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Posts posted by Stev

  1. Alright, ladies and gents...


    Again, we had to go through this thread and clean out flaming, flame baiting, and excess spam.


    You all have your own opinions which is fine - post them! Threads will go a bit off topic from time to time (such as the efficient ways to 99s posted earlier in this thread) which is also fine - it happens.


    However, what we will not tolerate is the constant deliberate derailing of the thread to post personal attacks toward each other.


    If you have an issue with something someone else says, report it. Also, as mentioned before, you can click here to add users to your ignored list.

    • Like 5
  2. My views are my own. I have my opinions and can voice them just as you can. My leader position doesn't change this. I still hide posts leading to botting or RWT websites and ban the spambots who post them just as I have been for years. While I don't criticize RWT, as you said, I also don't allow it, or users encouraging it, on these forums. Just as a police man may not agree with every law in effect, it's still his duty to enforce them.


    I shouldn't have to mention how little my opinions affect my website (non-forum) role.

    • Like 4
  3. Good luck to everyone!


    As @Randox pointed out, we do have fun. Infact, that chats we have in the various staff Skype chats, or IMs with other staff, often end up being some of the funniest conversations I've had. It's amazing that we get anything done. :P.


    In all seriousness, though, getting to know your fellow staff will likely be one of the biggest perks of this position. Learning our procedures, getting to chat directly with Crew and often times being able to provide feedback, and perhaps moving on to other staff positions - the experience is unforgettable.


    Even if you're unsure, don't hesitate to apply. We'll talk with you and figure things out from there!


    Look forward to the new recruits! :).

    • Like 4
  4. https://[LikelyScam]/l=0/a=0/p=wwGlrZHF5gKN6D3mDdihco3oPeYN2KFybL9hUUFqOvk/m=itemdb_rs/api/graph/117.json?v=2
    An example for Strength Potion (2).


    Edit: GG censor.


    Let me try that again...



    https://secure (dot) runescape (dot) com/l=0/a=0/p=wwGlrZHF5gKN6D3mDdihco3oPeYN2KFybL9hUUFqOvk/m=itemdb_rs/api/graph/117.json?v=2

    https://secure (dot) runescape (dot) com/l=0/a=0/p=wwGlrZHF5gKN6D3mDdihco3oPeYN2KFybL9hUUFqOvk/m=itemdb_rs/api/catalogue/detail.json?item=117
    This is, of course, if you wanted a lot of price information on a given item - not thousands. :P.


    But, I believe Tip.It will update prices the minute RuneScape does, given that we detect the last update with each page load. Why not use one of our feeds? :P.


    Or you can use:


    https://secure (dot) runescape (dot) com/l=0/a=0/p=wwGlrZHF5gKN6D3mDdihco3oPeYN2KFybL9hUUFqOvk/m=itemdb_rs/api/catalogue/search.json?simple=1&query=Rune&page=1



    You can add headers such as min/maxPrice and members headers.

  5. Thought I'd mention...


    I updated it to account for Miss Lioness' input.


    Ambler also recommended that I include bonus experience. The calculator's been updated to reflect this.


    Also, because large calculations could take up to 3 seconds on slower computers, I stopped it from calculating/planning every time an input lost focus or user pressed enter. To calculate now, click the "Tip Me!" button after filling out all the information.


    Silverhawk Calculator And Planner.

  6. It's standard practice in JavaScript. >.<


    Edit - In any case, the calculator is finished and public here:



    It can be accessed via the special calculators page found here:



    I think I got the XP rates very close. The only thing that'd be incorrect is whether or not the XP rates are rounded or floored. Knowing Jagex, I went with floored. In any case, it wouldn't be off by much.


    Due to it having to do fairly big calculations, slower computers may not like it. For example, to calculate the feathers required for level 1 to 200M XP, it has to loop 243406 times. :P.


    The inputs support things like 12.3K, 1.2M, etc. ;).





    • Like 1
  7. Alright. Just to let ya's know, I put a bit of work into it tonight.


    I've finished the functions which return feather XP based on level and that calculate feathers needed from level/XP to level/XP. Rewrote my methods for calculating level and XP - which will speed up large future projects. For anyone who's interested, I used to use:



            function toLevel(n){
                        return i;
            function toXP(n){
                var p=0;
                        return l!=127?Math.floor(p/4):200000000;


    That approach seems to be what's used across most sites. It works well, though for large projects I've rewritten them to:



    	var valueOf=Math.round(this.valueOf());
    		return valueOf<=0?1:126;
    	for(var index=1;index<=127;index++)
    			return index;
    	var levelIndex,totalXP=0,valueOf=Math.round(this.valueOf());
    		return valueOf<=1?0:200000000;
    	if(typeof Number.prototype.toXP.arrayOfXP=='undefined'){
    		Number.prototype.toXP.arrayOfXP=new Array();
    		for(var index=1;index<=125;index++)
    	return Number.prototype.toXP.arrayOfXP[valueOf];


    This way, the first time the method is called it will create/calculate the array of XP. Each call after that, it won't have to loop a potential 126 times (231 times with a single toLevel() call) and calculate each XP - it'll just grab it from the array.


    Anyways, enough babbling - the calculator will be finished tomorrow. Just wanted to get under the hood finished today. Making it pretty and usable will be tomorrow.

  8. Took my sister, nephew and beautiful niece out to eat and to the mall.







    LolJK, I'm never that serious when I drive with Sandi... This is a much more accurate portrayal of what happens when we get together.


    And I'm totally not screaming Call Me Maybe at the top of my lungs at people on the street.

  9. I think I just got really lucky. Wanted at least 65 of each key (Quintus keys took me forever to collect - while Primus rolled in, so ended up with a lot of the others). First boss I took on, got the key on my 2nd key. All of the others were within, I'd say 10-20? Except this Tertius [bleep]. I've got the hang of him now and go with a steel titan and vamp aura and survive fine. But just used my last 2 Tertius keys and got rune platebodies and a dragon longsword. -.-

  10. Oh sweet. I started browsing through that a bit, Yuj. Thanks!




    Almost out of Tertius keys. Sold all of my extra keys and other boss drops. That 136M is pure profit, as are the scales, and the bow once I get the last signet and limbs drop. No keys were bought - And will not be selling the scales (DIY Sirenic).


    IDK how much bows are now, but by guestimating 180M, I'm looking at ~335M profit from this little side project. :).

  11. Doing Tertius, I realized how frustrating combat can be.


    Running around, attack the healer. Continues to hit boss.

    Run around a bit more, right click healer and attack. Continues to hit boss.

    Dodge a few more attacks, attack the healer again. Continues to attack the boss.



    Finally say [bleep] it and just run around while letting the titan butt [bleep] the healer. /rant.

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