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Posts posted by polyvoree

  1. If only your clan was like you Pieter it will actually have some respect. Might want to talk to Karma4life btw for threatening DW to ddos them.


    You just dont know Legendz very well.. You assume things because of what others say, perhaps if you knew what ACTUALLY happened, maybe then everyone will stop taking sides, pieter said it, I'll say it again, NO PIC NO PROOF, no reason for you to troll Legendz, your making yourself look bad, this topic is just a huge flamebait towards Legendz.


    Perhaps if you told our leads, this would've all been sorted.


    If 1 member does something wrong, don't hate the whole clan. We actually have nothing against you, but clearly you have something against us.. Send us names / pictures of who threatened to DDOS you, it's as if you exaggerated everything to something huge, making up as if LGZ flame you etc.


    And for people who are posting, at least think, you haven't seen any pictures, so what makes you think we would want to DDOS Dw, with no particular reason?


    Pieter said everything that needed to be said, missed you pie <3:



    Tbh, this had no reason to be posted in the first place.Huge Immaturity IMO.

  2. You won because you outpulled us, good job on that, and nice win.


    Clean fight, Hope to war you guys again very soon. Good luck in forthcoming matches.

    you guys were insisting on a cap of 20 man pull when negotiating =/

    Yeah someone got the time wrong on the forums and clan chat (Not naming anybody)



    But that's no excuse, you guys still did well. Next time we'll do matched ;)


    Congrats anyway.



    @ Kuru, yeah, we did used to rely on numbers, but I'm saying that they won because the pulled more, that was their advantage..

    In the rematch, it was matched, range off. and we won..


    But still, Good job.

  3. Is this even really necessary? This is exactly why Downfall doesn't mass declare on TWR anymore, clans are so [cabbage] point hungry that they need to keep this [cabbage] going. It's sickening tbh, a loss is a loss learn from it and move on. The funniest thing is back when Downfall was younger we complained about Legendz attacking first and Legendz even said it was no biggie, now they use that against PH. I say well done PH and congratulations. The topic should be finished as Ninane made the ruling and it shouldn't have to be carried on any further. This is why the older TWR clans are moving on to wars outside of TWR, no one wants to deal with this 10 page [cabbage]. Take the loss and move on PH outperformed. I realize that you are all probably upset because A B K B 2 4 tanked for 30 minutes and that's why PH won, but really just let it go and learn from it and move on. There is nothing more annoying than having to go through 10 pages of nothing.


    200 points isn't that big of a deal. You lost the war, we've all seen that. Just because some mods declare it a win for you doesn't cover up the fact that you legitimately lost the actual war.


    I find this interesting though as Legendz laughed at us for making up "excuses" during our wars, and I quote from one of your members. " I left Downfall because they can't take a loss they always make up excuses."


    Now I ask that member as they know who they are.... take a look where you ended up, is it any better?


    Congratulations PH, take the loss Legendz, they're just points.


  4. 1) ML wasnt updated with name changes when you rage !clan'ed everyone.

    2) Your leader ran at us and a bind was sent out from your fall in - signifying you were atking. Im sorry that your fall in leader got binded and was unable to move when you rushed, but thats part of the tactic.

    3) There was no sniper cap, sir tried to set one up like 30 minutes before, i told them it was too late to set one up, so yeah.


    Basically all i see is that LGZ talked a bunch of garbage, and then got dominated instead, and are now whining over it. Take the loss, you should be having more losses coming up as it is so just get used to it.


    You lost because you failed to use anything other than meele. You got dragged, you got tanked, you got 1 shotted. Raging all over this topic will get you no where, and i suggest you go focus on bettering your clan.


    Could you tell the members who got a name change to take a screen shot of the page "Change Display name", to see when they can change their name, and then take away 1 month.


    And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a bind an attack? That's not a tactic that's cheating, why do you think we don't do it.. So, you just proved that you did attack first, because we ran at you BUT we did NOT attack you. Sir dricula :thumbsup: has also posted a screenshot of you attacking first, so I suggest you reply to his post before any one else's to explain all these Rule-breaks.


    Bolded to show your ignorance.

    Ill say it one more time.

    YOU rushed us, YOU threw a bind WHILE rushing us. You just said a bind is an attack as well. THIS means that you were ATKING first just like the rules said. We binded your FI leader, stopped that meatshield from moving, and its a shame that you guys didnt do anything and just stayed in fi, and just absolutely smacked lgz into another race.


