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Posts posted by Estoc

  1. Just make gear with niche uses. I really have no idea why after years we only have Keris and Balmung. They're fun to use, and as of now Balmung is actually the best thing to use when meleeing dagannoths. They can even apply this retroactively as seen with Corp which gave an obsolete weapon a purpose.

  2. Having it so high level players buy the base (lvl60) item to upgrade it into a high level (lvl80) item just drags the base item's price up to a point where it might as well not exist as a separate level 60 item. Chaotic Claws avoided this by being generally unsatisfactory, but if anything really worthwhile such as drygores were released which required say, a godsword, their prices would shoot through the roof.

    True. They could limit that system to items like chaotics or quest rewards to avoid it, though, like they've done with Balmung. Keeps them from being obsolete, or just plain useless out of the box.


    The idea being that you could get something like your rapier, use it until level 90 or whatever, then upgrade it. If you don't want to get a rapier or go through the process of upgrading it, you can get drygores. It could go along with their plan to make armor have different effects as well - One 90 set could have a crit bonus, the other could have an accuracy boost, and so on.


    I'd rather them just leave dg as it is, a method to get level 80 weapons. Being surpassed by drygores does not make chaotics obsolete, it makes them level 80 weapons instead of endgame weapons.

  3. I just think that no "difficult to get" gear should be rendered completely worthless at higher levels.

    Minor addition: Chaotic claws. The precedent is there, if Jagex is willing to look past their 'pet' items.


    Having it so high level players buy the base (lvl60) item to upgrade it into a high level (lvl80) item just drags the base item's price up to a point where it might as well not exist as a separate level 60 item. Chaotic Claws avoided this by being generally unsatisfactory, but if anything really worthwhile such as drygores were released which required say, a godsword, their prices would shoot through the roof.



    Does anybody wish gravestones no longer existed? They're kind of a PvM buzzkill.


    When my deaths are caused by merit and not my isp I'll think about it.

    • Like 1
  4. Could someone summarize waht is said in the video? Can't watch it atm :/


    Copy/pasted from Reddit:





    Summary of video:

    Momentum: will become a toggle ability, not an ultimate biggrin.png

    DW Changes: pulled up to the level of 2h (I think this was already done though)

    Hybrid DW: Already changed, as you can have an offhand spell. They will be working on mage abilities

    Magic ability: Recent update has reworked magic so that ability damage works similarly to melee/ranged

    skills in combat: Attack/magic/ranged will be more influential to hitchance.

    Potions: Stats are gonna count more (see above), meaning boosts will mean more

    removal of str bonuses from armor: in ~1 month we will see a new armor system: choice of pure defense or sacrificing some of the defense/armor to add to offense.

    Crit caps: Bosses cap at 5k, which WILL BE REMOVED

    Adrenaline stalling: they dont mind people doing it...In the future, they want to integrate it into the game as a feature.

    New abilities coming next week: 2 mage/range basics to "bolster the rotation"

    There's another significant update coming out in April.

    Next BTS: they will be looking at the art and sound behind the "The Origin of Gielinor"


    Excellent. Especially looking forward to the armor changes, hopefully high level armor will be useful now instead of having everyone fight everything in void.

  5. I didn't realize the whole game had to be catered to 10-year olds only. Yes, the age policy is easily bypassed however that only shows they'd want to gamble in the first place. Holding a wager is on your own responsibility, if said player expects to double his bank by betting it and loses it that's a good life leason learnt. Better to realize it at a young age in a game instead of in maturity. .


    "Think of the children! Will somebody please think of the children!?"


    RWT'ers have been farming green dragons since they were there, compared to former bot infestions... W2 isn't even full. Keep the small niche and the players that enjoy it to do their thing :shrug:


    As I stated earlier, I want to see it out of Player-owned hands completely and in an NPC-controlled setting.


    What post of mine did you read? I said nothing about the whole game being catered to 10 year olds, nor that 100% of gamblers or addicts or children.

  6. Personally I like to wager myself sometimes, you may not condone it but it won't go away. Who are you to judge for someone having a good time?


    There is a difference between gambling as an adult who knows the risks doing it for fun and some kid playing a game thinking that he's going to double his bank. There is also a difference between gambling with a couple of friends for pocket change and setting up casino clans to farm gold on an absolutely massive scale. In Runescape, more often than not this is the latter of both examples. The line of dozens of 34 total level accounts with bot names and purple robes trying to get me to join a gambling fc are not there because their makers want to have a good time, they simply want to hoard money.


    And why gambling is bad?

    - it doesn't create items/gp: no inflation It concentrates a large portion of money in a small group, and so causes new items to start at ridiculous prices as gamblers can afford to pay billions for them.

    - hosters can rwt - they can also rwt nex loot I don't think I need to point out the difference between nex loot and hosting in terms of gp/hr

    - gamblers doesn't play the game correctly - if someone enjoy game, he play correctly (why you want limit other players fun?) True to a point.

    - hosters earn too much gp/h - where do you want put limit for gp/h and ban all method that allow break that border? Agreed.

    - it doesn't require any real skills - wc/fish and some other afk in game skillis also doesn't require any skill, ekhem, castle wars loafing, ekhem. Agreed.

    - it doesn't require any in game skills - collecting many items and some quests also doesn't require any in game skill Agreed.

    - it is agains't game spirit - this is huge open world game with milions different players and game spirit is different for everybody The "spirit of the game" is how the game is intended to be played by it's designers. It's not the same as someone's playstyle or view of the game.



