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Posts posted by Demoli

  1. I'm no pro at dungeoneering or anything, but Dungeonsweepers have this great guide on everything dungeoneering, and on their binds page they say that SSH is the best defensive bind, and that for optimal exp you should bind both ssh and plate at level 100, provided you have a chaotic staff on your team already and you don't have a hexhunter. They also only advise a plate bind below 100 only if you don't get a SSH drop.



    Link to said guide.


    From my journey to 91 DG sog far, I've tried both Plate and hood, and I find hood much more usefull, at least with 99 def,enabling you to avoid a lot of rooms and take little to no damage from combat due to rpayer and mostly only being attacked by one monster. Never found mages disbaling it much of a problem either, we have prayer for reason.


    Now once EoC htis, that's another story.

  2. I'd prefer if Balfrug Kreeyath still had his three faces - that look was pretty cool. Not so much Tstanon Karlak because his face looked like an evil fish, lol.


    First thing I thought of as well. Will also miss the one with the freaky stalk eyes, both pretty unique when it came to demons.

    That's Tstanon Karlak. The freaky eyestalks are very, very cool, but unfortunately his huge wide-open mouth makes him look like a demented bottomdweller :P







    • Like 1
  3. Finished FF5, insane amount of grinding, but a really good combat system. Neo exdeath was kinda tough too, but Shinryu was infinitely harder.


    Gonna play Darksiders now.

    Theres a chemist mix that kills Exdeath instantly. But then you wouldn't be a man.


    I didn't even bother going with chemist, nor free lancers at the end. My party was:



    Knight + Spellblade



    White mage+ Time



    Dragoon+ Red (for emergencies, couldnt find anything worth it for Krille)



    Black Mage+ Summon (I thought the game would let me name her, so I went with the intent of Rydia, but oh well, Black+ Summon was a beast combo)


    Titan helped me out so much on early 2nd world. Dragoon and Knight were also really good jobs, but Mystic Knight with Flare/Holy Blade is so powerfull it's ridiculous.


    I also limited myself out of cheap tactics like chemist mixs, Spellblade rapidfires and Finishers (I played the GBA version).


    As for the jobs themselves, they do have heavy disparities between other FF games. Bahamut is useless if you get syldra and are not fighting any lighning resistent monsters, Flare is really weak compared to Holy, which is the best single target damage in the game, apart from lucky meteor flukes. Speaking of which, Meteor is so wierd in this game. I love the concept of multiple hits but sometimes it jinxs you by just going 1.8k- 29- 500- 900.


    My second favourite FF though, and I played them all apart from the first 3 now.

  4. Good to hear new content coming, specificly HTML5 upport, really want to see what they can do with the draw distance, and if it will heavily decrease the FPs or anthng like that.


    As for Microtransactions, the wheel bothers me a bit, more for the exp part of course, they could definitly tone down the lamps a bit, or replace it with necklaces since with those you actually have to do something tog et the exp.


    I am personally perfectly okay with the SGS. Even with the bank space selling, it will be available on the Loyalty shop later. SGS is microtransactions done well, at least for now.

  5. I only got a normal botkiller scatter gun and a tin hat from my first Tour of Duty. And normal mode is exactly the same as Mann Up mode, you can see that from the quickplay menu, unless you played on a costum waves server, but thats irrelevant.


    Heavies are great against mobs, but just so bad agant Tanks, I die a bit everytime I see a Heavy or a Pyro trying to hurt the tank with their main weapons. It's just such bad dps it's better tu actually use un-upgraded shotgun in teh case of pyro, heavy can outdame the shotgun a bit with fire rate fully upgraded on the bras beast. It's much better to leave heavies/ pyro dealing with mods while demo/soldiers take care of the tank.

  6. I'm not saying it's bad, beggar's is the best soldier weapon, however sticky launcher outdamages it with sticky traps along with being more versatile, and heavies are better for crowd controll, but If we are talking about efficiency only, there is just no space for a soldier. 2 demos ensures maximum dps on tank, killing uber medic in 1 shot, along with being the most OP class in the game. 1 Heavy is essesncial for crow control, even if it's DPS sucks. 1 Kritz Medic because Krtiz is absolutely amazing and so are kritz sticky traps. 1 scattergun+milk+fan scout for utility and some obcenely high dps once he has his Scatter well maintained and an engy for wrangled sentries. Me and some friend have been playing it nonstop these days, and ther jus isn't space for a soldier on an optimized team.

  7. Demoman is still best class. 80 stickies is just way too good, soldier is nice n all, but he just can't keep up with the likes of heavy and demoman in sheer power, nor scout and engy in utility.


    Optimal set up seems to be 1 kritz medic, 2 demos, 1 heavy, 1 engy and 1 scout.

  8. Finished it. Really enjoyed it too, was definatly better than the other ones imo.


    Specially loved how surprisingly dark it went sometimes. After hearing the stories from the old folks about how motherland used to be, I began to see sympathy on the penguins, which were evil but wacky evil to begin with, and see real malice on the Polar Bears and Seals. Specially the bears, which after knowing their real agenda, I've started to notice they have a very sarcastic, mechanical and overall evil speech and tone. Theodore and Chuck now seem like part of a Villain organization rather than our allies. I love it.


    It also had a fair share of funny moments. The penguin bandwas hilarious all the way through, as were the seals, and how completely defeated theodore felt. Walrusm was kinda meh to me, could have been executed better imo. I also facepamed when I noticed why Theodore is in the circus, since it's so obvious yet I didnt connect the dots.


    Overall, great quest, good to know that amidst all the microtransactions Jagex still hasn't lost it's knack for good qriting in quests. Now release Mourning Ends 3 and My Foot's big mistep and I'll be a happy man.

    • Like 1
  9. I disagree with that. I'd much rather see a proen, recognizeable athlete lighting the symbol of unity rather than a bunch of younger atheletes, it just feelike it has more power. Seeing Athens 04 and Barcelona's torch lighting, they ahd so much more power and feeling than seeing 6~ young people lighting a million small torches. Just not the same thing in my opinion.

  10. Not a fan of the ceremony. The polympics are supposed to be the place where countries, race and gender hold no importance and we stand totghether as humanity. The beggining where they were basicly shoving britain down our throats was particulary awefull to me (the guys in the top hats dancing didn't help either). Rowan Aktinson was hilarious and for me the best part. The hospital section was also prety danr boring, and it felt it had nothing to do with the ceremony. And the constant skits, oh god. I also prefer the classic bowl torch rather than this new contraption.


    Not necessarily a bad ceremony, not by any stretch, but coming from beijing, It just felt underwhelming in every way.


    Also, Paul Mac Cartney. Holy hell, what happenned to him?


    Edit: And no Monty Python, screw you Boyle

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