    And im not wasting my members time just so you could rage less. You should just close the window if you wanna rage less.


    Ive already countered all your garbage, its pointless to keep saying it over and over again, calm down, and move on. You have more wars to lose.


    Not gonna bother posting anymore, If you still dont think we wouldve won, We beat bk yesterday, heavily outleveled.


    Going to say this one last time, so it can get past your ego:

    There is no way you would have won this war, if it were matched, 41 vs 41, you still would have lost, if not destroyed.

    And to the Tip.it Staff, Your welcome for the controversy. Its only helping you guys with promoting the site and TWR. <3:

    In the image, we were following Aureli4nus, he was the one getting piled. And I can't see a single splat of damage on any member in PH, As I stated before, we ran towards you BUT we did NOT attack you, the reason for that is because we called one pile, however, before any of us attacked we called another pile. So, you were first to attack, don't argue against it, you have no proof that we ATTACKED you.


    And could you please explain to us why there were 5+ members not ranked in your memberlist, 13 minutes before the war.


    Wow Lmfao, I thought you were Karanbest at first, my bad Man I'll edit it, Sorry about that truly :thumbup:




    See Orange Arrow pointing to your Ranger? Or the first blue arrow next to the red One?

    2 people attacking at the same time our pile does, look at the rangers back of our Pile.

    You don't see any Arrows flying yet but you see Bows strung backwards to hit someone on Both Sides.


    Man "ATTACK" physically and showing a Bow ready to fire, is basically the same thing, what kinda Technicality really.


    And no, YOU explain the 5+ members that YOU(=LGZ) said we had that weren't supposed to be there.


    Think I'm gonna go to page 4 and 5 of this Topic? That's Horrific and Gross too many Quotes man.


    Last post because the mods will probably come up with a decision, but:


    You were already attacking us, we hadn't hit you once and one member from our team was already tanking. WHY? Because you attacked first, we hit you AFTER you attacked. LIKE I SAID, there was not a single splat of damage on ANY PH member. No, not "Technically", you literally Attacked us, we "technically" attacking you isn't the same thing.


    Majority of us were following our fall-in lead, who of course you were piling. All of ph (Except one running off to somewhere else) Were attacking two people from our team (2 piles), and you can all clearly see that. But, you had to point out, only TWO members about to attack you. So yes, You attacked first.


    :EDIT: Dric posted the pics.

  5. Attacking First:


    If you guys knew it was blatan obvious that we Attacked First, then you would have left portal for sure.

    Just like in this DV vs LGZ war here, http://forum.tip.it/topic/255793-twrdivine-vindicators-defeat-legendz/page__view__findpost__p__4061647


    Even you guys can admit you attacked in literally the same second as us - so there is no guilt/rule-break on that really.


    Read the Box to the left, accordingly of the picture we attacked first in: http://img695.imageshack.us/i/20100510154916.png/


    [spoiler=STDracula's Post]

    Things to note;


    - north attacks means we attack when we spawn north, i know its a new concept to grasp for you guys but you gotta try- its not like bh stairs where you go run up and down whenever you want


    Our wars are usually on Classic so we aren't used to turrets, and you did attack first so what's the problem? Were we meant to wait south and not come to the centre?


    - also try to add all the randomers/mass recruits you get on your ml atleast after the war if not before it, so that we don't have our guys pming mods like now


    Our memberlist is made up of everyone who has applied via our forums. We turned away 4 or 5 people who weren't on the memberlist and stuck to all the agreed rules, so I have no idea what your talking about.


    - a 4 sniper cap means you can only have 4 snipers max at all times, try to be organized enough to have your snipers set out next time


    The maximum people I saw sniping during this fight was 3


    Of course all of the above is up to your discretion to follow or not, but it helps if you follow them so you don't resemble a rubbish clan/team/cc.


    We did follow them thanks for the fight



    ^ you attacked first.



    ^ more then 3 sniper btw i know that wasn't ur main pile because ur video at 0:25 shows that u were piling someone else. unless u have 2 seperate piles...



    ^ someone from ph just said "Just joined"



    ^ Pics of some of them in war.



    Nope don't think you follow them.


    Got some explaining to do and Expected.


