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Everything posted by winterhawk18

  1. aight thanks for all the help guys I know what I need now \ :
  2. thanks for the info guys but what specifically should I build, I heard oak doors in the dungeon are good.....
  3. I need to go from 59-75 construction, does anybody know a good fast way that isnt extremely costly? Money is not an object but I would prefer not to spend more than 5m if possible, 10-15m is the absolute max, also do the sacred clay hammers work for smith and construction or just smithing?
  4. well my theory is that speculation surrounding the effect of BH on godwars/other high valued combat items was that it would cause a drop in prices since those items would be possible drops, and the ensuing panic selling resulted in the crash we see. Now we're in the price recovery phase where merchants swoop in buying up the reduced priced items in hopes of selling at a high price, if you go to w2 you can only buy bandos/dfs/furies at max price right now and literally everybody is buying and nobody is selling. So prices are going to skyrocket, now the question is how far they will go up, and the possibility that there may be another crash to follow that is even worse than the current one. So in short the crash was due to bounty hunter, and due to all the speculation and merchanting going on right now its very hard to see what BH's true effect on these items will be and where prices will settle in long term.
  5. Exactly. Do not post false ideas. Bandos is almost ALWAYS full at almost 24/7, bringing more people to a restricted amount of resource will NOT make it drop more. Drop rate for items is the same if you have a 3 man team or 20... I agree, Im not convinced this is because of Ourg bones, Bandos has always been the most crowded boss, and if it was because of Ourg bones then Bandos would be the only items falling, whereas currently seemingly all rare monster drops are going down, ( dfs, godwars, d claws etc. ) However the hilt did go up today and I heard dfs went up too
  6. I noticed this too....but Bandos has always been crowded so I dont know if it's because of ourg bones, also all the other godwars items are dropping in price too.....could it be related to the new BH, or possibly are they just being merchanted atm?
  7. still open to other suggestions if anybody has them :thumbsup: edit: oh and about the youtube/AOW thing I already checked those and theyre more for showing how to kill a boss and that kind of stuff, that's not exactly what im looking for, I'm more interested in firsthand accounts from experienced gwd goers who can tell me "oh well I got (insert amount of money total ) killing ( insert boss ) with ( insert number ) of people in ( insert number ) of trips" I think this would help me to point me in the right direction as far as gwd goes and give me a better idea of what to expect
  8. thanks for the tips, kinda surprised to get replies so quickly, right now I'm leaning towards trying arma with a friend of mine or soloing bandos, as for sara I heard melee is better now for teaming since the AI update, think the same could be said for soloing? or is the hit and run method still the best, anyways if anybody else has advice please feel free to share!
  9. Ok so heres the thing...i need money ( and who doesnt ) and whenever I ask for help everybody replies "Gwd Gwd Gwd Gwd!!!" but nobody ever tells me which boss to kill, how should i kill it, should i solo, or duo or mass it? So i would really appreciate it if any experienced gwd goer would tell me which boss would be more profitable based on my stats and how many people i should kill with ( or if I should solo ) relevant stats: Hp:95 Atk:93 str:92 def:90 range:90 mage:96 pray:70 summoning:74 Now some may think I should know what to do as I like to consider myself atleast relativly high leveled and experienced at runescape, but in terms of gwd knowledge I might as well be a lv3, I tried killing zammy boss ( teams ranged from solo to 4 man ) and it wasn't bad but no drops to make it worth my while, bandos I've only massed which was more for fun with clan then for money, haven't tried soloing, tried soloing sara and found it too hard, I spent around 10 minutes running around killing her ( I use the world killing very loosely here ) , just not worth it imo, plus I think its harder after ai update because before she would wander off occasionally while you were running the edges giving extra time to eat/restore energy etc now if you stand for more then a second shes on you smashing you with her melee. Oh and I haven't done any arma killing though I do plan on it. Anyways sorry for that rambling and any help/tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)
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