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Posts posted by Lap

  1. I can't remember exactly when I started playing, but I know it's before the Yo-Yo, since that is my oldest holiday item. I remember mining 1k rune essence and selling it for 20gp each because I thought that was a good deal, then making 20k an hour and being able to afford a rune pick so I could finally go mine in the mining guild. I also remember picking up white-berries on Red Dragon isle and taking a week to sell em at 1k each... haha.




    Back when everyone had a rubber chicken I thought it was such a noob item, now I barely see any.

  2. Slayer is my fav skill, personally I CANNOT grind on a single monster, period. Slayer is the way I do my training, I get assigned a creature, and go beat the living ***** out of it, all while getting xp in a possible 4 skills : Att/Str/Def/Range/Mage, Summoning (Dont forget the charms) , Prayer (If you choose to bury bones that so many things drop), HP.

  3. Looks like a for sale sign. Maybe we will be able to become our very own real-estate agents! We can get loans from the bank and never pay them off!


    New Features:


    "Becoming in Debt'


    "A runescape-style bailout from the king of Varrock"


    "A recession"






    Or maybe it has something to do with travelling?

  4. What are your guys' opinions on those that exploit the 26k/76k trick to gain money.


    I reserve my judgement until I have more personal experiences with these types of things, but I see a lot of people complaining, and I just want to see what you guys think.

  5. Wizard of Oz was about the Gold Standard. But I guess it could apply to video games as well lol. Jagex is very sneaksy.




    [hide=Some History]From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wonderful_Wizard_of_Oz#The_Gold_Standard_representation_of_the_story




    Some scholars have theorized that the images and characters used by Baum and Denslow closely resembled political images that were well known in the 1890s, specifically the debate of the day regarding monetary policy: the "Yellow Brick Road" represents the gold standard, the silver slippers (which were ruby slippers in the film version) represent the sixteen to one silver ratio (dancing down the road). Many other characters and story lines represent identifiable people or circumstances of the day. The wicked witches of the east and west represented the local banks and the railroad industry, respectively, both of which drove small farmers out of business. The scarecrow represents the farmers of the Populist party, who managed to get out of debt by making more silver coinage. The return to bimetalism would increase inflation, thus lowering the real value of their debts. The Tin Woodman represents the factory workers of the industrialized North, whom the Populists saw as being so hard-pressed to work grueling hours for little money that the workers had lost their human hearts and become mechanized themselves. (See Second Industrial Revolution) Toto was thought to be short for teetotaler, another word for a prohibitionist; it should be noted that William Jennings Bryan, the fiery popular candidate (possibly the Lion character) from the Populist Party, was a teetotaler himself. Bryan also fits the allegorical reference to the Cowardly Lion in that he retreated from his support of free silver after economic conditions improved in the late 1890s. However, it has also been suggested the cowardly Lion represented Wall Street investors, given the economic climate of the time. The Munchkins represented the common people (serfdom), while the emerald city represented Washington and its green-paper money delusion. The Wizard, a charlatan who tricks people into believing he wields immense power, would represent the President. The kiss from the Good Witch of the North is the electoral mandate; Dorothy must destroy the Wicked Witch of the Westthe old West Coast "establishment" (money) with water (the US was suffering from drought). Moreover, "Oz" is the abbreviation for the measuring of these precious metals: ounces.




    Some biographers and scholars of Baum disagree, pointing to details of Baum's biography, his own statements and writing about the purpose of his book, the ease with which hidden meanings can be found in works not intended to contain any, and the question of why contemporary press did not discuss these perceived metaphors which logically should have been much more obvious at that time. The consensus is that the books are written solely for the pleasure of Baum's younger readers, to give them a sense of possibility and imagination.[/hide]




    Actually, that is untrue. My professor talked about this very subject, turns out the man who first came up with the idea that The Wizard of Oz was about the gold standard admitted it was to him, just a coincidence, and he used it to teach history to his students.




    Anywas, on Topic... funny find.

  6. Of course slayer is the harder skill. You don't see anyone with 200 million slayer experience but you see a load of people with 200 million runecrafting experience. Sure it may take more focus to runecraft but it all really is the same thing, clicking. You also need to run all over the place for slayer so it can't be an efficient steady experience coming in.


    You have a point,but not one person has 200m runecraft xp....




    Runecrafting experience (top): 157,034,220


    Slayer experience (top): 123,832,494




    My point has been made.




    Runecrafting was released what... 2-3 years before slayer?

  7. The only cape that is "easy" to get IMO is Quest Cape, you just follow instructions online, unless you did all quests yourself, then it should be considered a huge achievement to that person. Sure getting all the requirements takes time, but they are a lot easier than 1 level 99.




    Achievement capes sure are not as special anymore, and RS is nothing like back in say, 05, when Total level is what mattere the most. Still, even fletching takes at least 70 hours to get a 99, which is still a lot of time.

  8. I don't get how you would lose them to randoms :|


    And also hackers can't do ANYTHING to you unless you directly talk to them with MSN or a messenger, where they can get your I.P. you can run around RS all you want and not be hacked if you keep your friends in the game. Also, just turn chat off, so you dont see annoying lvl 3s asking to borrow it.




    I would love a phat just because it shows dedication to the game.

  9. What do you guys think?


    I'll explain, before skillcapes, not many people wanted 99 firemaking, there really was no reason for it, and my friend has 99 firemaking before the cape update, and was very disheartened at all of the new people just doing it for a skillcape.




    So, what achievement capes do you guys think arent really an achievement anymore?


    Me, I would say firemaking, fletching, and possibly woodcutting and cooking (but not really)

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