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Posts posted by Wugmasterx

  1. I try not to use the word noob in an offensive way. I try to say "Newbie" or "Newcomer." Once, when i came fresh from Tutorial Isle, I checked out my quest guide. I noticed the "Dragon Slayer" quest, and I asked someone where i could find the Champions' Guild, and he responded "You noob i could pwn u u cant get into teh champs guild u 2 noobish!" I wrote that down and years later, I finally found out what that meant: "You newcomer i could own you! You can't get into the Champions' Guild; you are to unexperienced!" I hate the word noob; i wasn't bad, i was new! I also hate 1337 speak; it took me 3 whole years to understand that!


    Uh...I hate to break this to you but there's a quote limit, so this can only go so far. But to keep in the spirit of the game.

    "Ketchup is a word"


    Surfin' bird

    Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb... [wtf noises]... aaah!


    Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-p a-pa-pa-

    Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-p a-ooma-mow-mow




    There is a quote limit? Well, then when the quote gets too big, the person will just start a new quote.


    Maybe just hide the quote under hide tags and continue?



    I like the way you think!

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