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Posts posted by foursideking

  1. Another thing you should do is try and build up a resume that supports what you want to do long-term. If you want to be a lawyer, like I did, then apply for jobs related to law, like at a bank/law firm. Then, if you choose to pursue a 'higher up' job, the people will see the experience and will know you're dedicated to the trade.

  2. Lol @crustygoblinfoot...If only I didn't get my girlfriend that wii game. Seriously, there are only 3 good things my fiance wants this time of year: super mario galaxy2, a romantic date at the beach, and 5-20mins of 'boioioioing'. Luckily, I could afford to buy'er all 3...

  3. Note to sy: stay away from tall buildings. In all honesty though, february is the most depressing month, period. Read up on the studies, you'll see the rise in suicide and depression rates around this time of year. Just be glad though, because chances are, there's about 50other people in your city who've been dumped huge, and are way more depressed than you.

  4. @ naraku: the 08pkers are a rare species. Resembling local house cat behavior, they eat, sleep, and poop for most of the day, and on some occasions tend to whine when misfortune occurs. The 08pker grows to an average height of 500pixels, and rarely adapts to their environment. Don't help, just watch and feel sorry for this simple minded critter. (This message brought to you by discovery QQ)

  5. Lol...oops? Seriously, for some strange reason I don't feel sorry for you. You risked your entire 'runescape career' on the odds that the enemy pk'er would play fair, and he didn't. Advice for next time: bring a silver-crown along...glitch abusers fear/stay away from them...

  6. Mmhmm...considering how few updates f2p gets, you should feel lucky to even have it. 40k may seem tiny, but to most f2pers, that's 4hours work. Your arguement makes no real sense either...'Either give me something huge or remove it entirely'. You're picking 2 extremes rather than a fair middle compromise. Here's a new idea for the arguement: 'allow f2pers access to the duel tournaments, or raise the staking limit 55%'. Is that a fairer choice?

  7. Lol...I remember when me and my fiance went on our first date. It was a little over 3 years ago, when I was just heading off to university. First night of it was party night, so we both headed over to a local guy's house (place was huge), and just camped in one of the bedrooms playing wii. Sure, many could say that it doesn't sound too romantic, but in all, it was pretty meaningful to know that both of us would rather skip out on a huge party to hang out w/ eachother...

  8. In the longrun though, jagex cares more about the paying customer. Let's imagine one day that 2 people decide to go into a bar. One guy orders a beer every other hour, and the other guy sits at the bar eating free pretzels. After a while, don't you think that the bar owners would like the beer-buyer more? You also seem to be forgetting that most f2pers don't hate p2pers, and vice versa. I remember a little while ago actually, I was runecrafting airs for tele-tabs while wearing my p2p slayer armor (which was weightless in f2p). A f2per comes up behind me, starts flaming me with insults like 'go back to p2p rich _____' and 'my main could own you'. He actually did it so much, that a bunch of other f2pers who I had not met before started following up behind him, and told him to get lost. When it comes right down to it though, if you want to remain f2p, fine. Just try to give some respect to us p2pers though, seeing as without us, runescape as a whole would've gone bankrupt long ago...

  9. Anyways, to get back on topic: kbd, corp, and chaos elemental have all had their drop tables restructured to allow for better consistancy of good drops, most quests/mini-quests revolving around wildy have had their xp amounts increased, and most of the minigames have been transferred north of fally. Question answered?

  10. All that stuff should drop huge once the market gets flooded with armor/boss drops and such. The only advice I can offer is to try and buy the sigil, and just get a regular blessed shield off wraith drops. I'm pretty sure it'd be cheaper, and thus easier?

  11. This is why az's would've become so more strategic, and how your view is a bit off. Let's say one day me and 3 people were at az's, and one guy there runs out of prayer. He pops up, and comes back at half health, or worse, doesn't come back at all. Isn't that enough 'radar' to assume that there's a camp just up the ladder? There are some times when you can't use normal radar. For everything else, there's dummy-scouts...

  12. Lol...I want a blonde girlfriend more than a partyhat so they should be up in the party hat area too! Seriously, the price of a scythe? I'd say around 35mil due to everyone wanting other things more. Chances are, if someone has a santa, they'd rather have a cracker...

  13. Lol...shouldn't this belong in the rants section? Seriously, as an update, it makes no sense having this, seeing as it'd just create a bunch of angry noobs, and would give crashers an emote to abuse...'So what if you got here first...deal with it'

  14. No offense sy, but aren't you overreacting a bit? Sure, people could camp above az's, but they could also camp anywhere else. They could camp just outside the rev dungeon entrances and kill people waiting to get in, or they could wait for people just outside the wildy lever. Az's wouldn't have become more dangerous if they hadn't made it safe, the fear of pkers would've just increased...

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