    I don't gamble. i'm not host. I understand why people gamble and I don't want limit other players. They can do everything they want with their pixels.

    Responses bolded.


    It's a question of morality, not merely an economical or gameplay issue. Is it right to take someone's entire bank knowing that they may very well have serious gambling problems, or even that they are children and totally ignorant to the way things work?

    • Like 2
  7. Managed to get over 20 fires lit and was doing 2000+ damage each hit. Not sure if that's the best way but it seemed to work well for me. Never had any trouble getting away from the rage attack though so can't help you with that. Used void and she would maxaround 3200 damage which was around half my lp.

  8. I host for the rush, because even with our host odds, we still can take billion coin hits in one bet.


    Gambling is an outlet for people to get the high risk/high reward adrenaline rush they seek. No different than staking. Only thing with gambling is no stats are needed so people can jump right in rather than training for months to max before they can stake.


    That's a nice way to word it, but you could get the same risk/reward scenario by playing 50/50 odds. The only reason to give yourself an advantage is because you want to make money off of it, and while not wrong by itself, the way you go about it involves tapping off of someone's inability to control themselves. In a way this is actually worse than a scam. While someone who was stupid enough to send his money to a Nigerian prince might wise up and not repeat the incident, gambling leaves the victim begging for more.

    • Like 2
  9. uc7wk.png

    Then I realized there was nothing stopping me from doing this in PvP... :)


    Except berserk also causes you to take double damage, halved armor and of course you have no adrenaline after using it. But imagine two players in PvP, both berserk... Quadruple damage? Jesus Christ.


    Won't get anywhere near quadruple damage as max amount of lifepoints is ~11k. Can't believe we're already back to 1 hitting each other. What was the point of EoC?

  10. Has anyone looked at Fero rings to see if the buff makes them worth while?



    Saw people posting before about a weapon used in a cutscene (hope that's cryptic enough...)



    I spoke to Azzanadra after the quest and asked where Sliske got the Staff of Armadyl, he says


    "I suppose he must have lingered at the ritual site. A foolish decision if you ask me; the dragonkin are not an enemy to be played with."




    So it's true. By lingered he must mean "gone into a cave" and the "foolish decision" must have been killing glacors.




    Isn't the Staff of Armadyl different from Armadyl's Battle Staff?



    The orb that you collect from Glacors is from the Staff of Armadyl, we just attach it to a battlestaff instead of the original Staff of Armadyl.


  11. Saw people posting before about a weapon used in a cutscene (hope that's cryptic enough...)



    I spoke to Azzanadra after the quest and asked where Sliske got the Staff of Armadyl, he says


    "I suppose he must have lingered at the ritual site. A foolish decision if you ask me; the dragonkin are not an enemy to be played with."




    So it's true. By lingered he must mean "gone into a cave" and the "foolish decision" must have been killing glacors.


  12. Except that they're planning to build all future content on the assumption that it happened.


    I can see where there's a problem with that (Future low level quest referencing events that haven't happened yet, or locking all players out of every new quest before 140 combat), hopefully they can work themselves out of the corner they wrote themselves into.


    It won't be every quest that has an indirect 140 combat requirement, just the God Wars II quests. Noobs will still get their fill of fighting goblins and stealing sweetrolls and other such mundane quests.

  13. 07scape and EOC are considered to be completely seperate games. Basically you're trading money in one game for money in another. Legally (which is why companies are against RWT, it violates tax code) that's not a problem. Morally I'm against it 100%. It gives an unfair advantage over other people.


    How do morals even come into play here? Everyone who buys membership gets access to two games, and there are no rules as far as I know that prohibit trading between the two. You may not partake in it because of the inherent risks or because you value the fresh start, but that does not mean that those who choose to trade for 07 gold are immoral, or acting unfairly. Everyone who plays 07 has a legal, unbiased opportunity here, which is the definition of fairness.

    • Like 1

    I don't know about anyone else, but this idea of Sliske killing Glacors for the Staff of Armadyl is one of the best things from this update imo.


    Greatly enjoyed the quest. It's really nice to have one that isn't "and so, our hero slayed the ancient evil and the world is safe once more".


  15. I'd think the only problem is that it would be a nightmare to enforce.


    Jagex heavily tracks data, which is how they can (claim to) track gold as it funnels through several mule accounts and eventually to the seller and then the buyer. I'm sure they could set up an algorithm to send up a flag when player A trades player B a heavy amount of stuff in one game and then Player B does the same in the other. Then again, Jagex has always been kinda soft on trust trades.




    The notion that jagex heavily tracks how gold funnels is priceless.

    They really don't.

    And I think we all know they don't.


    Because if they did, RWT wouldn't be as popular as it is.

    Players would think, wow i'm just going to get banned if I buy all this gold.

    And realize their buying it is pointless.


    But as many hosts as there is, we both know, between me and you, the notion that jagex watches this, is priceless.


    Rwt deals with real life currency and so the data is out of Jagex's reach. They're not going to ban someone just for receiving a large stack of gold without data showing that he paid for it. However in game trading only involves in-game items and so would be far easier to keep track of.

  16. Got the first two triple voyages out the way for the final plate and lacquer one. Pain in the ass waiting for it to show up. Sitting on 60 plate and lacquer at the moment with sup Tetsu legs already made.


    Got the first two trios back to back now waiting two weeks for the finale to show up >.>

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