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Everything posted by Ever

  1. Just got assigned dagganoths for slayer so I figured why not give DKs a shot. Stats below. I just wanna know how to go about doing them/what to do in a group. Attack: 84 Strength: 80 Defence: 90 Range: 81 Mage: 88 Prayer: 70 Summoning: 68
  2. EXP/IP boosts, rune pages and champions. Arguably, the PF Ezreal skin has faster animations = advantage. So... no, you're wrong. On topic, I like the new store. I had like six bucks lying around on a giftcard so I bought some coins.
  3. How long would it take to get to 80+get the tokens for rapier?
  4. and I have about 27mill in cash, no gear. I'm just kinda... bored and unsure of what to do right now.
  5. I'm not a skiller, nor a pure but the next account I make will be a skiller. I just wanted to get a high summoning level, then possibly PvP with the char. I didn't really want to get defence, but since the minotaurs give defence I figured I'm going to have to get it. I kind've wanted to take the tank out've summoning tank, but I can't avoid it :P.
  6. Thanks. Just wondering, is there any way to stop the exp you receive from familiars during combat? It isn't a big problem, but i'll have to change some plans around a bit :P.
  7. How difficult would it be to get 66 summoning, from 1, if I only use penguins, lootshare charms, soul war for charms, and random lamps?
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