    Should have done what Hp did... not to accept this war or declare


    edit: Looks like i just accidentally started a 10 page topic... bummer



    This is from page 3 from my post... All ph member have avoided this post so far. Sorry vann, but it clearly shows u attacked first, and i can tell u it is not just one or 2 people. I have pics before u update ur ml, i have pics after u update ur ml, i have more pics about your ml after the wars... So what do u have to say about that? Btw i m not bluffing... i have so many pics, i can easily turn this topic into a wonderful 15 page + which i really don't want to do. And from them, even if there is name change i can easily say there is at least 5 + people that you just randomly added... btw, name change before the wars + without changing ur fi lead names is kind of werid. What infinitone said is truth.





    [spoiler=Pieter00777's Post]

    Well I was planning to PM a Clan Moderator about this issue and told my members to not make this post a 10+ page topic but since people from other clans already started bringing up evidence than it's already a lost cause in hoping this topic wouldn't reach it.


    Nevertheless I do not see why officials/members(/others) from PH claim we're actually "crying/whining" about our loss, please if anyone cares to elaborate that with me, it'd be appreciated because we're simply not...


    The ONLY thing we're trying to make clear is that you guys broke multiple rules such as; having people not on the memberlist or whether people on another TWR memberlist (as stated earlier; TK and Exer) AND the fact you attacked us first WITH two different piles (like you admitted) WHILE our warlord contacted you 20 minutes before the war and agreed on a sniper cap with one of your officials.


    Wee Man you're terribly wrong when you say that in every circumstance only the rules of the declaration topic count, they CAN be changed when officials from both sides agreed to a change before the war has taken place, such as a sniper cap like we did with an official from your side, yet you broke it.


    Although this says more about PH when they decide to send 20 people (litterally words taken over from someone of PH in this topic) on our "meatshield" and the rest of you was on your "main pile" on LGZ Rangerr as you can see on the screenshot below (which also truly shows that you guys clearly attacked us first).


    And even though Vannaka claims that's false, YET we can see him spamming his own name/date in purple (as usual) while attacking first.


    And Legendz did attack first, who are you kidding lol.


    You tell me Vannaka;




    Also the fact that you added 8 people straight before the war is kind of saying that you just closed the clan chat and added all the people in it (and on your memberlist) after your PK trip, others warned us about this a bit before the war, basically that's also why we checked your memberlist and took those pictures, as you can see here;



    NOTE: As you can see on the clock of the picture above, it's 13 minutes untill our war.


    "Get real please?" ~ Vannaka if you wouldn't had those multiclanners as in TWR terms AND the people not just randomly added before the war then it'd be even almost matched.




    To prove the fact PH is really multiclanning;


    - They have their OWN LEADER (Hellboysjd2, current RSN is 'Ph_Ph_Ph_Phh') and OWN HIGH COUNCIL (Ultimair) multiclanning in Exer, I didn't even had to look that long before I recognized these two.






    - Another multiclanner that was easilly to recognize out of PH's pile (especially when you can see him flaming afterwards);




    After these 3 I didn't even bother to look for more since it's already pretty obvious you guys have no problems with multiclanning since your own officials do it...



    1) ML wasnt updated with name changes when you rage !clan'ed everyone.

    2) Your leader ran at us and a bind was sent out from your fall in - signifying you were atking. Im sorry that your fall in leader got binded and was unable to move when you rushed, but thats part of the tactic.

    3) There was no sniper cap, sir tried to set one up like 30 minutes before, i told them it was too late to set one up, so yeah.


    Basically all i see is that LGZ talked a bunch of garbage, and then got dominated instead, and are now whining over it. Take the loss, you should be having more losses coming up as it is so just get used to it.


    Only time i'd cry is when i have tk/exer/randoms in my pull and still only pull 50. Sit down, your own leaders can't say anything i suggest you do the same and accept the fact that your nothing but an open cc.


    And for the ph leaders, i got a tip you've been doing a bit of laundry on your memberlist, good to see it through next time also remember to lock the warring cc.


    Lay down. Your accusations are coming from pure anger and are in no way fact. Lock the cc? It was locked, lol.


    The ML had name changes that we had dealt with, with both our app managers being busy with exams and whatnot, And since we saw you starting to rage over it, Someone decided to update it in theyre place long after the war happened.


    Most importantly, you would have lost this war, no matter what. You just arent better. Im sorry I have to be so serious, but you dont seem to get that with your ego getting the best of you. You can lie to your members to make them feel good, but in the end they're just going to realize it for themselves.


    Wait a min... your right. First of all why are you soo serious? Infintone mad? LOL, he anit mad bro he is laughing his butt off because how TWR mods can;t see the muilty clanning infront of them.


