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Posts posted by EGmaestro

  1. i dont just go to concerts, i play them.




    i cant think of anything i enjoy more than getting onstage and entertaining crowds.




    more on topic, ive been to alot of concerts, my favorite ones were seeing van halen, and tran siberian orchestra while sitting in the fourth row. it was incredible

  2. [Removed]




    Gabriella Fox.








    The site the picture is hosted by is innappropriate for these forums (as in I saw boobs when I clicked the on the link). Upload it differently so it doesn't link back to that site. -Kcdragon8116






    owned :lol: plz dont get this thread locked tho..




    and i never thought cameron diaz was hot tbh




    ^ im under 18 too. so its all good

  3. So what difference does it make if Obama tells it, or some junkie from the street ? I'll let you figure this one out. ;)




    It was a waste of my time because it took up class periods where I could have actually been learning something.


    Keep telling yourself that. :-w






    thats exactly my point. it doesnt make any difference at all who said it, its the same thing. which is why it was a waste of my time.




    Is it really that hard for you to understand?

  4. for all those of you that say there shouldnt be safespots, thats one of the only advantages range and mage has over melee, the ability to attack from a distance. if you read the official runescape range guide on the main page, it encourages the use of safespotting to gain an advantage.




    take away safespotting, and there really will be no combat triangle.

  5. You say that anyone has heard that entire speech over and over again multiple times. Then you say that of course you wouldn't haven't heard that speech before.


    I never once said his speech didn't say anything about staying in school. You just seem to be manipulating my sentences here.




    still, you're not reading what im saying. ill make it bigger so you can read it: I said that the contents of his speech have been said over and over again, not his entire speech word for word. is that easier to understand?




    I never once said his speech didn't say anything about staying in school.




    your right, you never said the speech didnt say anything about staying in school. but what you did say was:




    His entire speech didn't consist of the three words "stay in school."




    those three words there sums up his whole speech pretty well, dontcha think?

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