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Posts posted by foursideking

  1. Lol...I guess I'm true neutral, mind you chaotic evil sums up my girlfriend. Either way, too funny. Oh, and I bet if you wait a few months, jagex'll finish off the meiyerditch storyline and introduce a teleport there....I hope.

  2. Mmhmm...planks are an interesting business, seeing as once free trade comes out, plank makers stand to make billions. I remember when I was training wc from 40-60...cut oaks, then turned'm all into planks. Made enough cash out of it to get pray to 60, and that was before learning about gilded altars...

  3. Lol...and we shall then build a wall that seperates east and west....seriously. This idea is pretty dumb, seeing as it more or less makes hunter annoying for people who afk it (namely, everyone). I like the box idea though, maybe have something that you can set up to distract bots, namely, anything female....

  4. Lol...everyone used to call me a noob due to my high atk stat (see magermanmye on rs highscores for details). Didn't bother me too much though, especially when I found out how useful it'd be toward questing/slayer....that and how it enabled me to weild dragon weopens at 54combat...

  5. Mmhmm...and ignore anyone who says you're raising your account wrong. I have 93atk, 80str and 80def, and for a while, everyone was picking on me for solely raising atk (always had my atk lvl 15 higher than my other 2 melee). Tbh though, the reason for it existing in p2p came purely due to the fact that I forgot you had to adjust attack styles....lol...whip ftw. Kinda stinks though that you're not accepting donations toward your acc, seeing as, if memory recalls, I still have like 2k teak planks left from a house revamping project...

  6. Free trade only for me...I mean honestly, who is going to benefit off the old wildy returning? Slayer fanatics are gonna lose 3 good hunting spots, chaos tunnels fanatics are gonna lose the best source for waterfiends, even boss hunters are gonna lose out on the kbd/chaos elemental. Free trade is a good welcome back, seeing as I can now be more generous to friends during holidays, but I mean, cmon...

  7. People in wildy is good, but too many can make it a death trap. The wild is like french fries: you want them salted, but not so salted that you vomit from it. This account isn't exactly a pking account, seeing as it has other skill capes besides combat only. I'd say if you're still having a tough decision, go for a new non-combat cape...like a quest cape?

  8. Lol...dear jagex, wtf?? Runescape was already fairly balanced until they re-introduced this annoying update. I'm not annoyed by the free trade aspect, seeing as it'll allow me to now give friends better xmas gifts than before, but the old wild? The wildy used to be luxurious for my slayer tasks. I'd simply equip my stuff at one of the 2 banks, then head off and get massive amounts of slayer xp. With it gone, they're more or less destroying my only real fun 'shot' at a skill cape....I guess its back to afking ivy and red dragons...

  9. It honestly depends on if you think the sacrifice of a pking account is worth a godly monster hunting account. I'd personally say go for it, seeing as the wilderness is more or less going to be over-crowded for the next few months, with most monster hunters hitting wildy. That, and the fact that monster hunting is easily more profitable than pking....

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