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Everything posted by rain90

  1. Link to the declaration: Akel declares Final Ko Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama [Akel] Winning clan's member-list: Akeldama ML Losing clan (both name + initials): Final KO [[bleep]] Losing clan's member-list: Final KO ML Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof): Final KO starting: Akeldama starting: Akeldama ending: Other pictures:
  2. sad, i set it up as no post, even had to explain what 'no post' meant. so where was it agreed you could post???
  3. first of all get your head in straight first of all was a rule of the war no post, so when blck gets here that will be posted [wagon] you could have pm'd me as well and claiming a win and stating i flamed show me the screenie my members where told to hop and your team isnt so innocent now if you even read this topic it stated juan was setting up a rematch he spoke to everton yesterday thirdly you stated your werent going our irc anymore why where you there this morning? remember you spoke to killamonsta now the fighting on this topic was done yesterday as I asked Akel to stay off it, and now ima ask you let everton and juan set it up as they have discussed it and its been stated that tpr wants a weekday war, and we are working on securing a date in the near future. So if you dont know whats going on don't come ask for a rematch as its already being worked on: [11] Hi [11] would akel be interested in a rm for 1 est? matched? [11] we might be able to pull 15 now. [11] if it get lowers than a determined number u dont want ill pm u to cancel it. [11] I told Everton I would come to him with a date because of our declarations on twr [11] well we lookin for short prep [11] and he didnt told me [11] so yes or no [11] no [11] k Now plz stop wasting Akel's time and let those two figure it out, as you are really showing tpr has no lines of communication in the team
  4. All Akel no more posting on this topic as Juan si working on a rematch plz and ty akel ilu all and ty akel for making this morning an awesome one ilu all
  5. To be honest, it wasn't even a post war. Just a fun war. And you said you would pull 13. Why even make a post trying to make us look bad? Who cares if we didn't drop. It's not like the war counted for anything. Regardless, it was set in the rules and therefore should have been followed. And yes, I had a war to attend to as well. I understand your clan takes precidnece and it should, but why waste our time why not pm me and ask to reschedule it or inform me of the low number count as I was fully upfront and said I would cancel another event for this war, when in all honesty half the clan could have done the other event and we could have sent 6 to war, its not hard to keep simple lines of communication open. Juan wants a rematch lets do it now as we have lots on. And seems yous have some on so care for a 30 min prep?
  6. why rematch to cancel another event so they can only pull 6 nty not wasting akel's time for a joke and im not mad lol lmfao on ts at tpr tbh
  7. nice akel and death i dont understand why you got repremanded gj lethality
  8. it was matched ops posted the only pic they had and i couldnt get a starting opts pics
  9. Link to the declaration: Declaration Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama(Akel) Winning clan's member-list: Akel ML Losing clan (both name + initials): Lost Heaven(LH) Losing clan's member-list: LH ML Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof): Akel Starting (-Mithos Kid) LH Starting Ending Other Pics:
  10. Link to the declaration: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=216&t=801490 Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama [Akel] Winning clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel Losing clan (both name + initials): Master of Dragons [MoD] Losing clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=modrags Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof): Our Starting: Their Starting: Our Ending: -pics- Thanks for the fight MoD :)
  11. i need to add excellent sniping sarah, ferrari, dragonlordv and myself as we maake a great team thanks again pkm
  12. Link to the declaration: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=796729 Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama [Akel] Winning clan's member-list:http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel Losing clan (both name + initials): *-P.K.Masters-* [*-P.K.M-*] Losing clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=P_K_Masters Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof): Our starting - Our Ending- There starting - Was a fun war, we pulled 13 but had a dc as the timer was going down and as he loged in the wall droped meaning he could not get back in. -pics- Thanks PKM for the fight <33
  13. And girls Impact has a few girls and I kno akel has atleast one ;) Akel has lots of girls not just me
  14. Thanks for the fight imps good job akel lol @ the last pic
