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  1. Summoning can be a huge pain when you want to level it but don't have the charms. Gathering all the charms you can while training another skill is the best way of getting them. If you don't, when the time comes for you to get summoning up it will be a struggle and more wasted hours of combat.
  2. Hi there. First of all i would like to stress that i believe this belongs in off-topic, since it has nothing to do with the RuneScape game. Over the last few weeks i've started work on a D20 project to convert the RuneScape setting to a tabletop-style roleplaying game. So far, I've done around 25 pages of intro, skill generation, and species (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?m4aaeabnala). Any feedback, errors, suggestions, or additions of any type are welcomed greatly. Also, if anybody is interested in helping out or contributing to this project then I will be extremely grateful. If you don't understand what this is then say so and I'll try to explain.
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