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Posts posted by Neohero1972

  1. Hi


    *Flamewar warning*


    This issue might not seem to be such a big deal for the majority of the users, but i find it annoying (in fact REALLY annoying actually).


    The problem i'm talking about is the way all links are underlined in some of the monster pages in the bestiary.


    I find the content on these page somewhat hard to read - please have a look for yourself:


    Dagannoth Rex


    Please compare this with this page which isn't "messed up" yet !


    Dagannoth Supreme


    My suggestion is to get rid of all the underlining and make all links in the drop column change color for example cyan when the mouse pointer is hovering above them - i think it would look great.


    Please comment and tell me what you think.




    I really like that there are links in the drop-table column as it really saves a lot of time as i don't have to open the item database to read more about an item every time.

  2. In 21 weeks, I have never had an exception to fishing being the easiest, and hunter being the hardest.


    Based on everyone I've talked to, there's VERY STRONG evidence to suggest this is generally agreed upon.


    I'll agree with your experience.


    The easiest for me are:


    1. Fishing with a big net - i usually get them both before my backpack is filled

    2. Mining - the same is also the case here


    The hardest:


    1. Hunter - i hunt Sabertoothed Kyatts and these can be a pain.


    2. Cooking - i have to cook tons and tons of fish before i get the rocks.


    :idea: how about somebody made a poll where we could select the easiest and hardest rock to get - it would really provide a nice overview IMO.

  3. You could use IE8's compatibility mode for the time being, it seems to work fine using that. (Press the button to the right of the address bar to activate it)




    Thank you for describing a way to temporarily overcome this problem, however, i still hope that the tip.it crew will make a more permanent solution to the problem - but again thank you for the advice.

  4. Just tried it with IE8 and I'm having the same problem as you plus a few others.


    -When an item is auto inserted the stats/price don't update and no picture is shown

    -When changing an item (ex glory to fury) the price/stats/icon doesn't change

    -You can't change an item slot back to nothing


    Must be a browser compatibility issue because while it works fine in Firefox for me, there's a lot of problems while using IE8.




    Thank you for confirming my results.


    It's a real shame that it doesn't work properly under IE8 right now, but i hope the tip.it crew can figure way to fix it, so we all can use it again.


    I also have two requests for features i would like to see:


    1. Make it possible to compare two equipment builds side-by-side - make it work similar to the Compare Items


    2. make it possible to choose equipment from a template - for example: Full Rune or Full Dragon, because then it will be much faster for users to use as they would only have to add a ring and maybe change a helmet, weapon or shield.


    (I have requested these features before, but i don't think it would hurt to request them once again !)

  5. Seems to be working fine for me right now using Firefox. Is it still not working at all for you? What browser are you using while using the equipment builder?




    I have yet again tried to select the Boots slot and then type in "snakeskin" and it still auto-inserts the snakeskin boots but do not show the GE price nor the stats.


    I'm using IE8


    Maybe another user with IE8 should give it a go in order to figure out if there are any browser compatibility issues - as i have said earlier I haven't experience this behavior before when using IE.

  6. Hi


    Will anyone please try the Equipment Builder http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?rs2item_tools&build


    I can't get it to work properly anymore - try to search for "snakeskin" in the boots or body slot then it auto-insert either snakeskin body or snakeskin boots according to which of the slots is chosen which is a really cool feature, however, it doesn't display the price or the stats, so it is not really useful as it is right now !


    Could anyone else please confirm my findings.

  7. I have gone ahead and added the information about the non-bankable Dragonkin lamp and the non-stackable Effigies to the guide. I will add the specific XP amount that Historian Minus gives when turning in the Effigy to him soon. Thanks for the heads up, everyone. :thumbup:


    Thank you very much for adding this info to the guide


    Oh, and yes, it's Effigies for the plural form :P


    Well, i sorta suspected that the plural form had to be as described, but then again i wasn't a 100% sure, so thanks for clarifying =D>

  8. Hi


    Thank you all for sharing your insights on this subject.


    May i humble suggest that this information finds it way to the Ancient Effigy Guide !




