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Everything posted by Monk

  1. I had fried pork yesterday, it wasn't too bad.
  2. If anything is going to be with eggs, it has to be chorizo.
  3. Steak can be a breakfast food if you want it to be.
  4. Double xp on MW3, what's the occasion?
  5. The ones from Hardee's put up a contest for it.
  6. Ah, Odin. I though Vanille was around to fight with Lightning, but apparently not. And the annoying kid's name is Hope. :P
  7. Gonna get back to that when my brother goes back to school and isn't on the PS3 all day erryday. I rage quitted ages ago when I couldn't beat Lightning's summon. I've got all the summons. :P [hide=Spoilers]The hardest would probably be Fang's, imo.[/hide] I'm to the Taejin's Tower at this point. Stuck on the boss battle there. I might have to start from scratch again. I remember next to nothing. Plus I wasn't that far through anyway. Isn't Lightning's summon like 7-8 hours in? Also, this [bleep]ing boss. [bleep], [bleep], [bleep]. http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Dahaka
  8. Gonna get back to that when my brother goes back to school and isn't on the PS3 all day erryday. I rage quitted ages ago when I couldn't beat Lightning's summon. I've got all the summons. :P [hide=Spoilers]The hardest would probably be Fang's, imo.[/hide] I'm to the Taejin's Tower at this point. Stuck on the boss battle there.
  9. Ugh, I didn't lose as much as I thought I had on FF13. Only about 2 hours, but still pissed off.
  10. I still haven't played Dead Space.
  11. And that's the first step of exercising.
  12. Finally figured out this part of a physics problem that has eluded me for an hour. Now I can get on with the rest of the problem. <_<
  13. And do you mean like 4 gets, or whole pages?
  14. Already took it out. Might put it back in later.
  15. :( I only put it there since I had the record at the time... I think either Goon or Zoe beat me now, so I should probably edit that out...
  16. So everyone that comes to my room on a daily basis has decided that any girl that they don't know that comes into my room I automatically like. Well then.
  17. But then you wouldn't have all this cool stuff you do now. I could care less. couldn't couldn't couldn't couldn't couldn't couldn't couldn't couldn't mother[bleep]ing couldn't
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