    Second, LGZ never said they didn't perform bad, they are giving out facts of what's going on in the war and outside of it.


    Third, who fault is it that PH staffs didn't update youalls ML causeing confusion to both TWR and LGZ.


    Fourth, who are you to say/judge whether LGZ will win/lose their future wars or whatnot? You don't know about this clan and what they been through and your here stateing your own oponions about them?


    LGZ anit crying that they lost this war, the been in TWR longer than most clans here, they know what's up and down. You guys on the other hand can't handle your own member list correctly and disrespecting LGZ for their facts. Take a look at how many you guys had in the war compare to how many LGZ had and it was Knock-Out war so with that number advantage ofcourse it was clear who had the upper hand.


    You won the war we all can see that. As for if it was only PH members we all have our oponions.


    But don't come in here and downplay a clan which many of us respect and you don't just because they are stateing out the truth about this war they had with you guys.


    PS. reason they binded youall Fall-in was because they wanted take pic of the starting PH members which was something PH should have done but there are no pics to prove it.


    Quoted King Yufei's last post since that's basically saying enough already.



    Also if you're not capable/willing to follow TWR rules then please don't even plan on warring because honestly this just gives huge/annoying discussions and it'll will make everyone waste his/her time in reading/discussing/moderating this topic...


    The things I and others mentioned are simply something you should keep in mind regarding your future TWR wars because obviously you'll get more trouble by ignoring these rules and the lack of respect in general, try reading them again.




    Umm Pieter, See my Reasonings above to your 8+ members and we attacked first Statements.


    Infinitone your a funny guy, with the open CC bait you said - at least PH wasn't originally mass recruited by auto-typer's in 141 Clan Wars :unsure: :wall: :-w :unsure:



    PH obviously would of won no matter what, but rules are rules and they are there to be followed, especially here in TWR. Only one thing I haven't seen yet, do Lgz have any proof/logs of PH officials accepting the the sniper cap? That would be really nice to see unless you already pm'd a mod about it. I would suggest a rm even though PH will still lose points due to them having EXER members. PH and Exer are both in TWR, might want to handle with that PH before warring next time :/




    If sniper cap rule was set shortly before the war, that of course changed the rules I'd think cause it's supposed to be the Rules from the Declaration Topic.


    No sniper cap decided in there for the record.


    I'm not a mod but I wouldn't mind a PM picture of Sniper Cap Rule Implemented, if you could <3:


    In the image, we were following Aureli4nus, he was the one getting piled. And I can't see a single splat of damage on any member in PH, As I stated before, we ran towards you BUT we did NOT attack you, the reason for that is because we called one pile, however, before any of us attacked we called another pile. So, you were first to attack, don't argue against it, you have no proof that we ATTACKED you. You made more than 5 hits on our fall-in lead, before we had a chance to attack.


    And could you please explain to us why there were 5+ members not ranked in your memberlist, 13 minutes before the war.

  6. 1) ML wasnt updated with name changes when you rage !clan'ed everyone.

    2) Your leader ran at us and a bind was sent out from your fall in - signifying you were atking. Im sorry that your fall in leader got binded and was unable to move when you rushed, but thats part of the tactic.

    3) There was no sniper cap, sir tried to set one up like 30 minutes before, i told them it was too late to set one up, so yeah.


    Basically all i see is that LGZ talked a bunch of garbage, and then got dominated instead, and are now whining over it. Take the loss, you should be having more losses coming up as it is so just get used to it.


    You lost because you failed to use anything other than meele. You got dragged, you got tanked, you got 1 shotted. Raging all over this topic will get you no where, and i suggest you go focus on bettering your clan.


    Could you tell the members who got a name change to take a screen shot of the page "Change Display name", to see when they can change their name, and then take away 1 month.


    And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a bind an attack? That's not a tactic that's cheating, why do you think we don't do it.. So, you just proved that you did attack first, because we ran at you BUT we did NOT attack you. Sir dricula :thumbsup: has also posted a screenshot of you attacking first, so I suggest you reply to his post before any one else's to explain all these Rule-breaks.

  7. (17:00:54) <@^Jeroen> !clan i am legit

    (17:00:55) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: I Am Legit was not found in the RSHSC.


    It's I Em Legit not I Am Legit

    (16:35:58) <@Wee_Man_1311> .clan i em legit

    (16:36:00) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: I Em Legit is in clan: Pure Hatred ( URL: http://pure-hatred.com )



    (17:02:52) <@^Jeroen> !clan a b k k 24

    (17:02:53) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: A B K K 24 was not found in the RSHSC.