    It would also be nice if one could read how much experience the Ancient Effigys gives when delivered to Historian Minus instead of being fed - the guide only states that it gives a fraction of the experience one would normally get, but not how much !

  9. Hi


    I'll guess the Topic description says it all !


    Anyway, since the Ancient Effigy Guide don't mention this then i would like to know if anyone inhere could tell me whether or not it is possible to obtain more than one Ancient Effigy at a time ?

  10. I'm just talking about the labels you claim are missing. Any icons with labels have a slight glow around them directly on the map itself - if there is no slight glow around the icon, this means it isn't linked and has no label.


    I do understand what you mean about the transportation features though - those aren't implemented now, as you know.


    Hope that makes more sense.


    It sure does :thumbsup:

  11. Hi


    I can see, from a re-read of my last post, that i may not have been clear enough - sorry !


    So i'll give it another shot:


    When i hover the pointer on top of for example a transport icon like a Fairy ring then i'm not able to get a label saying:


    1. Fairy Ring


    2. the Fairy Ring Code for this location


    Regarding the glow you mentioned then i can say that i haven't seen any glowing when i hover on top of an icon - i only get a label (which is good enough for me !)

  12. Thanks for your ideas. These are all things we've considered in the past, but haven't been able to do due to time constraints.


    We'll see what happens.


    Thank you very much.


    I wish i had the proper programming skills, because then i would help you guys with the project.


    As a side remark i can say that i have noticed lots of "missing" labels when i hover the pointer on top of the icons on the map.

  13. Hi


    I have recently looked at the world and wilderness map and i would like to suggest a few new features:


    1. an ability to zoom in and out


    2. when clicking on for example the bank icon then it would be nice if they was flashing like they do on the in-game world map


    3. the transportation icon - here i think it would be pretty cool if it was possible to distinguish between the various means of transportation - ie. fairy rings, hot air balloons, chartered ships etc.


    4. when moving the cursor about the map then we should be able to see the long- and latitude coordinates - i know we have a map for this purpose already, but i just think it would be nice to have here also.


    Apart for these "missing" features i think the map really rocks


    Would you (the tip.it team) consider to add (some of) these new features ?

  14. Hi


    I'm a little embarrased to ask this question which should be obvious - even to the blind !


    I was trying to post a suggestion in the official, but i can't seem to find the Suggestion thread !


    Can anyone please tell where it is or where to post new ideas (my idea is an extra feature for the Sorceress's Garden mini-game)

  15. Hi


    I think a think Jagex should start to sell items on the Grand Exchange and then destroy the money they make.


    The items they should sell should only be consumables like food, arrows, runes and bowstrings.


    They would ofcause have to make sure that they didn't crash the marked for a particular item by paying close attention to the quantity of an item.


    I would imagine that they should be able to offer for example 10% of the total quantity of runes on sale at current market price without hurting the player merchants.


    My suggestion would mean that we had a constant money drain from the Grand Exchange

  16. The flail itself is not upgraded.

    Its the vyre corpse burning thingy under the Salve temple. Every 50 (?) you burn up until 500 you get a chat message

    "Your skill with the Ivandis Flail has improved" or sumat tht basically means that.


    The key point is YOUR as in you the person the player, skill increases NOT the weapons.


    Also crumbling isn't an issue cause the special attack that uses the charges is an utter waste and you shuldnt really ever use it. Unless you intend to play burgh de rott ramble/temple trekking and intend to take guthix balance pots to try and restore vampires/vampyres; which is dumb as it burns inventory space, the sucess rate blows and its much faster to whack em to death


    Thank you for giving a good and thorough explanation (as you always do :thumbsup: )

  17. Hi


    I have just done the Legacy of Seergaze quest and i now have an Ivandis Flail in my possession.


    I have read in the item database that an Ivandis Flail:


    1. has 30 charges and after that it will crumble to dust


    2. it will become stronger the more Vyrewatch i kill with it




    If i use the 30 charges and the Flail crumble into dust, will my Vyrewatch kill-count be reset to zero or does the kill-count carry over to the next Ivandis Flail i make ?


    I hope you all understand what i mean.

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