellow level 89 F2P player?


    That is correct.

  10. On the other hand, it seems to me that I'm one of the very few people that considder this a game or leisure anymore. I set goals, but it's not as if I wont be happy til I achieve them, mostly I goof around, play the minigames etc. I train when I do poorly and want to do better, not because I want a rank or anything like that. So from that point of view, would I want the bonus exp weekend? Hellz yea! :thumbsup: because it would make having fun that much easier.


    Just so you know there hasn't been a F2P double exp weekend yet ;)

    I set goals as well, but I'm happy with my account as it is and I don't really care if I'm unable to reach them however, I usually do just because I'm the type of person that wants to continually improve/get better/reach what I strive for :)

    I would only want the double exp weekend so getting 90 prayer would be 16m cheaper :D Also, 90+ looks amazing right?


    For some, it's faster exp to be able to do the things they want to be able to do = more fun.

  11. I'm kind of disappointed but also happy that the next double exp weekend will be F2P.

    I might participate in it, I'm not sure. I might constantly store 30k big bones in the bank to bury when it happens, I don't know.

    It would save me 16m last time I checked and 10 hours of playing.

  12. My goal is to get 1470 total before I quit (w/o new skill).

    I'm aiming for 1445 total by the end of the summer (w/o new skill).

    Not really playing much at all besides flipping, so then when I possibly start to play again I can get 90+ prayer.

    94-96 Ranging will probably take me 1-2 months though, so everyone, have fun passing me in the ranks and good luck to all.


    As to why I'm quitting, I've found other things that give me the same sense of accomplishment.



    Im going to enjoy passing you :thumbsup:


    :D As long as I stay under rank 100 I'm okay with that ;)

  13. for training, i only look for giant, since i want its bones for prayer.

    i hope there will be a weaker and stronger version of giant, and at least a dragon that we can kill beside dragon slayer quest which only once.

    hopefully this will be implemented together with the new skill.

    Nah, it's not so likely that the new skill will bring F2P new dragons and such. :(


    @ Central_Kepper: Are you referring to corpse mages?


    No he is referring to the creatures he stated...

  14. Will there be any chance that the list will expand again? (Top 500, top 1000, etc.)


    And it's not good to exclude people on request (except for P2P), because we need ACCURATE info. Seeing only 11 players maxed on the list is just... -_-


    There probably won't be an expansion on the list due to Runeheads limit which is 500 I believe.

    And I agree with the last point, it pisses me right off.

  15. My goal is to get 1470 total before I quit (w/o new skill).

    I'm aiming for 1445 total by the end of the summer (w/o new skill).

    Not really playing much at all besides flipping, so then when I possibly start to play again I can get 90+ prayer.

    94-96 Ranging will probably take me 1-2 months though, so everyone, have fun passing me in the ranks and good luck to all.


    As to why I'm quitting, I've found other things that give me the same sense of accomplishment.

  16. Hey everyone!


    Though it was time I could drop by again. How is the f2p community doing? Still rocking?

    Well, I would just like to mention that Water is nat is a legend.

    That's about it!


    Kind Regards,



    Thanks for making me smile. :)


    Keep in mind,

    Legends never die,

    They just fade away.


    For those who didn't get the hint,

    I now announce that I've quit playing RuneScape.


    I wish you all the best ingame, and good luck with your goals.


    ~Friendly greetings, Water :rolleyes:


    Sad to see you go, but that quote is 100% true in my opinion.

    I wish you all the best in real life. Fortunately, I'm currently in Grade 11 of highschool, so I still have time to play Runescape between everything else ;)

  17. They are lacking for reason that, well, quite annoying to train.


    Imagine if we don't have those mini games and no GE, it will even be harder to train.


    Oh, then again, people could just use air walkers.




    On another note, there are tons of F2P legends out there, its almost like a legend whole sale.


    I was actually just kidding aha.

    I could have been a legend if I devoted much of my early years of my life playing runescape all day.

  18. Hey everyone!


    Though it was time I could drop by again. How is the f2p community doing? Still rocking?

    Well, I would just like to mention that Water is nat is a legend.

    That's about it!


    Kind Regards,



    I see that your prayer and runecraft are lacking.

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