  15. Link to the declaration: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=798222 Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama[Akel] Winning clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel Losing clan (both name + initials): Potence [P] Losing clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=potenceclan Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof): Starting (we where unable to get one for Potence, if Potence could be so kind as to post theirs would greatly apreciate it) Ending Was a good war, we serverly outleveled them. We had one dc, phenix550 and x warrior170 tanked it hard being there only kill Thanks for the war Potence
  16. Link to the declaration: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=796727&hilit=akeldama+vs+black+knight+cadets Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama (Akel) Winning clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel Losing clan (both name + initials): Black Knight Cadets (BKC) Losing clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=bkcadets Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof): Akel's starting: We dropped Nobody4lyf05 as one of their guys Dc'ed. BKC's starting: Akel's ending: Random pic(s): The war started out with Akel out pulling BKC so we dropped to match them and they had a DC so we dropped again. We started out by piling Police1103 as BKC piled Crelcluap. Both guys tanked well but Akel was able to bring Police down before Crel was brought down giving us a 1 man lead. As Akel piled Andy_K_47, BKC piled X_Warrior170 who did a great job tanking them. Andy was able to drag Akel and caused us to transition piles to Concord Fire, Snakeslayer0, and Hpadam3393, giving us the upper hand. BKC killed X_Warrior170 and piled Bluerace but were unable to bring her down, Akel had a DC which made the score even. BKC then piled Jpdbacks who was their last kill. Akel won it from there. Great fight for both clans, really epic fight.
  17. infinitone, I need to correct you our clan initials are AKEL not AK
  18. Link to the declaration: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=797247&hilit=Akeldama+vs+TDMWL Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama ( Akel ) Winning clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel Losing clan (both name + initials): The Death Monkeighs ( TDMWL ) Losing clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tdmwar Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof): Akel's starting opts: TDMWL's starting opts: Since Akel had to drop we got to attack first. We rushed our first pile Royc8 while TDM piled Sarah Devil0. Royc8 was able to drag us a bit but our binders finally got a hold on him and we were able to drop him soon afterwards. We then piled Skaterz Boi1 who tanked really well but Akel's binds were very good today so he was not able to go very far for very long. Akel's piling was in top gear today, our anti-snipes and binding were great. Our snipers did a good job of keeping their binds off our tanker as well as doing damage for our next pile. Great job Akel, I'm proud of you all, and ty to TDMWL for the war. Random Pic(s): Ending opts:
  19. thanks for the war Lgz was fun lets do again sometime
  20. Link to the declaration: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=216&t=798247 Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama - Akel Winning clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel Losing clan (both name + initials):Legends Never Die - LND Losing Clan's Memberlist: http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=team_lnd Starting Opts: They had 16 aswell. (Need a picture if LND has it) Ending Opts: Pictures: Thanks for the fight LND
  21. Link to the declaration: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=795640 Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama[Akel] Winning clan's member-list: http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel Losing clan (both name + initials): Alkaedalatin [AK] Losing clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=jeison39 Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof): What we pulled[Akel] Starting Ending What Alka pulled
  22. yes sorry on TWR they go by KOA sorry
  23. Link to the declaration: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=791618 Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama - Akel Winning clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel Losing clan (both name + initials):RA (Rycerze Apokalipsy) Losing Clan's Memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=rycerzeapoka Starting Opts: Ending Opts: Thanks for the fight RA
  24. Earlier today Crel, declared on The Sabres: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=793205 A short while later they came our irc and we quickly sorted out the rules and set the time. Our Starting Opts: The Sabres Starting Opts(courtesy of TS ty) We had to drop and as we where dropping, someone must have dc'd on there side, so we dropped down to 14 to match them. Random Pic: Ending Opts: Ty Sabres for the war, always fun warring yous, nice clean fight looking forward to doing it again.
  25. our general and pk leader got the time wrong
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