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  1. Excuse a noobish question, but what kind of arrows do you use? [EDIT] And also, would a zamorak robe bottom work instead of a prayer bottom? (Equipping sara book) [EDIT] I went with a zammy cape instead wearing this: (Mith bolts) And it went super well! Thanks for a great guide!
  2. It is true that untouched level 3s from rsc have 9hp, but they are lvl 3 still. Not lvl 2 as mentioned. (I should know i had a bunch of em.) [EDIT] Inserting pic of my 9hper just cause im bored (not a lvl 3 one though, hes 33^^)
  3. Well here is what i did so far: i sold the dharoks and some misc other junk in bank, also fished me 1k lobs and 500 swordies and mined 5k essence. Now i have ended up with a whip going for torags body and legs today, also maybee karils for some jelly slaying (clues clues clues) Thinking of getting a rune defender (still need to read up on what quest that is) since it seems to be the best option. That helm thingy that was suggested im going to do some research on aswell. Im think its going quite well at the moment :D As for herb farming or runecrafting im still kinda low on laws, amulets of glory wich means it would take a mass amount of time longer.
  4. Well i'll start off by saying HI! Now on to my problem, with wich i need help. I sort of quit playing two (roughly) years ago, and now i have no clue wich kit to go for, what keyquests to do etc. Hell im not even sure what to do for money (poorer then a bum at the moment). What i do have is some decent skills, not good but decent, such as: 81 woodcutting, 91 fletching 81 fishing, 85 cooking 70 mining, 71 smithing 75 crafting 73 herblaw 86 thieving and 59 runecrafiting. Wich of these skills shold i focus on for making me some quick cash, and how much will i aproximately need for a decent kit for a lvl 110+? (Got dharok legs and plate sitting in bank, should i sell these?) Well any tips are appreciated, i tried to look at the tipit mainsite, but it has happened too much for me to quickly catch up. Thanks in advance, Vexxon
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