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Vezon Dash

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Posts posted by Vezon Dash

  1. Some body told me that if you use a herring on the grand tree that you can cut it down lol




    You get a funny message =p use a herring on a normal tree you get "this is not the mightyest tree in the forest" (monty python) than use it on the grand tree you get " It can not be done" (also monty python) I had a good laugh when i tried it.




    My most remembered one has to be that varrock's clothing store sold red p-hats for 100k... i saved for month's (100k is a tonne when your level 40ish) than sat at varrock clothing store for days. My mood after words is needless to say but hey i was level 40 with 100k ::'






    They acutally sold red phats in the varrok store for a certain amount of time. But jagex removed it due to the masses of players trying to buy one...


    burnt/normal bones:


    "bones are for burying!"


    (notice at this point that almost every "joke" has an exceamation mark in it...)





    Believe it or not, but I just now figured out that joke...






    *Also might want to fix several gramatical errors in your first post :thumbsup: *




    Spelled "grammatical" wrong.








    That was the whole point...


    burnt/normal bones:


    "bones are for burying!"


    (notice at this point that almost every "joke" has an exceamation mark in it...)





    Believe it or not, but I just now figured out that joke...






    *Also might want to fix several gramatical errors in your first post :thumbsup: *

  4. I have noticed a lot of people useing autoing programs to autotype (who hasn't). Is it against the game rules to autotype. I mean it is not really cheating or is it just an easy way out of typing. I also have a question about a ghost mouse... Is it against the rules to use a ghost mouse while sitting at your computer watching the screen and talking with the other people around you? (This is for something like fletching or cooking)

  5. Range pking


    1. Vato-Snoop Dogg (or against running noobs *love the chorus lol*)




    Melee pking


    1. Du Hast-Rammstien (I swear that is spelled wrong lol)


    2. Paralyzed-Finger11


    3. Starchild-Wintersun


    4. Pain-Three Day's Grace




    Mage pking


    1. Colors-Crossfade


    2. Never Let Me Down-Kayne West




    Any style pking


    1. Never Gonna give You Up-Rick Astley (don't get rick roll'd ftw) \'

  6. When I was at lessers I guess i somehow died..when i logged in i saw my rune pl8, legs, and farseer helm in my inv..in lumby...(I was f2p at the time) lost like alot of stuff








    Meleeing jungle demon and losing rune boots and obby cape (back when boots were like 200k)

  7. Have you noticed that in the past year that JaGex added like 5 new emotes? (Most of which are crummy and useless...)


    It seems that jagex cant just give some cool looking costume for holliday events, they must give you a dumb emote that you will never use.. :shock:




    My suggestion is simple...they need to make te costume items emote enhancers or have their own emote when you opperate it (Like the choctrace cape)(Easter 08).




    Any feed back would be nice.

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