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Everything posted by NaturalSelection

  1. Havent finished it yet, just finished the base render. Need to do the 2d elements now (hard part =( )
  2. umm instead of green maybe just black and white (so hand blends in easier)
  3. I go find a stock pic on deviant art be right back.
  4. FREE SIGZ PLZ text-NaturalSelection background- abstract + photo manip? a green abstract with a hand ( selecting my name) Border- ofcourse Cheers if you do it I hate you if you dont :lol:
  5. 1 hit quit, yeah it is really a limited program as you said but you can do some decent stuff. I cant afford any decent 3d programs so I use bryce 5 (wo0T)
  6. Note to sanchoz, Teargod is a ripper. Stole someone elses pixel sig because he thought it wasnt worth paying for. Just a word of warning..
  7. I made my sig in bryce. Then text and borders and touching up done in Photoshop.
  8. People make them by using these programs- Photoshop (brushed sigs, photomanips and grunge as well as doing up renders. Oh and random filter pilers too) Paintshop pro- (similar to photoshop, but less powerful) Bryce/c4d/3d studio max- 3d rendering and some people use paint (pixel, basic designs etc. )
  9. Ok, its just that I dont understand how people think it is ''revolutionary'' when it simply is not... Im sure its fun playing with your mates but so is pong :lol:
  10. ROFL! if you werent so mentally challenged I would have to argue with you. IM NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT LOSING I just find it funny how people continuesly purchase the same background over and over again.. it is most likely just a brush he downloaded then he just brushes it up, duplicates it inverts it changes the blending options, adds a font and then posts it... I used to make lame backgrounds like those in my first week of using photoshop... Very simple and most people dont understand how easy those sort of sigs are...
  11. There were 500,000 beta applications... so I think there are plenty of customers. The monthly fee is used for the expensive servers required... considering the epic size of the land, the high end graphics and then number of creatures, players and structures in the land. And HALO 2 is total crap, unreal tournament for the mentally challenged...
  12. not very appealing.. poor surfacemap, poor water and poor sky resulting in a poor piece. Find pictures of glaciers, then try to make it look as similar as possible. I have used terragen a few times and have much better results than that (well in my opinion.)
  13. heres an example.. notice the backgrounds are almost exactly the same? add a random font.. and voila you have his banners.. 1 hit quits banner was sooo much better, clean to the point and how a website banner should look. WHY DO YOU GUYS ALL WANT THE SAME LAME (AND EASY) BACKGROUND!!!! if I wanted to lower my standards to earn easy money I would follow his example.. seems as though the media board has people with a lack of 'good' taste.
  14. Used bryce 5. This is the bright version. I will post the slightly darker version with different colours soon.
  15. Its funny how metal rock uses the same (well similar background) on every single banner contests.. plus an extremely similar text... Am I the only one who sees this? Oh well, congrats I guess whoops, just noticed someone else posted the same thing
  16. They still are a little.. errkk ugly. Try using a black stroke around the font, and a more legible one at that. The backgrounds are ok I guess, but some of the colours are out of place.. cream and red? no way man. I think you should continue a free sig shop till you get a little better. But still, reasonable quality sigs you have there I guess.
  17. A bit more orangey I think 1 hit (like the orange in the layout is what he meant, well I think so.)
  18. POSEDON! Venomai!, world of warcrafters!!!!! Im getting world of warcraft as soon as its released in New Zealand. Will be first game ive played since i quit rs several months ago. I can actually play cus they have GAMECARDS!! YAY! no credit cards required. :D
  19. If the money means so much to you you can have it all even if I win :lol: I can get my friend some cash another day.
  20. Meh, you can have it for free whoever wants it. Seems as no body enjoys my square sig :lol:
  21. paulo, nice ripped sig on page two. Im sure that was for some dudes sig contest.. and by the looks of it you did a terrible job at ripping it. :lol:
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