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Posts posted by naruto12483

  1. To be honest, dc's killed us off. But i did notice, unless my eyes were deceiving me that the picture that Jules put up wasn't the only time that you guys went outta bounds, but in the context of the war it wouldn't of made much difference at all. I watched it all from the sidelines, and yes Niall was inside the boundaries.


    And i think the sniper cap was 4, not 20%. But neither clan broke that rule ;)



    We only have 1 person go out of bounds, and only 1 person was complained about early on, you guys had 1 person go out of bounds too.

    Unless you have a PICTURE of more than just 009 Leo Sk or a video or ANY sort of proof to that claim, you can stop using false support to justify a fight you think you won but you didn't.

    Don't make a Claim without Proof, that's how Tip.It and RSC works, "NO PIC NO PROOF", it's a pretty common rule.

    I really do think your "eyes are deceiving you".


    Your more than silly mate, <3:

    [spoiler=RE's DC][17:57:06] * Now talking in #relites

    [17:57:06] * Topic is 'xXxXxX Welcome to #Relites If you want to visit Runescape Elites offical IRC channel type this: /Server -m irc.seersirc.net and then if you have connected type /join #Relites. Our forums can be found at www.Runescape-Elites.com XxXxXx'

    [17:57:12] <Vannaka> Hell of a Fight, :D

    [17:58:31] <%Ssiidd> !clan Vannaka&

    [18:00:42] <%Niall> hi Vannaka

    [18:00:47] <%Niall> we had like 2 dcs :(

    [18:00:52] <Vannaka> Hey

    [18:00:58] <Vannaka> Aww

    [18:01:00] <%Niall> well 1 confirmed dc

    [18:01:07] <%Niall> the other we dont know if it was dc or ko

    [18:01:12] <%Niall> they wont admit it XD

    [18:01:28] <Vannaka> lol

    [18:01:39] <Vannaka> Hell of a Fight though



    [spoiler=SE's DC][16:22:12] <Vannaka|War> did you DC yesterday

    [16:22:14] <Vannaka|War> or get KO'd

    [16:22:17] <Ruhul> dc

    [16:22:19] <Ruhul> :\

    [16:22:20] <Vannaka|War> oh ok



    Both sides had 1 CONFIRMED DC. You can stop saying "DC's" as it's more than 2 or something cause that's not what RE said.


    Little light to your Knowledge,

    1. We Warred on w118, a GMT(Sweden) world, picked by RE. - SE had no problem warring on this world, the DC on both sides was Unlucky.

    2. We we're Outlevel'd quite a lot.

    3. RE used trees in SouthWest corner and we had no idea/NEVER used those tree's as bounds before in any of our ~55 Fights or so, so they had that advantage as well.

    4. It was kill for kill for practicly the whole fight, until the end and was about 1 hour and 10 minutes.


    If you wanna keep going then fine by me, go ahead, but your only damaging RE's honorable image and excellent reputation at Matched Wars by trolling.



    It was a great fight, but even with an even number of dis-advantages from both sides, SE won fair & square.



    ur my hero

  2. GJ. We were winning at the start but some (about 3?) DC's lost it for us, which is crucial with these numbers. Managed to stay in the fight for the majority of the fight though, but lost it at the end unfortunately. Wasn't really fond of one of your guys running out of bounds in spite of it being an accident. Grats on your win, you fought very well in spite of being very outleveld.




    Sorry about that, it was an accident, he even said sorry. :)


    One of your guys ran out of bounds too :P but it's alright.



  3. 2mcit68.png




    Singapore Elitez + Random Friends




    we got bored 1 night and got a fight for 30minute prep. We alloed them to bring friends so the war would be more exciting.


    Binds + Melle only

    RIngs on

    Corr off


    CWA Classic arena</span>






    ^FA's and a clear starting of Numbers 44-41





    The war first started with us planned on attacking, we picked a 126 in there pile to pile first but at the same time there FI leader rushed our meatshield Lordaron8. Then the war started with us doing great transitions and getting many K0s.




    Our anti snipers were amazing, keeping the snipers containted. We transitioned on snipers many times which kept our pile clean and was able to bind freely most of the time without any Snipes.






    At the time it was 32-20ish, we were just wrecking them so hard that they lost all there organization and was gave the tankers easy tanks and gave us free transitions.




    ]When the war was practicly over we just had some fun spams.







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