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Posts posted by EGmaestro

  1. soo...i just got members yesterday..


    lvl 60 cb with 66 range 40 def 37 pray 55 cook/fish 50 wc/fm




    ive already bought all my members weapons and armor




    theres so much im not sure what to start off with..


    (i already started slayer and fletch btw)


    whats one of the first things you think i should do as a new member :?:

  2. if youve tried negotiating already..and especially if youve tried it multiple times..i wouldn't bother trying 2 negotiate with them again. i doubt it will get you anywhere. i honestly can't believe that any parent could be that strict. you realy need to find a solution before they ruin your entire teenage years... :evil: id strongly recommend getting outside help from a responsible adult..probably a teacher, or better yet, a school counselor, its their job to deal with things such as these..and if anyone can solve it they can

  3. ok im not sure if this game is on here already but if it is..my bad


    anyhow this is how its played, come up with 2 things to vs each other ex:




    coke vs. pepsi




    then the next person chooses the "winner" then makes their own vs. and so on




    ill start:




    Chuck Norris vs. Bruce Lee

  4. k i got1..this 1 involves me and 2 noobs and quickchat..




    me:*quickchat* what is your level in ranged?


    noob1: 50


    noob2: 50


    me: *quickchat* my ranged level is 66


    noob2: ha


    noob1: riiiiiiigggggghhhhhhttttt


    me: dude i just used quickchat...


    me: u cant lie in quickchat


    noob1: lol


    me: look up my highscores..


    noob1: lol




    5 min later




    noob1: i trust u




    noob2: late response






    :wall: =D> #-o

  5. ok if your talking about <40 then thats true. most lower lvl players seem to b amazed if you have over 30 prayer.. -.- but at higher levels prayer can make all the difference. especially in p2p with pray pots

  6. Range > Melee in FTP, don't know what on earth you are talking about.




    A couple weeks ago, I was pking F2P with range. I was 87 combat with 85 range (which isn't too bad). Eventually, a lvl 84 decides to fight me. He had 63 defence, and <75 str and attack stats.




    He ran me out of food before half his inventory was gone. :wall:




    I mean, this guy was the average main... And the fact that it was 85 range Vs 63 def is just messed up.




    im gonna take an edumacated guess as to why you got owned by a weak lvl 84..*drum roll* strength pots!!!!! its the only reason i can think of..seeing as there are no pots 4 range or mage for that matter (mind bombs wtf? :roll: )

  7. you definetly have valid points there..mage is only good at low cb levels..but even then if you were to put a lower level mage against a ranger with the same levels, the ranger would more often than not come out on top..also with protect from mage being the first protect spell available..mage is pretty much screwed.


    however, if youve been reading the new stuff mark gerhard (or whatevr his name is) has been posting on the main runescape site, i think he mentioned something about fixing f2p mage sucking so bad. keep your hopes up.. -.-

  8. I cant stand it when pple complain about me ranging and stealing their kills. it makes me so mad everytime i hear the words "ranger noob" if u dont like it just leave and go to a different world that im not on, u gotta few hundred 2 chose from, i promise i wont b on all of them... :evil:




    god ive been cursed at so many times.. :shame:

  9. i only think that range and mage are underpowered in f2p..and the main reason for this is str pots. cant get range pots in free 2play..any decent player wouldnt dream of pvp without pots,well in f2p anyway. course this problem isnt an issue in p2p ::' and u really cant say mage sucks...hello?? ancients? psstt.. :shock:

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