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Everything posted by Raisedbyapes

  1. So I was woundering what time is a good time to go there. And is it worth it?? I mean how many times. Will I die?? I will not be bring any gear to fight with. Just food. So any tips??
  2. Is that a challenge?? I hear ya m8. The exp gain is crazy slow. More of a thing I was woundering. Thanks a bunch for the reply. GO GO GO rc 99 :ohnoes: :lol:
  3. I think it really boils down to some end goals. You will make alot more money from the sharks. But you need to add a value to your time. Could you make up the money difference in another area you like to train. If so then stick with the monks. They really are faster. But little boring sometimes. I find the people there bump on a log. But meh what ever.
  4. So I one was going to take on RC for a 99 skill or advancment. Do you buy the rune essnce or mine it yourself. This skill is naging in the back of my head.
  5. Are hill giants free player. If so maybe there.
  6. Also some stuff is messed up like the water around catherby is screwed for me. And the new store thing sucks. I needed 118 tinder boxes now I get 10 lol.
  7. Thanks a bunch right under my nose.
  8. So I read some where there is a full screeen mode. Is this just HD option. Or is there away to do away with the internet bar stuff?? If so can I be guided to this option. Thanks a bunch for the help.
  9. 61 to 62 seconds cooking time then factor your banking in. Rouges Den is very fast banking. So Bank to bank with cooking is maybe 70 seconds per load. 3600 seconds in a hour. So that is. 51.4 loads a hour 51.4 times 28 is about 1439 fish per hour. For me that would be a max. So take your fish EXpeee and times it buy 1439. Should get expee per hour.
  10. I Am going to go ahead and sponser hunting as. A high click skill. Set box dismantle. Box fails. Box falls over. Yeah you get the point.
  11. See not to sure but what proof does Jagex have. DO not get me wrong. I would never bot or any rubbish like that. I am just worried about the police and who are policing the police
  12. So for Jagex to ban you what proof do they have??? I know games like warcraft III can scan the game and see 3rd party software. IE map hackers. So if you have a drill work for you as you sit at comp and do all randoms asap. How can they ban you. I sit at my desk and click the same rate for a hour with my hand alching. Sad but true. So does jagex not have anyway to scan your comp. The should at least send a mod to you while you are playing and see if you are there.
  13. Monks stop burning for sure at 90 with gloves
  14. I have been doing ape coarse since 62. You will fall alot but. It gets better real fast. At 580 exp a lap. The expereince is good. With only the risk of falling and not dieing... I have not eaten summer pies. I have done about 6 laps once with out falling. Then some times I fall 4 times in a row. So go figure. I use the pineapple there for food. So I never have to leave if I do not want too. Will be going back to get 70 agilty real soon. :thumbsup:
  15. tanks for the help. hehe :lol:
  16. What is the easiest way to get archer monkey bones?
  17. about 360 hours it works out to just under 91000 monk fish. that is 1000 fish evey 4 hours.
  18. looks close. Gl have fun maybe I do it too for trim hmmm
  19. What other skills you have?? I just did 99 hunter and made some money. 99 BABY
  20. go go hunting. Boring pfft. Well you just need a good clan chat. 97 baby almost there.
  21. Zarfoot method? your link would not work. :?
  22. Bring some extra boxes due to lag. Saves running to get more. Look me up also going to 99. Should be 94 in a few hours. With no one at the lake spot just below the fairy ring. I got 98050 exp in one hour.
  23. http://www.tip.it/runescape/?dynamic try here
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