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Everything posted by Aliath

  1. So what are you saying; that it isn't random? That it's somehow predestined? lol religion This isn't a 'diss-religion' topic. People have the right to believe in whatever the hell they want without being mocked.
  2. Aliath


    tortilliachp, in my opinion the mother's mental and physical health comes first. But if there's no issue, she should have the child. I don't judge people who have abortions. It's their choice. Who am I to say that they shouldn't? I just believe late-term abortion is wrong, and that any kind of abortion shouldn't be your first option. Weigh your options, and make an informed decision. I'm not 'pro-choice' or 'pro-life.' I'm pro-common-sense. Iamdam, it's not their responsibility to give those kids a home.
  3. Aliath


    Telling young people to not have sex is like asking the fat kid to guard the pie. Don't kid yourself. Sorry, but once they're educated on the subject they think twice before having sex. At least, unprotected sex. In any case, I'm not saying teens shouldn't have sex, I'm just saying they need to accept the risks that go with it.
  4. This isn't a debate, at least I think. As far as I know, we're all just throwing around random speculations and gazing outside our windows in wonder. :)
  5. Aliath


    With all due respect I'm surprised you aren't messed up. Most condoms have spermicide that even if it doesn't kill the sperm seriously messes it up, thus messed up kids. Also I'm not sure exactly how birth control pills work but I'm sure it couldn't have helped. That's another reason, it sounds cruel but why force another burden on society, and the parents? I'm perfectly fine. And I doubt that's all true. Could you present a source? I don't know anything about it myself. Who says underage parents are automatically irresponsible? And as I said countless times, adoption exists. I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion, but you should consider that option. As for that bolded statement, that somewhat disturbs me.
  6. Yup. Even small chances of life in our galaxy. :)
  7. Aliath


    1. Not they're not. Birth control is never 100% safe. I was conceived by accident, so to speak. My parents were using condoms and my mother was on the pill. 2. Yes, they should be allowed to. That's why I think the abortion process should be more selective. They shouldn't just let anyone have an abortion for any reason. At least, late-term abortion. I'm just presenting every point. I have strong opinions on both sides of the playing field, so to speak. Except when it comes to late-term abortion.
  8. Easy to say, hard to think about. I'm probably wrong. The Universe probably did start existing at some point. But like, that was probably a very long time ago. Very long time.
  9. Aliath


    1. That's why adoption exists. Sorry, but if you're going to have underage sex or otherwise sex when you're unprepared to raise a child you should accept the risks that come with it. 2. 75 to 85 percent of women who have been raped have chosen not to abort their child. Of the people who do abort their child, only a very small percentage do it because they were raped. 1. I have a girlfriend. We are both underaged. We choose to have safe sex and the condom fails. How are we able to raise a child? 2. [cabbage]. 1. You should know that condoms aren't 100% sure. I'm obviously lying about that second point, huh? Right. Brilliant argument.
  10. Aliath


    1. That's why adoption exists. Sorry, but if you're going to have underage sex or otherwise sex when you're unprepared to raise a child you should accept the risks that come with it. Look, if every single kid that parents didn't want to raise themselves were put into orphanages, they would overflow. Abortion can be seen as one of so many ways to counteract overpopulation, even if it's such a tiny difference. 2. 75 to 85 percent of women who have been raped have chosen not to abort their child. Of the people who do abort their child, only a very small percentage do it because they were raped. Not wanting to sound disrespectful, did you just make that up or do you have some sort of source for this? Yeah, for the first statistic I did my research. As for the percentage of abortions being due to rape, I've heard it on several counts, and often in documentaries/medical television shows, but I can't recall the exact percentage.
  11. The Universe is infinite. There could be hundreds of billions of other planets just like ours, with humans. I'm not saying they're anywhere close, or that we'll ever even comprehend how far they are from us. The Universe is so freaking infinite that there could be hundreds of billions of planets with giant walking, talking bears. I'm not being sarcastic. Seriously, think about it. Umm, I said that there was life. Reread my post. :???: I'm agreeing with you, and expanding on your point. ;) If you think about it if it is that infinite someone on an entirely different planet looking exactly the same as you and in the exact same conditions could be doing the exact same thing right now.......... That's a good point! And in my opinion, it's very probable. :) As for Earth being the beginning of life, that's ridiculous (respectfully)! The Universe is infinite in both time and space, in my opinion. I'm pretty sure there have been cases of life on other planets long before Earth. xD
  12. Aliath


