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Posts posted by foursideking

  1. Lol...I was once called a 'range-noob' while killing metal drags with a rune c'bow. Guy was 40lvls below me, and subsequently died due to a combination of unweilding his antidragon shield, and his pathetic 44pray running out. Oh, and congrats amitoz, for finally making a thread that isn't a complete waste of peoples' time....

  2. Another trick: ask p2pers for help. Most p2pers have access to infinite amounts of cheese/flour simply through the grand tree, which conveniently has a bank right next to it. It'd take them a tiiiiny amount of time to get the same amount of supplies that'd take you hours to get in f2p.

  3. In f2p, for laaaarge amounts of mage xp, combat robes aren't really worth getting unless you're more or less a fog fanatic. I'd advise sticking with rc robes either until you hit the desired lvl, or until you become p2p

  4. Hmm...this is scientology all over again....and I personally have to refuse this logic, and return the ball with this question: if your logic is true, then 1- why tell anyone about it, and 2- how many rare items have you obtained using it? My guess to these is 1- you're trying to prove something false, and 2- 0. Oh, and please don't quote me. I don't want you to turn my quotes into something that actually supports this bad idea...

  5. I only actually used guthans once, and that was to finish off the bosses in dream mentor....and even then, I found it to be a waste seeing as the 250k repair cost doesn't seem worth 15hours of...well...anything. Then again, maybe I'm living in the old runescape, where people bounced ideas, shared when they could, and were generally nice most of the time...

  6. Meat pie...you don't know where that shepherd has been...


    Would you rather drown a sack full of babies knowing that one of them would've turned into a good person, or let a sackful of babies live knowing that one of them will turn into the world's most annoying person

  7. Guthans (and any barrows armor...really) is only useful if the task makes more gp than the decay rate. Sure, you can use it, but nowadays, with so many easy tasks/easier armors/1 inv space healers, you're better off just saving it for questing...

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