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Posts posted by salamander






    2. Ben and Tim are good friends. They often challenge each other to mental and physical challenges.


    One day, Ben challenges Tim to a task. Tim can start it, he can try all his life, but he can never fully achieve it. Most full grown men can do it.


    What was this challenge, and why could Tim never fully achieve it?


    Feel free to ask questions.


    Clue1: nothing to do with reproduction, boys! *cough*


    Clue2. He could not do it because of a phsyical unusualality.


    Clue3: It is a normal thing most people enjoy doing.




    Clue5. This is something you can do artificially, or naturally. It is not reproduction.





    Is it that Tim is an albino, and therefore cannot get a tan?

  2. Well today is my birthday and I plan on holding a drop party:)


    It will probably be f2p so good news!


    Not sure where though,probably a hidden place. Iwill tell you later though, expect some noob items to some rune items.






    Where: w 91


    When: 8:00 EST


    Date: today, or tomorow if i have to cancel, probably wont cancel though




    World 91 is member's only.




    I won't be able to come - too late in my timezone, but have fun :wink:

  3. Plus the date with Barrett was fun :P




    You dated Barrett?


    I thought you could only date Tifa, Aeris or Yuffie :oops:




    On topic: I have to say, I liked seven the most. It just, drags me back into it every few months. Plus, I love trying to kill emerald weapon at the lowest level I can :P . I've only played five, seven, eight and nine so far though.

    • [*:3l8b2ee8] Get a potato, and cook it
      [*:3l8b2ee8]Use pat of butter with potato (butter can be got from churning milk)
      [*:3l8b2ee8]Get a bowl, a knife, a cooked tuna, and a cooked sweetcorn
      [*:3l8b2ee8]With the knife and bowl in your inventory, use the sweetcorn with the bowl
      [*:3l8b2ee8]Use the tuna with the bowl
      [*:3l8b2ee8]Use the topping with the potato and butter.




    I think that's it, from what I can remember


    I'm looking forward to the minigame with the teams vs NPC's, I just hope it won't die down like the shade temple has (only a couple of worlds active on peak times, outsides peak times none :shock: ). I'm hoping for mixed tasks so any combat lvl can help out, even quietly hoping for some boss to stop you/your team from destroying the mentioned "evil gate" that would require a couple lvl 90+/100+ people to take down. Probably not going to happen but hey, one can still dream.







    Even better, the game difficulty automatically scales itself to match the number and level of players involved.

  5. Well, I don't know you, but good luck and have fun in real life. I'm sure you will though :wink:






    Anyway, the only reason I would come is because of that dark cavalier - I love them so much.




    My runescape name is spams. If you do come back, drop me a pm, I'll be happy to give you some starting stuff to get you back on your feet.






    Remember, stay away from fast cars, fast food, and fast women. :wink:

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