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Posts posted by machamp195

  1. good job 2 clans and 1 team to succesfully crashing 1 fight


    BTW crashing fights are allowed to be post here? btw gratz on the post good job d0 + tpr + randoms!


    lmfao what a fake topic, df and t0 crashed our fight


    you crash and you post a topic? how come when we hopped,you hopped to our world to crash us again?


    It's funny how df and t0 can't war in pvp, all they do is crash other clans


    T0 wasn't there, are you both stupid?


    And for your information, we've warred Gladz and gone on many more trips than what DV has. Please find proof that we crashed you, because we were about to hop when you rushed us and piled Everton, who tanked you guys from East Tree to Mossies LOL. Talking about free rune in 1 of your pics, you didn't get any free rune from us lol, whereas we feasted. So thanks for rushing us and initiating a fight, and thanks for the rune.


    your dumb , you just said that t0 didn't crash when you was there with some other t0 mems


    oh wait i forgot that you can't pk without your bf's downfall and tpr =/

  2. If DV attacked them first, then it's a valid topic if they won. If they attacked the AC first then it's crashing and with proof it would be locked. As there is no proof that they attacked first (if there is send it to me) then this topic will remain open as it cannot be proven they were crashing. I've been in plenty of fights where clans will come up see a fight and leave, that's not crashing. If the AC attacks them, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't fight back unless they were already attacking the warring clans or AC.


    what do you accept?they knew we had a planned fight so they massed to crash our fight

  3. gratz on win thought u meant other df for a second!


    df did well to get u down that far with soo many less gj both


    So many less? 7ppl? :D Yea...


    And they killed our 15 ppl with 41, so its still good job?

    I was suprised they were ko'ing piles with 25 people, so yes i think they did a great job.


    expected, nice win df :thumbup:

    You seem very lost.



    Exactly =D>


    i ment lf, my bad lolz

  4. gratz on win thought u meant other df for a second!


    df did well to get u down that far with soo many less gj both


    So many less? 7ppl? :D Yea...


    And they killed our 15 ppl with 41, so its still good job?

    I was suprised they were ko'ing piles with 25 people, so yes i think they did a great job.


    expected, nice win df :thumbup:

    You seem very lost.



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