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Posts posted by sharksman3

  1. title says it all wahts that bandos page 3 worth on street?





    Keep it for now, im 90% sure the streets higher, im not exactly sure what though.


    Try rs forums and look at others posts at what theyre buying/selling for


    EDIT:Also gl on your goal for cash lol :P

  2. Yea i get that stupid thing where kill targ and theyre still targ but never had this :(


    EDIT-@smellysocks, oh no you've only gotten spectrals and arcanes (i believe from pics) damn, id be happy with any 60m free sigil..some of us have spent days at corp and gotten nothing :(

    try 10-15 hrs a day for 6 months for 4 60m sigils + ~700m in other stuff that didn't pan out to 300m after all the supplies were accounted for

    gets a bit aggravating to get a spec/arc after that


    I just have 1 thing to say to that...why would you be playing 10-15 hours aday...?

  3. [hide]

    I dont get this...target hopped worlds and ran to deep wildy so i followed, he teleported with ruins and goes to bank, he then runs out and i see him talking to another guy wearing rune armour and says "hey wanna dds dm?".

    By this point im thinking he forgot all about me but the guy says they're targets. After that "our" targ runs to bank and my arrows been flashing there for about 15 minutes. I'm wondering wtf is going and go check. Theres an arrows pointing to the spot that..hes not at...? Also it now says when i get to the bank i have no targ...


    So i decide to hop back to my original world and see wtf is going on and guess what..I lose my damn targ?




    I don't get runescape at times...(runes in invent where for when running after him incase i got piled due to it being multi at times)


    That's what happened to me once. I fight my targ and I kill him but I don't get targ loot. In fact, I get basically nothing; just things you would get for getting a rogue kill on someone who didn't risk. So I bank and come back out in the wildy, waiting for my targ. After 4 mins I go find my targ and I see him eping at lvl 1. I attack him and he eats and tells me to gtfo. He banks and heads over to the wildy vol or clan wars.


    I call a friend over to help me out. He come back to edgy lvl 1 and I attack him again. He tells me we're not targs anymore even though my arrow was pointing right at him. I explain I didn't get anything from dropping him and we're still targs. He says no and to leave him alone. He banks and I go to lvl 5 wildy west. I wait 5 mins and go to find him. When I got there, my arrow was pointing at the ground where he used to be, and my targ is no where to be seen.


    So one of my friends tells me to log and relog. I do it, and my targ bar is still full and says targ is away. So I wait 10 mins and get a new targ. Sorry you were unlucky and lost your targ.


    TL;DR - Jagex be glitching.



    Yea i get that stupid thing where kill targ and theyre still targ but never had this :(


    EDIT-@smellysocks, oh no you've only gotten spectrals and arcanes (i believe from pics) damn, id be happy with any 60m free sigil..some of us have spent days at corp and gotten nothing :(


    I've spent around 2 months there, just not consecutively, my 09 summer was actually spent there :P plus a day with a pro team is worth about 4-5 days in a lure to entrance and wait 15 minute team :oops:



    Lol id still be happy with any sigil though. Think im at like 10 elixers and 100 shields :sad:

  4. [hide]

    I dont get this...target hopped worlds and ran to deep wildy so i followed, he teleported with ruins and goes to bank, he then runs out and i see him talking to another guy wearing rune armour and says "hey wanna dds dm?".

    By this point im thinking he forgot all about me but the guy says they're targets. After that "our" targ runs to bank and my arrows been flashing there for about 15 minutes. I'm wondering wtf is going and go check. Theres an arrows pointing to the spot that..hes not at...? Also it now says when i get to the bank i have no targ...


    So i decide to hop back to my original world and see wtf is going on and guess what..I lose my damn targ?




    I don't get runescape at times...(runes in invent where for when running after him incase i got piled due to it being multi at times)


    That's what happened to me once. I fight my targ and I kill him but I don't get targ loot. In fact, I get basically nothing; just things you would get for getting a rogue kill on someone who didn't risk. So I bank and come back out in the wildy, waiting for my targ. After 4 mins I go find my targ and I see him eping at lvl 1. I attack him and he eats and tells me to gtfo. He banks and heads over to the wildy vol or clan wars.


    I call a friend over to help me out. He come back to edgy lvl 1 and I attack him again. He tells me we're not targs anymore even though my arrow was pointing right at him. I explain I didn't get anything from dropping him and we're still targs. He says no and to leave him alone. He banks and I go to lvl 5 wildy west. I wait 5 mins and go to find him. When I got there, my arrow was pointing at the ground where he used to be, and my targ is no where to be seen.


    So one of my friends tells me to log and relog. I do it, and my targ bar is still full and says targ is away. So I wait 10 mins and get a new targ. Sorry you were unlucky and lost your targ.


    TL;DR - Jagex be glitching.



    Yea i get that stupid thing where kill targ and theyre still targ but never had this :(


    EDIT-@smellysocks, oh no you've only gotten spectrals and arcanes (i believe from pics) damn, id be happy with any 60m free sigil..some of us have spent days at corp and gotten nothing :(

  5. I dont get this...target hopped worlds and ran to deep wildy so i followed, he teleported with ruins and goes to bank, he then runs out and i see him talking to another guy wearing rune armour and says "hey wanna dds dm?".

    By this point im thinking he forgot all about me but the guy says they're targets. After that "our" targ runs to bank and my arrows been flashing there for about 15 minutes. I'm wondering wtf is going and go check. Theres an arrows pointing to the spot that..hes not at...? Also it now says when i get to the bank i have no targ...


    So i decide to hop back to my original world and see wtf is going on and guess what..I lose my damn targ?




    I don't get runescape at times...(runes in invent where for when running after him incase i got piled due to it being multi at times)

  6. 100828004900.png



    .................5th or 6th teleport scroll clue in a row i beleive...


    + on a good note got void back. Though it took me quite awhile due to annoying people having scouters and charge and chastise just so that they can make me spend 45 minutes everyother game ending turns until they realised who the hell they where dealing with and accepted i wont back the [bleep] down....


    wew outta breath

  7. So this means that i have been saving my charms for the next bonus weekend to hopefully get 96 and ive been wasting my time huh...


    Why does jagex feel the need to piss us the [bleep] off god dammit


    They said a while back on the forums that summ probably would not be included in the next bonus weekend. Still the extra 10% is something.


    With the time limit and crap id rather do something else than get a 10% boost, id easily rather get 95 prayer, barrage lobs for 99 magic or something.


    I just don't see why they have to do crap like this.

  8. Decided to goto DKs for the first time in awhile..turned out to be way worth it :D


    while trying to find a person to open door i found a guy who wanted to duo






    :D he left and i decided to solo 2-3 kills, last kill got me my 1st solo zerk ring :)


    We're going again so i hope turns out good again




    LOL we decided to lootshare next instead coinshare, after like 3 kills



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