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  1. You could say exactly the same about when using potions to raise your stats but i prefer to see them instead of having to work it out. It wouldnt be much code to have to write, just seems like something which would have been included.
  2. Well, i for one will not be using it... but i sure hope everyone else does :P
  3. in the pvp worlds though most of the time its going to be gangs of ppl pking together like the old times as thats where clans would be (multicombat) along with the best profits.
  4. from experience of being a range pvper in f2p & p2p i know that food is vital to staying alive and getting a kill. the problem with kebab is there is no set hp to heal at as if you heal too low and they fail then your dead, whereas if you heal too early and get alot of high heals then you waste them... too random for pking with especially seeing as your pvp gear should be worth more to you than a chance at not waste a few extra k for better supplies. planning ahead is the key to everything in an rpg, why take a risk when you don't need to, thats like saying " i don't have the cash for a rune 2h so ill just use this iron one because i'm too lazy"
  5. If people don't have the money to buy decent food then they shouldn't be pking in the first place. It's like a man gambling with his wages when he has rent to pay. Kebab's are random and because of that they are useless in pvp/high monster hunting situations, all it does is take your mind off the job in hand when you need your concentration to pvp effectively. My 2 cents.
  6. Updated with extra goals (will be doing this as i complete initial goals)
  7. haha laughed when i saw this, 'good grammar is very important when writing a guide'. possibly the most pointless pet peeve ive seen. good grammar is useless in a guide, its about the content and clarity you muppet. go back to your perfect spelling and indocrinated school children. oh and btw, kewl and cuz are words, u is a letter. great guide i caught swamp lizards and orange/red sallys on my way to red chins. red chins are pretty slow from 63 but its only 1.3k red chins to 70 (i think) 1386 i made it :) using this guide helped me get there too so thanks to all contributers.
  8. Good guide, i went from 5-63 hunter is about 3 days using this. One thing i will say though is that it's not worth doing chins/orange sala/red sala... the falcons are by far the quickest exp if you can do it fast (i did 29-63 just doing kebbits) i tested the exp at the other spots and with the fails/lack of spawn it's annoying and boring. Here is all i did and the spots for fastest exp. [hide=] [/hide] Also another tip about falcons... always run over close to the kebbit before sending the falcon out, that way if you miss then you don't have to wait, you can run quicker and be ready for the next one before the falcon is back.
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