    1. That's why adoption exists. Sorry, but if you're going to have underage sex or otherwise sex when you're unprepared to raise a child you should accept the risks that come with it. 2. 75 to 85 percent of women who have been raped have chosen not to abort their child. Of the people who do abort their child, only a very small percentage do it because they were raped.
  13. The Universe is infinite. There could be hundreds of billions of other planets just like ours, with humans. I'm not saying they're anywhere close, or that we'll ever even comprehend how far they are from us. The Universe is so freaking infinite that there could be hundreds of billions of planets with giant walking, talking bears. I'm not being sarcastic. Seriously, think about it. Umm, I said that there was life. Reread my post. :???: I'm agreeing with you, and expanding on your point. ;)
  14. Probably not. Unless there are sentient life-forms that have reached an era where they can travel faster than light. edit: light, not life. Sorry.
  15. The Universe is infinite. There could be hundreds of billions of other planets just like ours, with humans. I'm not saying they're anywhere close, or that we'll ever even comprehend how far they are from us. The Universe is so freaking infinite that there could be hundreds of billions of planets with giant walking, talking bears. I'm not being sarcastic. Seriously, think about it.
  16. Aliath


    Yeah, so the woman should be allowed to kill a fetus who could otherwise be able to survive outside the woman's body for no good reason? I agree if its because she was raped or something, but most people who have abortions weren't. You do know that sometimes the babies survive, or they simply die slowly and painfully outside the mother. Besides- who are you to say a child would be completely unhappy because he's put for adoption and not adopted? Even if that would be the case, but that's not a reason for him to be killed. :thumbup: I'm glad you agree, but I'd love to see what you have to say. I'm sure you could present some interesting points. :)
  17. Aliath


    in the spirit of "that's none of your business" do you eat meat, think much about the animals and their suffereing? do you think about the future generations you're killing by unsustainable consumption? are you against contraception? why should an innocent child die simply because the mother was raped, what's the child done to deserve death? no, i still think we don't have any moral highground that justifies interfering with other people's lives on issues that are literally matters of life and death. Your point? If a serial rapist argues that murder is wrong, is he wrong himself just because he's not a saint? Besides, I'm not entirely against abortion. I'm just presenting some various points for the sake of the debate. I think its better you have a safe abortion than an unsafe one. What I think is ridiculous are the people who call mothers who have abortions "murderers" and pro-choice people who assume every abortion is the result of a rape, incest, or would otherwise be harmful for the mother to have the baby. Sorry, I misread that post of yours, a_local_guy. I agree with you.
  18. There's definitely life somewhere else in the Universe. But probably not what you imagine. See, it could be a totally different kind of life which adapted itself to conditions immensely different from that of Earth.
  19. Aliath


    Yeah, so the woman should be allowed to kill a fetus who could otherwise be able to survive outside the woman's body for no good reason? I agree if its because she was raped or something, but most people who have abortions weren't. You do know that sometimes the babies survive, or they simply die slowly and painfully outside the mother. Besides- who are you to say a child would be completely unhappy because he's put for adoption and not adopted? Even if that would be the case, but that's not a reason for him to be killed.
  20. Aliath


    I checked the first two pages of the Off-Topic section, and didn't see anything related to this. So, I think the title is self-explanatory; what do you think about this? Now, please, keep this polite even if you feel very strongly about this subject. I believe late-term abortion is wrong, because the fetus is usually viable at that stage. There are even cases of the baby surviving and growing up with serious problems. As for everything else, I'm just undecided.
  21. That link isn't working but I am assuming you posted a Death Star. The Death Star is the most powerful weapon in the Universe! It has no flaws. None. Except for... uh, I mean, yeah, it's like virtually indestructible. Like, 99.999%. I mean, there's this little hole. It was kind of an aesthetic choice by the architect. And if you shoot a lazer in the hole... It... Uh, blows up. I mean, it's not big. It's just like two meters across. And to even get to it you have to skim along this whole trench-- it's not a big deal.

  23. YOU!!!1!!!1!111!!

  24. Blind, remember ninja-pimp? CoD4 was really good to us, sometimes.
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