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Everything posted by boccato

  1. the skels in mm tnnels keep desapering , im only getting like 110kxp a hour in there , anyone could link me a vidio so i can see if im doing it right?
  2. im 70, good enought? and what wep/ammo should i use on them?
  3. Hi , im doing some ranged training, im lvl 89 and planning to get like 94. Any good spots? i know the red chins at mm tunnels, but it seens that is not so good lately. Any good spots to set a cannon and train at the same time?
  4. Hi there :D i do have all requirements to play rsc , but im afraid to get in lol if i get on will there be any changes in my rs2 account? like stats , armor, etc? thx in advance
  5. I think they should nerf god swords, not enought that they stop being 'godly' tought , and make some good mage armor/weapon.Also agree with that guy that said that negative bonus should be balanced , so that you cant use ranged clothes and still hit hard with a melee weapon. I really like the ideia of having a higher hp level or maybe hp on armors, but only hp . and make it 199 , even it takes a life time to get it , no one NEEDS to get it , jut leave it there. Now many fights are based on a high hit lucky special , im not sayng that luck shouldnt be there , but now its like 70% about your weapon+luck, you can acctualy kill someone in two rounds, maybe even one , somenthing that would be impossble one year ago. The point is, the old 'pking skill' is becoming more and more a 'luck skill'
  6. Ok , im level 70 of ranged and im planning on getting 90 :ohnoes: , can anyone give me a good spot and equipments i should wear? Thanks in advance :D
  7. a question about salve amulet, i did the haunted mine quest and got it. but then i died and lost it lol can anyone tell me how to get another one? :wall:
  8. a question about salve amulet, i did the haunted mine quest and got it. but then i died and lost it lol can anyone tell me how to get another one? : :ohnoes:
  9. I would be where i am now , probly a little bit worst in english. I have tons of friends , hang out a lot with them , play soccer alot ( i love soccer =P~ ) and i would be the same bad student i am now , since i was bad even before started playng runescape. What people dont get is there is nothing bad in playng runescape or any game at all , all you have to do is NEVER trade a real life thing for a game , and not a game only ANYTHING that you do too much is bad. I really dont see how people let a game take over they'r lifes , and for me no one has the life messed BECAUSE of a game, he already had a bad social life that only got worst. Just realize for once that a game is a game, nothing more than that. Stop blaiming runescape for your nerd non-social life. :wall:
  10. i didnt made the quest cause it requires summon lvls, and im not planning to get it before pking a little at BH and why is slayer best if i can just stik to one good spot?
  11. ok so my stats are : hp: 72 def: 67 atk: 70 str: 73 prayer: 49 combat:87 planning on getting 70 def then going full str , anyone knows a good spot to get more then 50k/hour ? (strength training) i cant afford spots that need prayer pots , and i dont want to level my summon :B thx in advance (:
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