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  1. [hide=About Me]About Me My name is Kyle. I live in Texas, America. I started my account, Hacked Punk, over 3 years ago, after my first account was hacked. I was never really one of those people who like to have 10 accounts and play them all. I made a few other accounts, but none of them are good at all. I quit February of '07, after losing all of my money (around 26.5m cash). Summer of '07, I came back, and started fishing at Shilo. I wanted 99 fishing, but I gave up. After that, I didn't play anymore. I canceled my membership in April of '08. I came back a few days ago, on New Year's Eve, with the same goal as that summer so long ago (ok, only a year and a half, but it feels like a long time). My membership has been restored, and I want fishing to be my first 99.[/hide] [hide=My Skills]My Skills My skills, as of Jan. 5, 2009: Nothing amazing, but you have to admit, not ALL of my stats are bad. And, as you can see, no 99s. Hopefully that will be changed soon. :D[/hide] [hide=Goals]Goals Right now, my only goal is to get 99 fishing from Shilo. I am fishing in W22, you can visit me there, or in the Clan Chatroom W22_Fish. After that, I plan on getting my fishing cape trimmed, by getting 99 cooking! But that isn't until after 99 fishing.[/hide] [hide=Bank]Bank My bank is rather unimpressive, but I will still post it up anyways. Pretty much the only valuable thing there is 6m cash. My bank as of Jan. 7, 2009: This is the main tab, where money and stuff I am using right now goes The magic tab The holiday item/random event item/mini-game tab The quest item tab The skill item and other useless junk tab The edible item/food item tab The armour/clothes (non-weapon) tab The jewelry tab The weapon tab (not range) - as you can see, I don't have many weapons :P [/hide] [hide=Level Ups]Level Ups Level 93 Fishing: Jan 5, 2009 [/hide]
  2. for me to get from 92-99 fishing at Shilo? If anyone could do an estimate or tell me how much exp/hr you make there, that would be appreciated, thanks.
  3. Lol I'm fishing sharks right now. I thought it was pretty good money until a few days ago when I hear that you make like 300k/hr from green dragons. So I go and try it, and theres like 12 other people killing them to, and it's near impossible to attack one. Switching worlds didn't help either.
  4. Not sharks? Everyone says sharks are better money.
  5. Here's my stats: I prefer something non-combat related. com: 94 atk: 78 hp: 75 str: 78 der: 77 range: 62 magic: 66 prayer: 45 mine: 50 smith: 49 herb: 28 FISH: 92 theiv: 51 agil: 54 cook: 65 craft: 67 fm: 56 fletch: 79 wc: 76 rc: 51 slay: 41 farm: 30 cons: 42 hunt: 70 sum: 4 I think that's everything, thanks in advance. Oh ya, I forgot to say that I would like to earn 200k+ an hour, no less than 150k an hour.
  6. In reply to the post above, because fishing requires hardly any attention. I can fish while browsing forums, doing homework, watching tv (if I had a tv in the office haha), and a lot of other things if I need to. It is also not a competitive skill, like mining, where multiple people have to share the same rock. I also find w42 fishing guild relaxing, it's fun talking there.
  7. =\ well, that was a waste of 1.5 days lol. Back to fishing guild :) least I found out before finishing the quest and fishing a few hundred monkfish...
  8. Crap! So I just did all these requirements and quests for Swan Song for nothing? wow, lol...
  9. I've heard both ways. Which are better MONEY-WISE, monkfish or sharks? (I have 92 fishing if that helps at all.) Also, do you actually have to FINISH Swan Song? I'm at the part where you have to catch and cook the monkfish, and I was thinking, well couldn't you just stop doing the quest and keep fishing monkfish as long as you want?
  10. It depends on what you like to do. If you hate woodcutting and firemaking, then you probably don't need wood spots. But if you want to be safe, just get all the major f2p skill items.
  11. You probably don't get much from the game itself. I'm level 94 combat and pretty much done training combat. I've gotten tired of it since they ruined PC.
  12. I dont think you can reverse it. My advise would just to get a new cat.
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