    It's A B K B 24 not A B K K 24

    (16:36:43) <@Wee_Man_1311> .clan a b k b 24

    (16:36:44) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: A B K B 24 is in 10 clans. | First 10 Clans: Elite Kings, Fighting Dynasty, Flip Flops FULL, Pure Hatred, Team Arch Angelz, Team Kong, Tempted Killers, Tika Unit, Top Cwa Tanks, True Brothaz | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=A%A0B%A0K%A0B%A024



    (17:03:41) <@^Jeroen> !clan i pk noobx

    (17:03:42) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: I Pk Noobx was not found in the RSHSC.


    It's i pk noobsx not I pk noobx

    (16:37:27) <@Wee_Man_1311> .clan i pk noobsx

    (16:37:28) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: I Pk Noobsx is in clan: Pure Hatred




    (17:06:34) <@^Jeroen> !clan ph ph ph phh

    (17:06:35) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Ph Ph Ph Phh was not found in the RSHSC.


    ph ph ph phh previous name name is Hellboysjd2

    (16:39:30) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Hellboysjd2 is in 3 clans. | Clans: Pure Hatred, Soulfire list1, Waffle Unit | URL: http://runehead.com/clans



    (17:18:30) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: L E G A N is in 3 clans. | Clans: pure hatred retired member list, Team Fat, The Rejects | URL: http://runehead.com/...A0E%A0G%A0A%A0N


    L E G A N was in the clan chat but was told not to attend the war since he was on the Retired ML and not the Main one. Provide me proof he was actually at the war and not just in the CC.


    (17:19:43) <@^Jeroen> !clan irwln

    (17:19:44) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Irwln was not found in the RSHSC.


    It's irvln not irwln

    (16:43:11) <@Wee_Man_1311> .clan irvln

    (16:43:11) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Irvln is in clan: Pure Hatred ( URL: http://pure-hatred.com )


    (17:17:37) <@^Jeroen> !clan ph p h p h

    (17:17:38) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Ph P H P H was not found in the RSHSC.


    Previous name Megarg p

    (16:50:27) <@Wee_Man_1311> .clan megarg p

    (16:50:28) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Megarg P is in 2 clans. | Clans: Pure Hatred, Runescape Argentina


    (17:22:18) <@^Jeroen> !clan mechwolf

    (17:22:19) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Mechwolf was not found in the RSHSC


    Previous name Mechwolf101

    (16:54:55) <@Wee_Man_1311> .clan mechwolf101

    (16:54:56) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Mechwolf101 is in clan: Pure Hatred


    (17:02:42) <@^Jeroen> !clan darklitezero

    (17:02:43) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Darklitezero was not found in the RSHSC.


    Previous name Ph dipset ph

    (16:57:18) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Ph Dipset Ph is in clan: pure hatred retired member list ( URL: http://www.pure-hatred.com ) < That's 1 person so far who should not of been there.


    (17:02:31) <@^Jeroen> !clan wee man 3311

    (17:02:31) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Wee Man 3311 was not found in the RSHSC.


    He's one person I can say shouldn't of been there, that's 2 so far.


    (17:01:45) <@^Jeroen> !clan icybarrages

    (17:01:47) -[WQ]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Icybarrages was not found in the RSHSC


    Previous name cdba pker

    (17:11:56) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Cdba Pker is in clan: Pure Hatred ( URL: http://pure-hatred.com )


    So out of all the names your gave only 2 were not allowed to be at the war, do you think those two people affected those results in the slightest?


    Just thought i'd add this in for kicks


    Ok so this is what we have.


    - Full out

    - Turrets

    - Melee+range+binds

    - Corrupt not allowed

    - North attacks

    - Explorer Rings allowed

    - Saturuday May 8nd, 2010

    - Time: 3 PM EST

    - w33


    Correct me if im wrong.

    otherwise, Accepted.


    Accepted, see you there and good luck! :thumbup:


    There was no sniper cap, sorry.


    In response to the image of our ML with level 3's those were mistakes due to name changes and after the names were changed their highscores weren't updated. We had our main app managers quit recently so we had an inexperienced one dealing with the memberlist, sorry for the confusion.


    Why are most the names different each time..? I've made the letters which are different, bold, and bigger, just to make it easier to read...


    With the link you've shown, Hellsboy is NOT in ph.

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